為橢圓曲線 ( ECC ) 結合IES,其中IES全名為 Integrated Encryption Scheme 是一種結合非對稱式加密與對稱式加密的機制。
當小明要送一個加密訊息給阿煌時他需要知道如下資料 :
1. Key derivation function (e.g., ANSI-X9.63-KDF with SHA-1 option)
2. Message authentication code (e.g., HMAC-SHA-1-160 with 160-bit keys or HMAC-SHA-1-80 with 80-bit keys)
3. Symmetric encryption scheme (e.g., TDEA in CBC mode or XOR encryption scheme)
4. Elliptic curve domain parameters: (p,a,b,G,n,h)
5. 阿煌的 Public key: K ,K為阿煌的私鑰與G的乘積。
1. 使用Public key 與Private Key 來 derive出 Share Secret
2. 把Share Secret做SHA512雜湊
3. 產生16 bytes隨機IV
4. 把第二步驟的值取前32位當encryptionKey
5. 把第二步驟的值取後32位當macKey
6. 把 iv, encryptionKey 一起使用 AES-256-CBC 加密,產生ciphertext。
1. 使用Public key 與Private Key 來 derive出 Share Secret
2. 之後跟加密步驟一樣,經過Share secret雜湊後取前32位當作encryptionKey,而後32位當作macKey
3. 驗證加密時算出的MAC值是否與解密時算的MAC值符合
4. 傳入iv、encryptionKey、ciphertext,使用AES-256-CBC解密
const crypto = require('crypto');
const secp256k1 = require("secp256k1");
// sha256雜湊
function sha512(msg) {
return crypto.createHash("sha512").update(msg).digest();
// AES-256-CBC加密
function aes256CbcEncrypt(iv, key, plaintext) {
let cipher = crypto.createCipheriv("aes-256-cbc", key, iv);
let firstChunk = cipher.update(plaintext);
let secondChunk = cipher.final();
return Buffer.concat([firstChunk, secondChunk]);
// AES-256-CBC解密
function aes256CbcDecrypt(iv, key, ciphertext) {
let cipher = crypto.createDecipheriv("aes-256-cbc", key, iv);
let firstChunk = cipher.update(ciphertext);
let secondChunk = cipher.final();
return Buffer.concat([firstChunk, secondChunk]);
// SHA256雜湊訊息驗證碼
function hmacSha256(key, msg) {
return crypto.createHmac("sha256", key).update(msg).digest();
// 從Private Key產生Public Key
const getPublic = function(privateKey) {
if(privateKey.length !== 32) {
console.log("Private key length need to be 32");
let compressed = secp256k1.publicKeyCreate(privateKey);
return secp256k1.publicKeyConvert(compressed, false);
//產生Share Secret
const derive = function(privateKeyA, publicKeyB) {
const _derive = crypto.createECDH('secp256k1');
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
_derive.computeSecret(publicKeyB, null, 'hex'))
// 比較Mac值
function equalConstTime(b1, b2) {
if (b1.length !== b2.length) {
return false;
var res = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < b1.length; i++) {
res |= b1[i] ^ b2[i];
return res === 0;
// 加密
const encrypt = function(publicKeyTo, msg, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
let ephemPublicKey;
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
let ephemPrivateKey = opts.ephemPrivateKey || crypto.randomBytes(32);
ephemPublicKey = getPublic(ephemPrivateKey);
// 1.使用Public key 與Private Key 來 derive出 Share Secret
resolve(derive(ephemPrivateKey, publicKeyTo));
}).then(function(Px) {
// 2.把Share Secret做SHA512雜湊
let hash = sha512(Px);
// 3.產生16 bytes隨機IV
let iv = opts.iv || crypto.randomBytes(16);
// 4. 把第二步驟的值取前32位當encryptionKey
let encryptionKey = hash.slice(0, 32);
// 5. 把第二步驟的值取後32位當macKey
let macKey = hash.slice(32);
// 6. 把iv, encryptionKey, 訊息一起使用AES-256-CBC加密。
let ciphertext = aes256CbcEncrypt(iv, encryptionKey, msg);
let dataToMac = Buffer.concat([iv, ephemPublicKey, ciphertext]);
let mac = hmacSha256(macKey, dataToMac);
return {
// 解密
const decrypt = function(privateKey, opts) {
// 1.使用Public key 與Private Key 來 derive出 Share Secret
return derive(privateKey, opts.ephemPublicKey).then(function(Px) {
// 2.之後跟加密步驟一樣,經過Share secret雜湊後取前32位當作encryptionKey
// 而後32位當作macKey
let hash = sha512(Px);
let encryptionKey = hash.slice(0, 32);
let macKey = hash.slice(32);
let dataToMac = Buffer.concat([
// 驗證MAC是否符合
var realMac = hmacSha256(macKey, dataToMac);
if(!equalConstTime(opts.mac, realMac)) {
console.log("MAC not match");
// 使用AES-256-CBC解密
return aes256CbcDecrypt(opts.iv, encryptionKey, opts.ciphertext);
// 產生私鑰與公鑰
const privateKey_yicheng = crypto.randomBytes(32);
const publicKey_yicheng = getPublic(privateKey_yicheng);
// 執行加密與解密
encrypt(publicKey_yicheng, Buffer("I have one banana.")).then(function(encrypted) {
console.log('Encrypted payload')
decrypt(privateKey_yicheng, encrypted).then(function(plaintext) {
console.log("Message to yicheng:", plaintext.toString());