The SideBySide.Baseline
and SideBySide.New
projects are intended to verify that the new
MySql.Data implementation is equivalent to the official ADO.NET connector in places where that
is deemed important.
The source code is all in the SideBySide.New
folder, and added (as link) to the SideBySide.Baseline
The tests require a local MySQL server (although this can be changed in Constants.cs
to use
a remote server). Create a user with the Login Name mysqltest
, Password test;key="val
Role "DBManager". Create another user with the Login Name no_password
, no Password and no Roles.
There are two ways to run the tests: command line and Visual Studio.
After building the solution, you should see a list of tests in the Test Explorer. Click "Run All" to run them.
To run the Baseline tests:
packages\xunit.runner.console.2.1.0\tools\xunit.console.exe tests\SideBySide.Baseline\bin\Debug\SideBySide.Baseline.dll
To run the New tests:
dotnet test tests\SideBySide.New