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Installing the software


The directory containing the present is the root of the Flow-IPC meta-project. It is most typically bundled as one thing, with all necessary (ipc_* and flow) sub-projects included as subdirectories. The build/installation procedure will take care of everything for you (not including the handful of third-party prerequisites like Boost which will need to be installed separately; instructions below).

We do assume you've grabbed everything per README: Obtaining the source code.


An exported Flow-IPC consists of C++ header files installed under "ipc/..." and "flow/..." in the include-root; and libraries such as libflow.a and lipipc_*.a (as of this writing 5 of the latter). Certain items are also exported for people who use CMake to build their own projects; we make it particularly easy to use Flow and Flow-IPC proper in that case (find_package(Flow), find_package(IpcCore), find_package(IpcTransportStructured), find_package(IpcSession), find_package(IpcShm), and find_package(IpcShmArenaLend)). Lastly documentation is included in the source tree for local perusal (for Flow and the totality of Flow-IPC proper, separately; so 2 sets of docs); and can be optionally re-generated from local source (more on that below).

The basic prerequisites for building the above:

  • Linux;
  • a C++ compiler with C++ 17 support;
  • Boost headers (plus certain libraries) install;
  • {fmt} install;
  • CMake;
  • Cap'n Proto (a/k/a capnp);
  • jemalloc;
  • (optional, only if running unit tests) GoogleTest;
  • (optional, only if generating docs) Doxygen and Graphviz.

Note regarding capnp and jemalloc: At this time, capnp and jemalloc are indeed required to build the meta-project Flow-IPC. That said, in actuality, jemalloc is really needed only if one wishes to use ipc_shm_arena_lend (a/k/a SHM-jemalloc feature); this feature is (if we do say so ourselves) impressive, but it is optional; in many cases one could use ipc_shm only, with almost no code changes and adequate (in some ways superior; there is a trade-off) functionality. As for capnp: if one uses only flow and ipc_core, then capnp is also optional. That said, working with structured non-native data, sessions, and SHM are very much key features; ipc_core will supply low-level un-structured IPC only and without SHM support (because internally capnp is used in ipc_session and ipc_shm*). So capnp is more or less required to get the real Flow-IPC goodness.

All of that said: At this time the meta-project build will build all the modules (even if you, quite reasonably, aim to not use all of them), and therefore both capnp and jemalloc are necessary. However, it is a quite simple task to add CMake build knobs to disable the building of some subset of the flow and ipc_* sub-projects; it's just a little hacking of ./CMakeLists.txt. For example some users would exercise the ability to skip ipc_shm_arena_lend (not needing SHM-jemalloc) and therefore not need jemalloc installed either. This is a to-do: watch this space. End of note

The basic prerequisites for using the above:

  • Linux, C++ compiler, Boost, {fmt}, capnp, jemalloc (but CMake is not required); plus:
  • your source code #includeing any exported flow/ and/or ipc/ headers must be itself built in C++ 17 mode;
  • any executable using the flow and/or ipc_* libraries must be linked with certain Boost and ubiquitous system libraries.

We intentionally omit version numbers and even specific compiler types in the above description; the CMake run should help you with that.

To build Flow-IPC (including Flow):

  1. Ensure a Boost install is available. If you don't have one, please install the latest version at If you do have one, try using that one (our build will complain if insufficient). (From this point on, that's the recommended tactic to use when deciding on the version number for any given prerequisite. E.g., same deal with CMake in step 2.)
  2. Ensure a {fmt} install is available (available at {fmt} web site if needed).
  3. Ensure a CMake install is available (available at CMake web site if needed).
  4. Ensure a capnp install is available (available at Cap'n Proto web site if needed).
  5. Ensure a jemalloc install is available (available at jemalloc web site if needed).
    • If you are already using jemalloc in your under-development executable(s), great. We will work whether you're using it to replace default malloc()/free() and (orthogonally) new/delete; or not.
    • If you are not already using jemalloc: When building jemalloc, during its configure step, you have 2 choices to make.
      • Whether to replace default malloc()/free() in your application(s). This is entirely orthogonal to Flow-IPC's operation per se; rather it will affect general heap use in your application. Most likely converting your heap provider to jemalloc is a separate mission versus using Flow-IPC; so your answer will then be no, you don't want to replace malloc() and free(). In that case, when building jemalloc, use its configure feature wherein one supplies an API-name prefix to that script.
        • We recommend the prefix: je_. (Then the API will include je_malloc(), je_free(), and others.)
        • If you do (now, or later) intend to replace the default malloc()/free() with jemalloc's, then do not supply any prefix to configure.
      • Whether to replace new/delete (though the default impls may forward to malloc()/free(); in which case even if you do not replace them, the choice in the previous bullet will still have effect). This is a binary decision: Most likely, again, you don't want this replacement quite yet; so tell jemalloc's configure that via particular command-line flag. If you do, then tell configure that.
    • Flow-IPC will automatically build in the way compatible with the way you've built jemalloc. (Our CMake script(s) will, internally, use jemalloc_config program to determine the chosen API-name prefix.)
  6. (Optional, only if running unit tests) Have GoogleTest install available.
  7. (Optional, only if generating docs) Have Doxygen and Graphviz installs available.
  8. Use CMake cmake (command-line tool) or ccmake (interactive text-UI tool) to configure and generate a build system (namely a GNU-make Makefile and friends). Details on using CMake are outside our scope here; but the basics are as follows. CMake is very flexible and powerful; we've tried not to mess with that principle in our build script(s).
    1. Choose a tool. ccmake will allow you to interactively configure aspects of the build system, including showing docs for various knobs our CMakeLists.txt (and friends) have made availale. cmake will do so without asking questions; you'll need to provide all required inputs on the command line. Let's assume cmake below, but you can use whichever makes sense for you.
    2. Choose a working build directory, somewhere outside the present ipc distribution. Let's call this $BUILD: please mkdir -p $BUILD. Below we'll refer to the directory containing the present file as $SRC.
    3. Configure/generate the build system. The basic command line: cd $BUILD && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=... -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=... -DCFG_ENABLE_DOC_GEN=ON $SRC, where $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/{include|lib|...} will be the export location for headers/library/goodies; CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Release|RelWithDebInfo|RelMinSize|Debug|} specifies build config; CFG_ENABLE_DOC_GEN makes it possible to locally generate documentation (if so desired). More options are available -- CMAKE_* for CMake ones; CFG_* for Flow-IPC/Flow ones -- and can be viewed with ccmake or by glancing at $BUILD/CMakeCache.txt after running cmake or ccmake.
      • Regarding CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, you can use the empty "" type to supply your own compile/link flags, such as if your organization or product has a standard set suitable for your situation. With the non-blank types we'll take CMake's sensible defaults -- which you can override as well. (See CMake docs; and/or a shortcut is checking out $BUILD/CMakeCache.txt.)
      • This is the likeliest stage at which CMake would detect lacking dependencies. See CMake docs for how to tweak its robust dependency-searching behavior; but generally if it's not in a global system location, or not in the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (export) location itself, then you can provide more search locations by adding a semicolon-separated list thereof via -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=....
      • Alternatively most things' locations can be individually specified via ..._DIR settings.
    4. Build using the build system generated in the preceding step: In $BUILD run make.
      • (To generate documentation run make ipc_doc_public ipc_doc_full flow_doc_public flow_doc_full.)
    5. Install (export): In $BUILD run make install.

To use Flow-IPC/Flow:

  • #include the relevant exported header(s).
  • Link the exported libraries (such as libipc_*.a, libflow.a) and the required other libraries to your executable(s).
    • If using CMake to build such executable(s):
      1. Simply use find_package($X), where $X is each of: Flow, IpcCore, IpcTransportStructured, IpcSession, IpcShm, and IpcShmArenaLend to find it.
      2. Then use target_link_libraries(... $X) on your target to ensure all necessary libraries are linked. Here $X is each of: Flow::flow, IpcCore::ipc_core, IpcTransportStructured::ipc_transport_structured, IpcSession::ipc_session, IpcShm::ipc_shm, and IpcShmArenaLend::ipc_shm_arena_lend. (This will include the libraries themselves and the dependency libraries it needs to avoid undefined-reference errors when linking. Since ipc_shm_arena_lend depends on all the others including flow, it may be possible to just specify that one, and the others will be picked up by CMake's transitive dependency tracking. Details on such things can be found in CMake documentation; and/or you may use our CMake script(s) for inspiration; after all we do build all the libraries and a *_link_test.exec executable for each except flow.)
    • Otherwise specify it manually based on your build system of choice (if any). To wit, in order:
      • Link against libipc_shm_arena_lend.a, libipc_shm.a, libipc_session.a, libipc_transport_structured.a, libipc_core.a, and libflow.a.
      • Link against Boost libraries mentioned in a CMakeLists.txt line (search $SRC for it): set(BOOST_LIBS ...).
      • Link against the {fmt} library, libfmt.
      • Link against the system pthreads library, librt, and (for ipc_shm_arena_lend) libdl.
  • Read the documentation to learn how to use Flow-IPC's (and/or Flow's) various features. (See Documentation below.)


The documentation consists of:

  • (minor) this README (and less interesting sub-project */README.mds, except arguably flow/ may be of interest possibly);
  • (minor) comments, about the build, in CMakeLists.txt, *.cmake, (in various directories including this one where the top-level CMakeLists.txt lives);
  • (major/main) documentation directly in the comments throughout the source code; these have been, and can be again, conviently generated using certain tools (namely Doxygen and friends), via the above-shown make ipc_doc_public ipc_doc_full flow_doc_public flow_doc_full command.
    • The generated documentation consists of:
      • (Flow-IPC proper) a clickable guided Manual + Reference.
      • (Flow) a clickable Reference.
    • Seeing the doc comments in the various .hpp files works.
    • Browsing the clickable generated documentation is probably quite a bit nicer.

To read the latter -- the guided Manual + References -- consider the following.

  • The latest generated docs from the source code in */src/* has been included nearby:
    • Flow-IPC proper: Use a browser to open doc/ipc_doc/index.html.
    • Flow: Use a browser to open flow/doc/flow_doc/index.html.
  • Or see the online documentation at the project web site. This will just mirror what the above from the corresponding source code: the tip of the master branch; and for each released version of the project.
  • If you're perusing docs only, that's all. You're done!

In contrast, if you have changed the source code (for Flow-IPC proper, Flow, or both): See CONTRIBUTING file. It includes instructions on how docs are generated and updated. Spoiler alert: Most things are automatic; the only manual part is that you should peruse any changed docs for your visual satisfaction before submitting your code.