Prof. John Wawrzynek
TA: Kevin He, Kevin Anderson
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
This lab is the result of the work of many EECS151/251 GSIs over the years including: Written By:
- Nathan Narevsky (2014, 2017)
- Brian Zimmer (2014)
Modified By:
- John Wright (2015,2016)
- Ali Moin (2018)
- Arya Reais-Parsi (2019)
- Cem Yalcin (2019)
- Tan Nguyen (2020)
- Harrison Liew (2020)
- Sean Huang (2021)
- Daniel Grubb, Nayiri Krzysztofowicz, Zhaokai Liu (2021)
- Dima Nikiforov (2022)
- Roger Hsiao, Hansung Kim (2022)
- Chengyi Lux Zhang, (2023)
- Kevin Anderson, Kevin He (Sp2024)