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The purpose of a graphics is to display data in a visual way. People who visualize the chart will have a better comprehension of the data. The theory that is behind this method is called "Descriptive statistics". This is a small part of a wider theory. Another part of statistics computes values; the most kown of them is the mean; but values like the standard deviation, the median, the quartiles are other values that helps to "summarize" lot of data. Through the "stats.js" add-ins module, some of well known statistical values are computed.

statistical values

This chapter lists the statistical values computed by the stats.js module.

  • count_all, count_missing, count_not_missing
    Count_missing : count the number of missing values in the data;
    count_not_missing : count the number of not missing values in the data;

  • sum
    sum : sum of the not missing values;

  • mean
    mean = sum / count_not_missing;

  • sum_square_diff_mean
    sum_square_diff_mean=sum of the (values-mean)^2

  • sum_pow3_diff_mean
    sum_pow3_diff_mean=sum of the (values-mean)^2

  • sum_pow4_diff_mean
    sum_pow3_diff_mean=sum of the (values-mean)^4

  • variance

  • standard_deviation
    standard_deviation=square root (variance)

  • standard_deviation_estimation
    standard_deviation_estimation=square root(sum_square_diff_mean/(count_not_missing-1))

  • standard_error_mean
    standard_error_mean=square root(sum_square_diff_mean) / count_not_missing;

  • Skewness

  • Kurtosis
    kurtosis= count_not_missing*(count_not_missing+1)sum_pow4_diff_mean)/((standard_deviation_estimation^4)(count_not_missing-1)(count_not_missing-2)(count_not_missing-3))-3*(count_not_missing-1)^2/((count_not_missing-2)*(count_not_missing-3))

  • coefficient_variation

  • student_t_test student_t_test=mean/(standard_deviation_estimation/square root(count_not_missing))

  • minimum
    minimum of the values

  • maximum
    maximum of the values

  • Q0, Q1, Q5, Q10, Q25, Q50, Q75, Q90, Q95, Q99, Q100
    Qx = the value obtained with following algorith :
    -> The data are ordered;
    -> x% of the data are lower than Qx; (100-x)% of the values are greater than Qx.

The Qx values are computed like they are computed in the SAS software which is a software well know in the statistical world.

Special values :
Q0 : minimum value;
Q100 : maximum value;
  • Median

  • Interquantile_range

  • linear_regression_b0 and linear_regression_b1
    The stats module compute the line that best fits a distribution of points - This is known has "linear regression". The line that best fits a distribution of point will be represented by the function :
    linear_regression_b0 + linear_regression_b1 * X

The program associated to this chart is available at

To compute those two values, other intermediate values have to be computed; The values listed here after are used to compute those two values.

linear regression is only computed for the line extended structure (see : 070_010_Line)
  • linear_regression_count_xPos
    Number of couple of data (x,y) taken in account for the computation of the other linear regression statistics

  • linear_regression_sum_xPos
    Sum of the xPos values used to compute the linear regression

  • linear_regression_sum_data
    Sum of the data values used to compute the linear regression

  • linear_regression_mean_xPos

  • linear_regression_mean_data

  • linear_regression_covariance
    Covariance of the couple of data (x,y)

  • linear_regression_variance
    Variance of the couple of data (x,y)

How to compute the statistical values with the stat.js Add-ins ?

If you want to compute the statistal value listed in previous chapter, include the "Add-ins\stats.js" module and call the "stats" function with the parameters data and config.

 <SCRIPT src='..\Add-ins\stats.js'></script>
 var mydata1= {
 var statOptions = {

When the "stats(<data>,<options>) has been called, the following values are available :

<data>.stats.<statistic> where <statistic> is one of the value listed in previous chapter.

For instance, <data>.stats.mean, <data>.stats.variance, ... are available.

Example :

 <SCRIPT src='..\Add-ins\stats.js'></script>
 var mydata1= {
labels : ["January","February","March","April","May","June"],
datasets : [
		fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
		strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
		pointColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
		pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
		data : [7,10,15,15,13,8],
                    title : "Europe"
		fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
		strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
		pointColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
		pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
		data : [10,13,12,15,8,15],
                    title : "North-America"
 var statOptions = {
       canvasBorders : true

When executed the following values are available :


This gives statistical value for the whole data. If the data are in the form of data for Lines/Bars/Stacked Bars charts other values are also available :

<data>.datasets[i].stats. -> <statistic> for the data in <data>.datasets[i].data[*].

<data>.stats.data_[j] -> <statistic> for the data in <data>.datasets[*].data[j].

Example : From previous example, following statistics are also available :

mydata1.datasets[i].stats.mean (for i=0->1)
mydata1.datasets[i].stats.count_all (for i=0->1)
mydata1.datasets[i].stats.count_missing (for i=0->1)
mydata1.stats.data_mean[j] (for j=0->5)
mydata1.stats.data_count_all[j] (for j=0->5)
mydata1.stats.data_count_missing[j] (for j=0->5)

The function disp_stats(data) can be used to print all computed statistics.

 <SCRIPT src='..\Add-ins\stats.js'></script>
 var mydata1= {
labels : ["January","February","March","April","May","June"],
datasets : [
		fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
		strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
		pointColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
		pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
		data : [7,10,15,15,13,8],
                    title : "Europe"
		fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
		strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
		pointColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
		pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
		data : [10,13,12,15,8,15],
                    title : "North-America"
 var statOptions = {
       canvasBorders : true

replacement in your data/options

Those computed statistics can be used through JS programs, but can also be used in your data and your options : all statistical values surrounded by "#" in your data or in your options will be replaced bye the corresponding value.

Example : if you want to put the mean value in your footnote, process like this for the footNote option :
footNote : "computed mean : #MEAN#",

=> the stat function will replace #MEAN# by the real computed mean value.

You can also specify "templates" in your data/options if you want to compute another value based on one or more statistic.

If you want to substitute a "dataset" statistic, put the "DS_" prefix in front of the stat and specify the dataset between parenthesis.

Example: #DS_MEAN(2)# will be subsituted by the value of data.datasets[2].stats.mean 

If you want to substitute a "column" statistic, put the "DATA_" prefix in front of the stat and specify the column between parenthesis.

Example: #DATA_MEAN(2)# will be subsituted by the value of data.stats.data_mean[2] 

In the data part, when the you refers to a dataset or column statistic, you don't have to specify the dataset or the column if it refers to the dataset/column where the replacement has to be done.

These are very good samples : (available in the samples directory).


 <!doctype html>

 <SCRIPT src='..\ChartNew.js'></script>
 <SCRIPT src='..\Add-ins\stats.js'></script>



 var mydata1 = {
labels : ["January","February","March","April","May","June"],
datasets : [
		fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
		strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
		pointColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
		pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
		data : [7,10,15,15,13,8],
                    title : "Europe"
		fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
		strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
		pointColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
		pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
		data : [10,13,12,15,8,15],
                    title : "North-America"
		fillColor : "rgba(187,151,205,0.5)",
		strokeColor : "rgba(187,151,205,1)",
		pointColor : "rgba(187,151,205,1)",
		pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
		data : [11,14,13,12,15,18],
                    title : "South-America"
		fillColor : "rgba(151,187,151,0.5)",
		strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,151,1)",
		pointColor : "rgba(151,187,151,1)",
		pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
		data : [12,16,10,5,7,11],
                    title : "Asia"
                    type : "Line",
		fillColor : "rgba(0,220,0,0.5)",
		strokeColor : "rgba(0,220,0,1)",
		pointColor : "rgba(0,220,0,1)",
		pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
		data : ["#data_mean#","#data_mean#","#data_mean#","#data_mean#","#data_mean#","#data_mean#"],
                    title : "Mean Value of the month"
                    type : "Line",
		fillColor : "rgba(0,0,220,0.5)",
		strokeColor : "rgba(0,0,220,1)",
		pointColor : "rgba(0,0,220,1)",
		pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
		data : ["#mean#","#mean#","#mean#","#mean#","#mean#","#mean#"],
                    title : "Mean Value (<%=roundToNumber(#mean#,-2)%>)"

 var statOptions = {
  canvasBorders : true,
  canvasBordersWidth : 3,
  canvasBordersColor : "black",
  scaleXGridLinesStep : 9999,
  graphTitle : "Stats sample usage",
  graphTitleFontFamily : "'Arial'",
  graphTitleFontSize : 24,
  graphTitleFontStyle : "bold",
  graphTitleFontColor : "#666",
  yAxisMinimumInterval : 1,
  annotateDisplay : true,
  annotateLabel: "<%= v1 + ' : ' + v3%>",
  legend : true,
  barValueSpacing : 30,
  footNoteFontSize : 15,
  animationLeftToRight : true,
  animationEasing : "linear",
  animationSteps : 200,
  footNote : "1st Quarter Mean : <%=roundToNumber((#DATA_MEAN(0)#+#DATA_MEAN(1)#+#DATA_MEAN(2)#)/3,-2)%> - 2nd Quarter Mean : <%=roundToNumber((#DATA_MEAN(3)#+#DATA_MEAN(4)#+#DATA_MEAN(5)#)/3,-2)  %>"             

 function roundToNumber(num, place) {
     var newval=1*num;

         var roundVal=-place;
         newval= +(Math.round(newval + "e+" + roundVal) + "e-" + roundVal);
       else {
         var roundVal=place;
         var divval= "1e+"+roundVal;
         newval= +(Math.round(newval/divval))*divval;
 } ;


   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
	<title>Demo ChartNew.js</title>


  document.write("<canvas id=\"canvas_bar\" height=\""+defCanvasHeight+"\" width=\""+defCanvasWidth+"\"></canvas>");

  window.onload = function() {
    var myBar = new Chart(document.getElementById("canvas_bar").getContext("2d")).Bar(mydata1,statOptions);


<!doctype html>

<SCRIPT src='..\ChartNew.js'></script>
<SCRIPT src='..\Add-ins\stats.js'></script>



var mydata1 = [
	value : 30,
	color: "#D97041",
            title : "data1"
	value : 90,
	color: "#C7604C",
            title : "data2"
	value : 24,
	color: "#21323D",
            title : "data3"
	value : 58,
	color: "#9D9B7F",
            title : "data4"
	value : 82,
	color: "#7D4F6D",
            title : "data5"
	value : 8,
	color: "#584A5E",
            title : "data6"

var varcrosstxt = {
  canvasBordersWidth : 3,
  canvasBordersColor : "black",
  crossText : ["Total:\n#sum#"],
  crossTextIter: ["all"],
  crossTextOverlay :   [true],
  crossTextFontSize : [50],
  crossTextFontColor : ["black"],
  crossTextRelativePosX : [2],
  crossTextRelativePosY : [2],
  crossTextAlign : ["center"],
  crossTextBaseline : ["middle"],
  inGraphDataShow : true,
  legend : true,
  canvasBorders : true,
  graphTitle : "Sample - Sum of the data in the middle",
  graphTitleFontFamily : "'Arial'",
  graphTitleFontSize : 24,
  graphTitleFontStyle : "bold",
  graphTitleFontColor : "#666",
  footNoteFontSize : 15,
  footNote : "Mean Value : <%=roundToNumber(#MEAN#,-2)%> - Standard Deviation : <%=roundToNumber(#standard_deviation#,-2)%>"             

function roundToNumber(num, place) {
  var newval=1*num;

      var roundVal=-place;
      newval= +(Math.round(newval + "e+" + roundVal) + "e-" + roundVal);
    else {
      var roundVal=place;
      var divval= "1e+"+roundVal;
      newval= +(Math.round(newval/divval))*divval;
} ;

function roundToNumber(num, place) {
  var newval=1*num;

      var roundVal=-place;
      newval= +(Math.round(newval + "e+" + roundVal) + "e-" + roundVal);
    else {
      var roundVal=place;
      var divval= "1e+"+roundVal;
      newval= +(Math.round(newval/divval))*divval;
} ;


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
	<title>Demo ChartNew.js</title>




document.write("<canvas id=\"canvas_pie\" height=\""+defCanvasHeight+"\" width=\""+defCanvasWidth+"\"></canvas>");

window.onload = function() {
  var myBar = new Chart(document.getElementById("canvas_pie").getContext("2d")).Doughnut(mydata1,varcrosstxt);

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