Original Docs by Creator at creators-ReadMe.md
- Fork this Repo
- Create a Telegram Bot
- Change Token in Line 2
- Create a Folder inside you Google Drive, open it and Copy it's ID.
- For
is ID. - client_secret.json already added. Don't change unless you know what you're doing.
- Start an EC2 AWS Virtual Machine or Your Own Linux Machine.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install aria2
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo npm install -g typescript
git clone https://github.com/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Telegram-BhadooCloud
Change this url to your fork url.cd Telegram-BhadooCloud
sudo npm install
sudo tsc
sudo bash ./aria.sh
It Should PrintAria2c daemon started
sudo npm start
sudo reboot
is requiredsudo bash ./aria.sh
It Should PrintAria2c daemon started
sudo npm start
- Your Bot is Started. Send
/mirror https://github.com/ParveenBhadooOfficial/Telegram-BhadooCloud/blob/master/README.md
to your Telegram Bot. - In Terminal Copy the accounts.google.com full url and paste in browser and authenticate your drive.
- Paste the Token you received in terminal.
- Download the credentials.json file from your Linux Server. (I use Termius to Transfer files, it's in root of Telegram-BhadooCloud directory)
- Your Bot is active and now we can deploy it on Heroku.
- But if you want to run it on EC2 instead of Heroku follow below.
sudo screen
- This will run your bot in background even you close terminal. (otherwise Bot will go offline as soon as terminal session ends)
Note: You must change git url in Docker File on line 22.
- Download and Install Heroku CLi and Bash.
- Create Account at Heroku and Create an App. (Note down Name you given it)
- Assuming Heroku App Name as xxxx
- Download your Repo after editing has been done of Token and Client ID and Secret.
- Extract it and Open bash by right clicking on that folder.
- Paste it in .constants.js file GDrive Directory Value.
- Download repo to your drive locally. (for windows right click in directory and open bash)
- Login to Heroku CLI
cd /d d:
to change directory in windows here d: is D Directory changing from C.heroku login
heroku git:remote -a xxxx
heroku stack:set container
git add -f credentials.json src/.constants.js aria.sh client_secret.json
git commit -m 'try commit'
git commit -am "make it better"
commit any changesgit push heroku HEAD:master --force
heroku ps:scale worker=0
heroku ps:scale worker=1
- Check your bot.