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99 lines (75 loc) · 4.88 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (75 loc) · 4.88 KB


  • Client-Mod is a modification of the Half-Life client part for Xash3D FWGS and GoldSource

Added server name to no vgui scoreboard, player model name (included in vgui), curent map name and number of current players.

Added commands:

cl_autojump [0/1] - Will jump automatically as soon as you touch the ground while +jump is held. Taken from OpenAG.
  • When cl_autojump is enabled, the jump button may not work, solved by command cl_lw 1.
+ducktap — Performs a duck tap automatically as soon as you touch the ground (presses +duck for 1 frame). Taken from OpenAG.

hud_color "r g b" - Sets hud color, values must be enclosed in quotation marks. example: hud_color "255 0 255". Taken from OpenAG.

hud_weapon [0/1] - Draw current weapon in HUD, default value is 1. Taken from OpenAG.

cl_logchat [0/1/2 ] - Value 1 logs only messages from players. Value 2 logs system messages and players, default value is 0.

cl_chatsound [0/1/2] - Value 1 play system and players chat notification sound, Value 2 logs only from players, default value is 1.

cl_chatsound_path ["path"] - Path to chat notification playing sound, defaut path "misc/talk.wav".

hud_vis [0/1] - The color of armor and health indicators will change depending on their number, default value is 0.
  • Comands starting with vis_health and vis_battery work with hud_vis 1. They change the color of the health indicator and change depending on their number.
  • Example: vis_health60 "0 255 0" is the green color of health when it is greater than 60, the same with vis_battery.
vis_battery100 "r g b"
vis_battery80 "r g b"
vis_battery60 "r g b"
vis_battery40 "r g b"
vis_battery20 "r g b"

vis_health100 "r g b"
vis_health60 "r g b"
vis_health80 "r g b"
vis_health40 "r g b"
vis_health20 "r g b"

cl_weaponlowering [0/1] - The weapon in the player's hand will lower depending on the speed of movement, default value is 1.
cl_weaponsway [0/1] - Swaying of the weapon when moving, default value is 1.
cl_weaponlag [0/1] - Weapon lag when turnings, default value is 1.

hud_speedometer [0/1] - Shows the player's speed, default value is 0. Taken from OpenAG.
hud_speedometer_below_cross [0/1] - Adjusts the position of the speedometer to the sight, defaut value is 0.

hud_jumpspeed [0/1] - Shows the player's speed at the moment of the jump, default value is 0. Taken from OpenAG.
hud_jumpspeed_below_cross [0/1] - Adjusts the position of the jumpspeed to the sight, defaut value is 0.
hud_jumpspeed_height [0/1] - Adjusts the positio jumpspeed, defaut value is 0.

hud_strafeguide [0/1] - Shows strafeguide, default value is 0. Taken from OpenAG.
hud_strafeguide_zoom [0/1], defaut value is 1.
hud_strafeguide_height [value], defaut value 0.
hud_strafeguide_size [value], defaut value 0.

hud_watermark [0/1] - Shows client author and build date, defaut value is 1.

hud_rainbow [0/1] - Paints HUD rainbow, default value is 0. Taken from OpenAG.
hud_rainbow_sat [value], default value is 100.
hud_rainbow_val [value], default value is 100.
hud_rainbow_speed [value], default value is 40.
hud_rainbow_xphase [value], default value is 0.4.
hud_rainbow_yphase [value], default value is 0.7.

hud_deathnotice_bg [0/1] - Death notification background, default value is 0.

cl_gauss_balls [0/1] - Small bouncing balls from Gauss hits, defaut value is 1.
cl_gauss_hits [0/1] - A large glowing sprite from a Gauss hits, defaut value is 1.
cl_hidecorpses [0/1] - Hides the corpses of players. defaut value is 0.

cl_killsound [0/1] - Sound plays when you kill player, defaut value is 1. Taken from OpenAG.
cl_killsound_path ["path"] - Path to playing sound, defaut path "buttons/bell1.wav". Taken from OpenAG.

cl_cross [0/1] - Custom crosshair, defaut value 0.
cl_cross_color "r g b" - Custom crosshair color, defaut value "255 255 255".
cl_cross_alpha [value] - Crosshair alpha, defaut value 255.
cl_cross_size [value] - Crosshair size, defaut value 1.
cl_cross_gap [value] - Crosshair distance from the middle, defaut value 2.
cl_cross_thickness [value] - Thickness crosshair, defaut value 5.
cl_cross_outline [value] - Crosshairs outline defaut value 1.
cl_cross_top_line [0/1], defaut value 1.
cl_cross_bottom_line [0/1], defaut value 1.
cl_cross_left_line [0/1], defaut value 1.
cl_cross_right_line [0/1], defaut value 1.
cl_cross_dot_size [value], value 0 diable dot, defaut value 1.
cl_cross_dot_color "r g b", defaut value "255 255 255".

cl_viewmodel_ofs_right [value] — Offsets the gun viewmodel to the right (or to the left if cl_righthand is set to 1), 0 for no offset. Taken from OpenAG.
cl_viewmodel_ofs_forward [value] — Offsets the gun viewmodel forward, 0 for no offset. Taken from OpenAG.
cl_viewmodel_ofs_up [value] — Offsets the gun viewmodel upwards, 0 for no offset. Taken from OpenAG.

cl_debug [0/1/2] - Show client info, defaut value 0.
cl_debug_showfps [1/0] - Show curent fps and framerate, defaut value 1.