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Courtney Peverley edited this page Feb 9, 2022 · 50 revisions

CAM documentation

Scientifically-Supported Compsets

aux_cam prealpha
Compset Resolution Compset Resolution
F2000climo f09_f09_mg17 FHIST f09_f09_mg17
FSCAM T42_T42 FWsc1850 f09_f09_mg17
QPC6 f19_f19_mg17 FWscHIST f09_f09_mg17
QSC6 f09_f09_mg17 FHS94 T42z30_T42_mg17
FWHIST f09_f09_mg17
FW1850 f09_f09_mg17
FDABIP04 T42z30_T42_mg17
prebeta untested
Compset Resolution Compset Resolution
FDABIP04 T85z30_T85_mg17 FWsc2010climo f09_f09_mg17
FDABIP04 T85z60_T85_mg17 FCSCAM* T42_T42
FHS94 T85z30_T85_mg17 FWsc2000climo* f09_f09_mg17
FHS94 T85z60_T85_mg17
QPC6 f09_f09_mg17
QSC6 f19_f19_mg17
FWHIST_BGC f09_f09_mg17

*no resolutions tested for this compset

ESCOMP/CAM code development:

This section contains the workflows for anyone who is developing CAM -- that is, making any change to the CAM code, build method, or configuration.

git and GitHub resources

The links below should help you to learn and use git. If you cannot find an answer to your question here, ask your question by opening a new issue with the 'type:question' label. Be sure to check the FAQ first!

Additional CAM resources