Translations are handled on OneSky, specifically in this project.
If you add any new strings that appear in the application UI, e.g. new configuration options, then you should specify them as:
_('Text that appears in UI')
is a special global function that then handles the translation, using its single argument, plus the configured language, to look up the appropriate text.
If you need to specify something in the text that shouldn't be translated then use the form:
_('Some text with a {WORD} not translated'.format(WORD='word'))
This way 'word' will always be used literally.
Next you will need to edit L10n/en.template
to add the phrase:
/* <use of this phrase> [<file it was first added in>] */
"<text as it appears in the code>" = "<English version of the text>";
/* Successfully authenticated with the Frontier website. [] */
"Authentication successful" = "Authentication successful";
which matches with:
self.status['text'] = _('Authentication successful') # Successfully authenticated with the Frontier website
/* Help text in settings. [] */
"Tip: You can disable a plugin by{CR}adding '{EXT}' to its folder name" = "Tip: You can disable a plugin by{CR}adding '{EXT}' to its folder name";
which matches with:
nb.Label(plugsframe, text=_("Tip: You can disable a plugin by{CR}adding '{EXT}' to its folder name").format(EXT='.disabled')).grid( # Help text in settings
is handled in
, translating to a unicode \n
. See the code
for any other such special substitutions.
You can even use other translations within a given string, e.g.:
_("One or more of your enabled plugins do not yet have support for Python 3.x. Please see the list on the '{PLUGINS}' tab of '{FILE}' > '{SETTINGS}'. You should check if there is an updated version available, else alert the developer that they need to update the code for Python 3.x.\r\n\r\nYou can disable a plugin by renaming its folder to have '{DISABLED}' on the end of the name.".format(PLUGINS=_('Plugins'), FILE=_('File'), SETTINGS=_('Settings'), DISABLED='.disabled'))
/* Popup body: Warning about plugins without Python 3.x support [] */
"One or more of your enabled plugins do not yet have support for Python 3.x. Please see the list on the '{PLUGINS}' tab of '{FILE}' > '{SETTINGS}'. You should check if there is an updated version available, else alert the developer that they need to update the code for Python 3.x.\r\n\r\nYou can disable a plugin by renaming its folder to have '{DISABLED}' on the end of the name." = "One or more of your enabled plugins do not yet have support for Python 3.x. Please see the list on the '{PLUGINS}' tab of '{FILE}' > '{SETTINGS}'. You should check if there is an updated version available, else alert the developer that they need to update the code for Python 3.x.\r\n\r\nYou can disable a plugin by renaming its folder to have '{DISABLED}' on the end of the name.";
You will, of course, need admin access to the project. Jonathan Harris (aka Maringal, aka Otis) still handles this. Check for this email address in github commits if you need to get in touch.
- Copy
somewhere. It needs to be this name for OneSky to accept it as an upload. - In the project click the
next to "Files"- Select the copied
file. - Make sure that you select "Deprecate" for the "Do you want to deprecate phrases uploaded before but not in this batch? " option.
- Click the "Import files now" button.
- Select the copied
- Check that the new phrases are listed properly on the phrases list. Use the search dialogue on the 'code text' to find them.
All project admins will get a notification of the new upload. Now you wait for translators to work on the new/changed phrases.
Once you have new/changed translations on OneSky you'll want to update the code to use them.
- Navigate to the Translation Overview then click on "Download Translation" which should bring you to Download.
- In "File format" select ".strings (iOS/MacOS)".
- "All languages" should already be selected in the "Languages filter". If not, select it.
- Likewise "All files" should already be selected in "File Filter".
- Click "Export". After a short delay you should be offered a file "" for download.
- Access the contents of this zip file, extracting all the files into
in the code. - Rename the "en.strings" file to "en.template".
- Commit the changes to git.
To add a new language to the app:
Add it to the OneSkyApp project:
- open EDMarketConnector - Miscellaneous Manage Languages
- Search for the language.
- Ensure you have the correct one if there are variants.
- Click the
on the right hand side to add the language. - Be sure to go through and Finalize any phrases that shouldn't be translated. See Translations in the Wiki.
Remember that until there are translations all strings will default to the English version (actually the key, which is always specified in English).
You need to get the new
file added to the files the installer will install:-
to add an appropriate section to the:`<Directory Id="L10n" Name="L10n">`
section, e.g.:
<Component Guid="*"> <File KeyPath="yes" Source="SourceDir\L10n\sr-Latn-BA.strings" /> </Component>`
You also need to add a line in the:
<Feature Id='Complete' Level='1'>
section, e.g.:
<ComponentRef Id="sr_Latn_BA.strings" />
Note how the
characters have been changed to_
. If needs be run the build process once and look out for lines like:\EDMarketConnector\EDMarketConnector.wxs(264) : error LGHT0204 : ICE21: Component: 'sr_Latn_BA.strings' does not belong to any Feature.
to see what the applicable string is.
You will also want to add it to the installer's languages. This is simple enough, only requiring you add a number to an array in
find the line beginningLanguages="1033,
, e.g.Languages="1033,1029,1031,1034,1035,1036,1038,1040,1041,1043,1045,1046,1049,1058,1062,2052,2070,2074,6170,0" />
Now you'll need to consult the latest [MS-LCID]: Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID) Reference for the correct numerical code to add to the list.
Convert the hexadecimal Language ID to the equivalent in decimal.
Add the new decimal value as the last but one value in the list, keeping the
at the end. -
Update the comment on the next line to reflect what you added.