diff --git a/application/pom.xml b/application/pom.xml
index 511235fba..ec7e4d1cf 100644
--- a/application/pom.xml
+++ b/application/pom.xml
@@ -188,4 +188,26 @@
+ org.codehaus.mojo
+ exec-maven-plugin
+ yaml-to-markdown
+ package
+ java
+ com.ericsson.bss.cassandra.ecchronos.application.EccYamlToMarkdownConverter
diff --git a/application/src/main/java/com/ericsson/bss/cassandra/ecchronos/application/EccYamlToMarkdownConverter.java b/application/src/main/java/com/ericsson/bss/cassandra/ecchronos/application/EccYamlToMarkdownConverter.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..914f6d161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/src/main/java/com/ericsson/bss/cassandra/ecchronos/application/EccYamlToMarkdownConverter.java
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ * Copyright 2024 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.ericsson.bss.cassandra.ecchronos.application;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.BufferedWriter;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.FileWriter;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.InputStreamReader;
+import java.nio.file.Paths;
+public final class EccYamlToMarkdownConverter
+ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EccYamlToMarkdownConverter.class);
+ private static final String SEPARATOR = "---";
+ private EccYamlToMarkdownConverter()
+ {
+ }
+ public static void main(final String[] args)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ convertYamlToMarkdown();
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ LOG.error("Error converting YAML to Markdown", e);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void convertYamlToMarkdown() throws IOException
+ {
+ final String relativePathToDocs = "docs/autogenerated";
+ final String markdownFileName = "EccYamlFile.md";
+ final String yamlFilePath = "/ecc.yml"; // Resource path in the classpath
+ final String currentWorkingDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
+ final String markdownFilePath = Paths.get(currentWorkingDir, relativePathToDocs, markdownFileName).toString();
+ try (InputStream inputStream = EccYamlToMarkdownConverter.class.getResourceAsStream(yamlFilePath);
+ BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
+ BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(markdownFilePath)))
+ {
+ if (inputStream == null)
+ {
+ throw new FileNotFoundException("Resource not found: " + yamlFilePath);
+ }
+ boolean skipLicenseHeader = true;
+ String line = reader.readLine();
+ while (line != null)
+ {
+ if (skipLicenseHeader && line.startsWith("#"))
+ {
+ line = reader.readLine();
+ continue;
+ }
+ skipLicenseHeader = false;
+ String markdownLine = convertLineToMarkdown(line);
+ writer.write(markdownLine);
+ writer.newLine();
+ line = reader.readLine();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static String convertLineToMarkdown(final String line)
+ {
+ String trimmedLine = line.trim();
+ // Handle empty lines and separators
+ if (trimmedLine.isEmpty() || SEPARATOR.equals(trimmedLine))
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ // Convert comment lines to regular text (not bold)
+ if (trimmedLine.startsWith("#"))
+ {
+ return trimmedLine.substring(1).trim();
+ }
+ // Bold section headers (e.g., "repair:" becomes "**repair:**")
+ if (trimmedLine.endsWith(":") && !trimmedLine.contains(" "))
+ {
+ return "**" + trimmedLine + "**";
+ }
+ // Format key-value pairs (e.g., "host: localhost" becomes "* host: localhost*")
+ if (trimmedLine.contains(": ") && !trimmedLine.startsWith(" "))
+ {
+ return "* " + trimmedLine;
+ }
+ return line;
+ }
diff --git a/docs/autogenerated/EccYamlFile.md b/docs/autogenerated/EccYamlFile.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6a0bd28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/autogenerated/EccYamlFile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+## ecChronos configuration
+# Connection
+# Properties for connection to the local node
+# Host and port properties for CQL.
+# Primarily used by the default connection provider
+* host: localhost
+* port: 9042
+# Connection Timeout for CQL.
+# Specify a time to wait for cassandra to come up.
+# Connection is tried every five second until either the timeout time passes or the connection is successful.
+* time: 0
+* unit: seconds
+# The class used to provide CQL connections to Apache Cassandra.
+# The default provider will be used unless another is specified.
+* provider: com.ericsson.bss.cassandra.ecchronos.application.DefaultNativeConnectionProvider
+# The class used to provide an SSL context to the NativeConnectionProvider.
+# Extending this allows to manipulate the SSLEngine and SSLParameters.
+* certificateHandler: com.ericsson.bss.cassandra.ecchronos.application.ReloadingCertificateHandler
+# The class used to decorate CQL statements.
+# The default no-op decorator will be used unless another is specified.
+* decoratorClass: com.ericsson.bss.cassandra.ecchronos.application.NoopStatementDecorator
+# Allow routing requests directly to a remote datacenter.
+# This allows locks for other datacenters to be taken in that datacenter instead of via the local datacenter.
+# If clients are prevented from connecting directly to Cassandra nodes in other sites this is not possible.
+# If remote routing is disabled its not possible to use LOCAL_SERIAL consistency for the locking,
+# instead SERIAL consistency will be used for those request.
+* remoteRouting: true
+# Host and port properties for JMX.
+# Primarily used by the default connection provider.
+* host: localhost
+* port: 7199
+# The class used to provide JMX connections to Apache Cassandra.
+# The default provider will be used unless another is specified.
+* provider: com.ericsson.bss.cassandra.ecchronos.application.DefaultJmxConnectionProvider
+# Repair configuration
+# This section defines default repair behavior for all tables.
+# A class for providing repair configuration for tables.
+# The default FileBasedRepairConfiguration uses a schedule.yml file to define per-table configurations.
+* provider: com.ericsson.bss.cassandra.ecchronos.application.FileBasedRepairConfiguration
+# How often repairs should be triggered for tables.
+* time: 7
+* unit: days
+# The unit of time granularity for priority calculation, can be HOURS, MINUTES, or SECONDS.
+# This unit is used in the calculation of priority.
+# Default is HOURS for backward compatibility.
+# Ensure to pause repair operations prior to changing the granularity.
+# Not doing so may lead to inconsistencies as some ecchronos instances
+# could have different priorities compared to others for the same repair.
+# Possible values are HOURS, MINUTES, or SECONDS.
+* granularity_unit: HOURS
+# Specifies the type of lock to use for repairs.
+# "vnode" will lock each node involved in a repair individually and increase the number of
+# parallel repairs that can run in a single data center.
+# "datacenter" will lock each data center involved in a repair and only allow a single repair per data center.
+# "datacenter_and_vnode" will combine both options and allow a smooth transition between them without allowing
+# multiple repairs to run concurrently on a single node.
+* lock_type: vnode
+# Alarms are triggered when tables have not been repaired for a long amount of time.
+# The warning alarm is meant to indicate early that repairs are falling behind.
+# The error alarm is meant to indicate that gc_grace has passed between repairs.
+# With the defaults where repairs triggers once every 7 days for each table a warning alarm would be raised
+# if the table has not been properly repaired within one full day.
+# The class used for fault reporting
+# The default LoggingFaultReporter will log when alarm is raised/ceased
+* faultReporter: com.ericsson.bss.cassandra.ecchronos.fm.impl.LoggingFaultReporter
+# If a table has not been repaired for the following duration an warning alarm will be raised.
+# The schedule will be marked as late if the table has not been repaired within this interval.
+* time: 8
+* unit: days
+# If a table has not been repaired for the following duration an error alarm will be raised.
+# The schedule will be marked as overdue if the table has not been repaired within this interval.
+* time: 10
+* unit: days
+# Specifies the unwind ratio to smooth out the load that repairs generate.
+# This value is a ratio between 0 -> 100% of the execution time of a repair session.
+# 100% means that the executor will wait to run the next session for as long time as the previous session took.
+* unwind_ratio: 0.0
+# Specifies the lookback time for when the repair_history table is queried to get initial repair state at startup.
+# The time should match the "expected TTL" of the system_distributed.repair_history table.
+* time: 30
+* unit: days
+# Specifies a target for how much data each repair session should process.
+# This is only supported if using 'vnode' as repair_type.
+# This is an estimation assuming uniform data distribution among partition keys.
+# The value should be either a number or a number with a unit of measurement:
+# 12 (12 B)
+# 12k (12 KiB)
+# 12m (12 MiB)
+# 12g (12 GiB)
+# Specifies the repair history provider used to determine repair state.
+# The "cassandra" provider uses the repair history generated by the database.
+# The "upgrade" provider is an intermediate state reading history from "cassandra" and producing history for "ecc"
+# The "ecc" provider maintains and uses an internal repair history in a dedicated table.
+# The main context for the "ecc" provider is an environment where the ip address of nodes might change.
+# Possible values are "ecc", "upgrade" and "cassandra".
+# The keyspace parameter is only used by "ecc" and "upgrade" and points to the keyspace where the custom
+# 'repair_history' table is located.
+* provider: ecc
+* keyspace: ecchronos
+# Specifies if tables with TWCS (TimeWindowCompactionStrategy) should be ignored for repair
+* ignore_twcs_tables: false
+# Specifies the backoff time for a job.
+# This is the time that the job will wait before trying to run again after failing.
+* time: 30
+* unit: MINUTES
+# Specifies the default repair_type.
+# Possible values are: vnode, parallel_vnode, incremental
+# vnode = repair 1 vnode at a time (supports size_target to split the vnode further, in this case there will be 1 repair session per subrange)
+# parallel_vnode = repair vnodes in parallel, this will combine vnodes into a single repair session per repair group
+# incremental = repair vnodes incrementally (incremental repair)
+* repair_type: vnode
+* enabled: true
+# Decides how statistics should be exposed.
+# If all reporting is disabled, the statistics will be disabled as well.
+* enabled: true
+# The metrics can be excluded on name and on tag values using quoted regular expressions.
+# Exclusion on name should be done without the prefix.
+# If an exclusion is without tags, then metric matching the name will be excluded.
+# If both name and tags are specified, then the metric must match both to be excluded.
+# If multiple tags are specified, the metric must match all tags to be excluded.
+# By default, no metrics are excluded.
+# For list of available metrics and tags refer to the documentation.
+* excludedMetrics: []
+* enabled: true
+# The metrics can be excluded on name and on tag values using quoted regular expressions.
+# Exclusion on name should be done without the prefix.
+# If an exclusion is without tags, then metric matching the name will be excluded.
+# If both name and tags are specified, then the metric must match both to be excluded.
+# If multiple tags are specified, the metric must match all tags to be excluded.
+# By default, no metrics are excluded.
+# For list of available metrics and tags refer to the documentation.
+* excludedMetrics: []
+* enabled: true
+# The metrics can be excluded on name and on tag values using quoted regular expressions.
+# Exclusion on name should be done without the prefix.
+# If an exclusion is without tags, then metric matching the name will be excluded.
+# If both name and tags are specified, then the metric must match both to be excluded.
+# If multiple tags are specified, the metric must match all tags to be excluded.
+# By default, no metrics are excluded.
+# For list of available metrics and tags refer to the documentation.
+* excludedMetrics: []
+* directory: ./statistics
+# Prefix all metrics with below string
+# The prefix cannot start or end with a dot or any other path separator.
+* prefix: ''
+# The keyspace used for the CAS lock factory tables.
+* keyspace: ecchronos
+# The number of seconds until the lock failure cache expires.
+# If an attempt to secure a lock is unsuccessful,
+# all subsequent attempts will be failed until
+# the cache expiration time is reached.
+* cache_expiry_time_in_seconds: 30
+# The keyspace used for the time based run policy tables.
+* keyspace: ecchronos
+# Specifies the frequency the scheduler checks for work to be done
+* time: 30
+* unit: SECONDS
+# The host and port used for the HTTP server
+* host: localhost
+* port: 8080