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FINDERFEED edited this page Aug 14, 2021 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the SolarCraft wiki!

Currently nothing mysterious here, just crafts and commands guides.

Commands -

/solarcraft codes - shows all progression codes.

/solarcraft fillLexicon - fills lexicon in your main hand with every fragment(for those who want to read something in creative mode).

/solarcraft fragments - a command with three options:

1)refresh - clears all fragment data from a player.

2)retain - gives all fragments that player has unlocked on runic table(if you have lost your lexicon).

3)unlockall - gives all fragment data to the player(if you want to trigger crafting in creative mode).

/solarcraft refresh - clears all progression data from the player.

/solarcraft structure construct <structure_code> - constructs a multiblock structure from SolarCraft mod. Codes can be found in the(source code) class --> Map<String,Multiblock> multiblocks map

/solarcraft unlock <code> - use to unlock a progression. Use the first command to get the codes.

Crafting recipes:

1)Runic table


3)Solar forge

4)Infuser and stands

5)Book and other

Energy meter

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