The free online version of Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
A method that substitutes part of a string
>> foo = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' >> foo['The'] = 'A' # Replace first occurrence of "The" in string foo >> foo.sub('quick', 'fast') # Returns copy of foo with "quick" replaced with "fast" >> foo.sub!(/quick/, 'speedy') # Replaces substring "quick" with "speedy" in place (we use a regex pattern just for the sake of demonstration) >> foo.gsub!(/a/i, 'the') # Case-insensitive, replace all occurrences of "a" with "the" in-place
Print the string "Hello, World"
puts "Hello, world."
For the string “Hello, Ruby,” find the index of the word “Ruby.”
'Hello, Ruby' =~ /Ruby/ # Using regular expression matching
'Hello, Ruby'.index('Ruby') # Using the index method
Print your name 10 times
puts "Kevin Gao\n" * 10
10.times { puts "Yang Su" }
Print the string "This is sentence number 1," where the number 1 changes from 1 to 10.
(1..10).each do |num| # Using a range
puts "This is sentence number #{num}"
1.upto(10) do |num| # Using an enumerator
puts "This is sentence number #{num}"
Run a Ruby program from a file
ruby 01-randnumgame.rb
Bonus problem: write a program that picks a random number. Let a player guess the number, telling the player whether the guess is too low or too high.
def getRandAnswer(max = 10)
rand(max) + 1
puts "Welcome to the random number game!"
puts "\tTo quit, answer 'q' at any time"
guess = nil
max = 10
answer = getRandAnswer(10)
while true
puts "Guess a number from 1 to #{max}:"
guess = gets.chomp
break if guess == 'q'
gNum = guess.to_i
if gNum == answer
puts "Correct!"
answer = getRandAnswer(10)
elsif gNum < answer
puts "Too low"
puts "Too high"
Find out how to access files with and without code blocks. What is the benefit of the code block?
# With code blocks File.open('foo.bar', 'w') { |f| f << 'bazzbuzz' } # Without code blocks file = File.open('foo.bar', 'w') file << 'bazzbuzz' file.close
The benefit of using a code block is that it wraps resource handling policies around the block, rather than the coder using the API having to deal with it. Also, it's just pretty.
How would you translate a hash to an array?
. Can you translate arrays to hashes?Hash[*array]
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Can you iterate through a hash? Yes.
{:array=>[1, 2, 3], :string=>"Hello"}.each {|k, v| puts "k: #{k}, v: #{v}"} # => k: array, v: [1, 2, 3] # => k: string, v: Hello
You can use Ruby arrays as stacks. What other common data structures do arrays support? Queues, Sets
Print the contents of an array of sixteen numbers, four numbers at a time, using just each. Now, do the same with each_slice in Enumerable.
a = (1..16).to_a b = [] a.each do |x| b.push x if b.length == 4 puts b.join(',') b.clear end end a = (1..16).to_a a.each_slice(4) { |xs| puts xs.join(',') }
The Tree class was interesting, but it did not allow you to specify a new tree with a clean user interface. Let the initializer accept a nested structure with hashes and arrays.
See solution here
Write a simple grep that will print the lines of a file having any occurrences of a phrase anywhere in that line. You will need to do a simple regular expression match and read lines from a file. (This is surprisingly simple in Ruby.) If you want, include line numbers.
def grep(filename, phrase) File.open(filename, 'r').each_with_index do |line, lineNumber| puts "#{lineNumber}: #{line}" if line =~ /#{phrase}/ end end
Modify the CSV application to support an each method to return a CsvRow object. Use
on that CsvRow to return the value for the column for a given heading.For example, for the file:
one, two lions, tigers
See solution here and alternative here