Releases: Fenyx4/U4DosRandomizer
Release v0.2-alpha.2
Changes in this Release
- Feature: Flag to have mixing spells prompt for a quantity
- Bug: Can no longer blink to the Abyss or the Shrine of Humility
- Bug: Abyss now ejects people to the correct places
Release v0.2-alpha.1
Changes in this Release
- Fixed bug where dungeons didn't show up!
- Flag to remove spells
- Flag to randomize a stone's location inside the dungeon
Release v0.2-alpha.0
Changes in this Release
- This release changes the randomization of the map. Previous seeds will NOT generate the same map.
- Added some randomization buffers to make breaking the map less likely in the future
- Fix possible soft lock bug, every location of interest should now be reachable
- Other misc bug fixes
Release v0.1-alpha.4
Changes in this Release
- Performance enhancements
- Move scrub and forest from being rings around mountains to patches and surrounding rivers more like original
- Moongates now appear near their respective towns
- Added swamps back in
- Castle Britannia now must be near a moongate so you don't get stuck on an island
- Writing out a minimap is now optional (-m flag)
Release v0.1-alpha.3
Changes in this Release
- Removed dependency on System.Drawing.Common for better cross platform compatibility
Release v0.1-alpha.2
Initial alpha pre-release sneak peek version.
This is the minimal viable product for the world map being randomized. The random world needs a lot of improvement to better match the style of the original map. And many other features and things to randomize need to be added.
Changes in this Release
- Should handle TLK files that don't exactly match the originals
- Adds bridges
Release v0.1-alpha.1
Initial alpha pre-release sneak peek version.
This is the minimal viable product for the world map being randomized. The random world needs a lot of improvement to better match the style of the original map. And many other features and things to randomize need to be added.
Changes in this Release
- Prompts for path if it fails to find the U4 installation in the current working directory
Initial alpha pre-release sneak peek version.
This is the minimal viable product for the world map being randomized. The random world needs a lot of improvement to better match the style of the original map. And many other features and things to randomize need to be added.
- Original version of Ultima IV
- Randomizes the world map. Moving towns, dungeons, items and and other repercussions that come from randomizing the world map.