A version of the FitzHugh Nagumo neuron model has been specified in LEMS (LEMS_SimFN.xml) for use in NeuroML (FN.net.nml). A graphical representation of the LEMS is below:
The network is originally specified in NeuroMLlite (FN.py) and is generated in LEMS and run with:
python FN.py -jnml # Generate the LEMS file from the NeuroMLlite description
pynml LEMS_SimFN.xml # Run the LEMS file using pyNeuroML
The NeuroMLlite version can be used to generate MDF for the model:
python FN.py -mdf # Generate the MDF serializations (JSON and YAML) from the NeuroMLlite description
These can be seen here: FN.mdf.json, FN.mdf.yaml, and a graphical version generated with:
python -m modeci_mdf.interfaces.graphviz.importer FN.mdf.yaml 3 # Generate graph from MDF version
The model can be loaded and run in MDF using the standard scheduler with:
python FNrun.py # Load FN model and run with MDF scheduler