layout | title | category | publish | abstract | pageord | yaml_link |
bt_wiki |
Chef Plugin |
Plugins |
true |
Chef plugin description and configuration |
200 |
{%summary%} The Chef plugin can be used to map node life cycle operations to Chef runs. {%endsummary%}
The Chef plugin allows you to run either Chef Client or Chef Solo. The usage option is chosen based on presence or absence of specific properties under node's properties
> chef_config
. Chef is installed on demand, if there is no lifecycle operation that needs Chef run - it is not installed.
- Chef Client requires the following properties:
- Chef Solo requires the following properties:
It's an error if neither of the two sets appear. You will see "Failed to find appropriate Chef manager ..." in logs if that's the case.
Example: {% highlight yaml %} imports: - {{page.yaml_link}} blueprint: name: example nodes: - name: example_web_server type: cloudify.types.chef.web_server properties: chef_config: cookbooks: # Solo ... {%endhighlight%}
Node types that can be used for Chef nodes are listed below. All of them are derived from the corresponding abstract types.
-- derived fromcloudify.types.app_module
-- derived fromcloudify.types.app_server
-- derived fromcloudify.types.db_server
-- derived fromcloudify.types.message_bus_server
-- derived fromcloudify.types.web_server
In addition to inherited properties all of the Chef types have the following properties:
Properties for Chef Client and Chef Solo:
contains all Chef specific configuration.attributes
(optional) - attributes to pass to Chef.runlist
(optional) - runlist for all operations.runlists
(optional) - per-operation runlists.- OPNAME - runlist for the OPNAME lifecycle operation.
(required) - Chef version to install.
Properties for Chef Client only:
contains all Chef specific configurationchef_server_url
- Chef node name prefix.node_name_suffix
- Chef node name suffix.validation_client_name
(required) - validation file contents.
See Chef Client Configuration section for more information about Chef Client properties.
Properties for Chef Solo only:
contains all Chef specific configurationcookbooks
(Chef solo only, required) - URL or path in blueprint designating a .tar.gz file that contains cookbooks.data_bags
(Chef solo only, required) - URL or path in blueprint designating a .tar.gz file that contains data bags' JSON files.environments
(Chef solo only, required) - URL or path in blueprint designating a .tar.gz file that contains environments' JSON files.roles
(Chef solo only, required) - URL or path in blueprint designating a .tar.gz file that contains roles' JSON files.
See Chef Solo Configuration section for more information about Chef Client properties.
This section describes integration aspects that are common to both Chef Client and Chef Solo. Also see Chef Solo and Chef Client sections for additional integration details.
When defining a YAML node, there are several places that contain per-operation configuration. Most of the operations in Cloudify are named cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.*
and cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.*
. For convenience, when defining a node, the operation names are shortened so only the last part is used. Example:
{% highlight yaml %} imports: - {{page.yaml_link}} blueprint: name: example nodes: - name: example_web_server type: cloudify.types.chef.web_server properties: chef_config: ... runlists: start: 'recipe[my_org_webserver::start]' # cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.start stop: 'recipe[my_org_webserver::stop]' # cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.stop {%endhighlight%}
Under properties
> chef_config
you must specify either runlist
or runlists
If runlist
is given, it is used for all lifecycle operations. Example.
{% highlight yaml %} imports: - {{page.yaml_link}} blueprint: name: example nodes: - name: example_web_server type: cloudify.types.chef.web_server properties: chef_config: ... runlist: 'recipe[my_org_webserver::start]' # cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.* {%endhighlight%}
If runlists
is given, you can specify per-operation runlist. Operations with no runlist specified (under runlists
> OPNAME) will not cause a Chef run.
{%note title=Note%}
A runlist can be a string (such as recipe[my_super_recipe]
) or a list of such strings. See the following example.
{% highlight yaml %} imports: - {{page.yaml_link}} blueprint: name: example nodes: - name: example_web_server type: cloudify.types.chef.web_server properties: chef_config: ... runlists: start: 'recipe[my_org_webserver::start],role[my-org-base]' # cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.start stop: # cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.stop - 'recipe[my_org_webserver::stop]' - 'recipe[my_org_webserver::cleanup]' {%endhighlight%}
You must specify which Chef version to install (to use as Client or Solo) under properties
> chef_config
> version
. There is no default, version
is required. You must use the same version for all YAML nodes which reside on the same server.
Example: {% highlight yaml %} imports: - {{page.yaml_link}} blueprint: name: example nodes: - name: example_web_server type: cloudify.types.chef.web_server properties: chef_config: version: 11.10.4-1 ... {%endhighlight%}
This section applies to both Chef Client and Chef Solo.
To allow integration of Chef, Cloudify supplies custom attributes to Chef. These contain Cloudify information such as properties of the Cloudify node.
All attributes provided in the blueprint, under properties
> chef_config
> attributes
are passed to Chef.
{%note title=Note%}
must not contain cloudify
as it is clashing with the automatically provided attributes.
- The node instance id for which Chef is runnode['cloudify']['blueprint_id']
- The blueprint idnode['cloudify']['deployment_id']
- The deployment idnode['cloudify']['properties']
- Properties of the node for which Chef is run (see example below)node['cloudify']['runtime_properties']
- Run-time properties of the node for which Chef is runnode['cloudify']['capabilities'][OTHER_NODE_NAME][OTHER_NODE_RUNTIME_PROP]
- Run-time properties of related nodes.
- The node instance id of the related nodenode['cloudify']['related']['properties']
- Properties of the related nodenode['cloudify']['related']['runtime_properties']
- Run-time properties of the related node
Say the node properties are: {% highlight yaml %} blueprint: name: example nodes: - name: some node type: some_type properties: some_prop: some_value some_map: prop1: value1 prop2: value2 {%endhighlight%}
The following Chef attributes will be available:
After each Chef run, Cloudify will automatically store all the Chef attributes (as they are seen at the end of Chef run) in the runtime properties of the Cloudify node instance that cause the Chef run. The Chef attributes will be stored under runtime properties > chef_attributes
{%note title=Info%}
For the export purposes, the attributes are stored in a temporary file named node['cloudify']['attributes_output_file']
(which must not be changed) by Cloudify's Chef handler.
When specifying properties
> chef_config
> attributes
, you can use references to runtime properties and/or Chef attributes of other Cloudify nodes.
{%note title=Note%} Make sure that the runtime properties and the Chef attributes you are referencing reside in a Cloudify node instance which has already done the required operation (for the properties/attributes to be there). I.e. make sure you have defined the correct relations between the referencing and the referenced nodes. {%endnote%}
The reference is done using specifically constructed hash in place where the value should be specified. The options are:
Example: {% highlight yaml %} imports: - {{page.yaml_link}} blueprint: name: example nodes:
- name: example_web_server
type: cloudify.types.chef.web_server
host: {related_chef_attribute: ipaddress}
port: {related_chef_attribute: db.port} # node['db']['port'] of example_db_server
user: {related_chef_attribute: db.user}
pass: {related_chef_attribute: db.pass}
some_val: {related_runtime_property: some.other.prop}
- type: cloudify.relationships.connected_to
target: example_db_server
- name: example_db_server
type: cloudify.types.chef.db_server
db_port: {related_chef_attribute: db.port}
(required) - URL or relative path in blueprint to a .tar.gz file containing the cookbooks you wish to use. Usually, it's the "cookbooks" directory. For convenience, you can use either archive "" in the directory or "cookbooks/" in the directory above and Cloudify will handle both cases correctly. Sample values:
is the top level cookbook directory).properties
(optional) - same as cookbooks but for environments, data bags and
(optional, Chef v11.8 and later) - Chef environment to use
- Existing Chef server which should be:
- Resolvable (DNS or hosts file)
- Loaded with appropriate roles, cookbooks, data bags, etc.
Chef node name is constructed by concatenation of node_name_prefix
, node id and node_name_suffix
. Both node_name_prefix
and node_name_suffix
are required. Node id is not guaranteed to follow any specific convention.
- Chef Client requires the following properties under
Chef configuration properties correspond to properties in client.rb with the exceptions explained below:
- Chef Client requires the following properties under
- Cloudify specific, see Chef server namingnode_name_suffix
- Cloudify specific, see Chef server namingvalidation_client_name
- contents for the validation file (as opposed to file path originally), should have the form of"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
name: chef_node_one
type: cloudify.types.chef.db_server
version: 11.10.4-1
# ALT 1: server
validation_client_name: chef-validator
validation_key: "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
node_name_prefix: chef-node-
### # ALT 2: solo
### cookbooks:
environment: _default
test_attr_1: test_val_1
file_name: /tmp/blueprint.txt
file_contents: Great success!
create: recipe[create-file]
type: cloudify.relationships.contained_in
target: my_server
For full examples see examples repository.