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ToxCast Tox21 API

This is the API implementation to expose the ToxCast data. It uses the Connexion library on top of Flask. A scaffold for this implementation was built from the OpenAPI/Swagger definition.



  • Elasticsearch 2.3 running
  • Python 3
  • Python requirements from requirements.txt

To install python requirements (preferably inside pyvenv) run:

pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade

Running the api server


Rerunning the swagger-codegen tool after big schema changes

If you make major changes to the swagger definition (e.g. add a new endpoint, change parameters etc), rather than add these by hand you can run the swagger-codegen tool again. When you do so, the existing implementation will be overwritten, so make sure to have a clean working copy of this repo before you run the tool, so you can use git checkout OVERWRITTEN-FILES to undo the changes that deleted the existing implementation.

At the root of this repository, run:

java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -l python-flask -i Swagger.yaml -o api