diff --git a/doc/man/pafd.8.md b/doc/man/pafd.8.md index e53e72e..85440a6 100644 --- a/doc/man/pafd.8.md +++ b/doc/man/pafd.8.md @@ -140,6 +140,11 @@ the *name* key. This domain name is only used for logging and documentation and is not seen in the by clients to the Pathfinder server. +The default max client idle time (in seconds) may by configured by +adding a *max_idle_time* key to the domain dictionary. The default is +30 seconds. The actual maximum idle time may be lower (e.g., if a +client has published services with a low time-to-live [TTL]). + Each element of the *sockets* list is a socket. A socket is either the address in the form of a string (in XCM format), or a dictionary, where the address must be the value of the key *addr*.