Politeia for Ditto(PR)批准的预算,错误赏金计划,开源研究,分散交换规范和块头承诺共识变更将提升SPV安全性并为其他改进铺平道路。
iOS Wallet v1.0于7月10日在App Store上发布。
dcrdata v5.0发布。用于探索Decred数据,性能,安全性和体系结构改进的新图表和数据可视化。
承包商在承包商管理系统(CMS)中提交错误修复和UI改进的发票的更顺畅的经验 - 这是推出DCC和财务报告的重要里程碑。
dcrd: 代码维护和更多测试覆盖。
升级了几个模块以提高组织和代码质量。引入 dcrutil模块的第2版以减少耦合并防止处理地址中的细微错误。引入v2 模块完成的大改动。这样做的好处包括:通过将块1支付定义为脚本而不是地址来减少关键共识代码的表面,在导入包时消除不希望的副作用并改善网络参数的组织。该模块的第2版还 引入了使用新版本和模块。版本碰撞的机会也用于解决v1中的几个问题
在其他较小的改进中,增加了对在Go 1.13上生成Ed25519 TLS证书的支持。
dcrwallet: 错误修复和增量改进。
默认TLS曲线更改为更安全的P-256。默认情况下,在Go 1.13上添加并启用了对Ed25519 TLS证书的支持。
标志来改善票务处理,以限制每个区块购买的最大票数和更正的lockedbytickets 余额计算,以解决独立,VSP和分票票选民的几个问题。一个RPC补丁将允许VSP的显示不成熟的选票分开。添加了几个新的钱包地址API,以简化与地址相关的功能的开发。
Decrediton: 继续开展闪电网络钱包的集成工作。处理配置,错误修复和维护的内部改进。
Politeia: Politeia用户数据库中添加了一个 插件结构,可以更轻松地在Politeia的Web服务器(politeiawww)之上构建通用应用程序。这将允许应用程序更轻松地存储特定于应用程序的用户数据(例如来自承包商管理系统(CMS)的数据),同时仍然可以重新使用主用户路由。还创建了一个通用的dcrdata websocket 实现,使得在politeiawww上构建的应用程序更容易监视地址平衡和其他区块链数据。
dcrstakepool: 最近几个月,VSP软件越来越受欢迎。在五月重新设计之后,有很多重构工作要在组件之间实现适当的层分离,这对于安全性和性能也会有很小的好处。
dcrlnd: 工作继续从lnd存储库移植上游更改。现在已经合并了大约190个(270个)PR合并到lnd,因为dcrlnd已经合并,包括许多错误修复和两个重要功能:安全备份用于脱链数据和了望塔客户端的违规保护和报复。
在回答关于LN的BTC-DCR交换的问题时,@ matheusd 澄清了这个难题的多个元素的状态。
dcrandroid: 小错误修复和UI改进,西班牙语和葡萄牙语(BR)的新翻译,以及新的发送和估计功能。
dcrios: v1.0.0 在6个月的活跃工作后在App Store上发布!
初始版本有英文,俄文和简体中文版本,有更多翻译版本。Release Candidate 1和Release Candidate 2中报告的错误已经修复,并且已经实施了一些小的UI调整。
dcrdata: 正式版本,v5.0现已上线。除了体系结构,安全性和性能改进之外,v5.0还引入了许多用于探索Decred数据的新图表和可视化。
新的市场页面显示来自几个主要交易所的数据,包括汇总的DCR价格信息,交易深度等。该建议 页已完成测试,并显示所有Politeia建议统计和投票图表(实时和历史)。错过的选票图表显示了一个重要的网络健康指标。
docs: “DAE”(分布式自治实体)的实例已修改为 “DAO”(分布式自治组织)取代。新页面添加了有关算法如何伪随机选择投票作品的详细信息。
- 现在,如果GitHub / AWS无法访问,则会在IPFS上镜像Decred二进制文件。如果您运行IPFS节点,请随意固定哈希以增加冗余并提高下载性能。还列出了3个HTTP网关,因此不使用IPFS的人也可以访问这些文件。最新的IPFS哈希值将始终列在此处:dcr.jz.bz.
- 还可以在Keybase上镜像Decred二进制文件和视频。
- 源代码在 GitLab上镜像。
- dcr-setup: 基于Debian和RedHat的Linux发行版的投票钱包设置脚本。
欢迎来到新的第一次贡献者与代码合并到掌握:Marton(politeia),,Amos Ezeme(dcrandroid),Quadri Anifowose (dcrandroid),Lore(dcrandroid)。
虽然@DZ在dcrandroid 中合并的提交被第一次检测到,但应该注意到他是一个长期的Decred贡献者。
6月,社区基金收到15,135 DCR,并花费6,657 DCR。使用6月份的每日平均DCR / USD为28.90美元,这是收到的437,000美元和花费的192,000美元。由于这些付款用于5月份完成的工作,因此在5月平均每日费率27.71美元的背景下考虑它们也是有用的 - 在这种情况下,美元收到/支出的数字是419,000美元/ 184K美元。截至7月1日,财政部余额为622,472 DCR(1836万美元,29.50美元)。
- Decred Bug Bounty Proposal: Phase 2- 93.5%的批准,31.5%的选民参与
- Ditto Communications Proposal for Decred: Phase 2 - 75.8%的批准,29.2%的选民参与
- Decred开源研究提案:第2阶段 - 90.2%的批准,32.4%的选民参与
- 去中心化交易工具规范 - 98.4%的批准,30%的选民参与
- Block Header Commitments Consensus Change - 99.2%的批准,33.5%的选民参与。提案和Reddit上的评论者对该提案如何为技术和非技术受众提供部分表示赞赏,并且还注意到Decred的链式投票系统如何在没有多年毫无结果的讨论的情况下实现优雅的更新。
Supplemental Proposal For Decred Tutorials By Denni Lovejoy. 该提案要求将教程视频的原始预算750美元增加到7,500美元。@Denni Lovejoy要求在反对意见后放弃该提案。目前正在讨论如何处理这些方案,其中提案的工作量大大超出预算。
Decred Media Campaign Proposal - Crypto Economy - 2019/2020. 该提案要求33,600美元以多种方式宣传Decred,包括横幅广告,新闻稿,Decred赠品和时事通讯。评论说,其中一些已经得到很好的覆盖,而另一些则不可取。该提案随后被其所有者放弃。
如需更深入地了解Politeia上发生的事情,请查看6月发表的两期 “Politeia Digest”。
r / decred subreddit上的一些帖子试图在Decred社区中对最佳Politeia批准门槛进行投票,将Decrediton重命名为Declaration,将Decrediton称为钱包以外的其他内容,并询问Decred是否应该开始使用DAO而不是DAE来描述分散的利益相关者对项目的治理。
最后一次轮询(将DAE重命名为DAO)可以被@s_ben视为“软提议”。这个提案背后的理由是,虽然最初选择DAE(分布式自治实体)这个名称是为了避免与以太坊DAO黑客的关联,但DAO从此成为加密中的热门话题,与DAO hack在流行的想象中几乎没有联系。 。因为Decred在这个术语上可以说比其他项目更合理,因为已经建立了一个正常运行的DAO(正在制作这个时事通讯),所以参与对话更有意义。考虑了一项Politeia提案。但是,对于各种通信渠道的变化没有异议(如本评论中所述)),粗略的共识是,除非有任何强烈反对,否则这种改变不需要Politeia提案。@s_ben更改了文档的引用,并提交了一个pull请求来更改decred.org上的术语。活动而这一举措的讨论在跟踪这个问题.。
网络算力:6月份的哈希值以~504 Ph / s的速度开启,月底约为540 Ph / s,最低369 Ph / s,整个月达到607 Ph / s。截至7月2日的池哈希值分布:lab.antpool.com 18%,UUPool 17.7%,F2Pool 14%,Poolin 9.5%,BTC.com 9%,Luxor 2.2%,CoinMine 0.21%,BeePool 0.15%,suprnova 0.03%和其他人每个dcrstats.com29%。池分布数是近似值,无法准确确定。
Staking: 每个dcrstats.com的30天平均票价为120 DCR(+4)。价格在116.8-127.3 DCR之间变化。锁定金额为4.75-484万DCR,相当于可用供应量的48.01-49.03% 。
节点数: 整个6月,每个 dcr.farm大约有200个监听节点和340-510个总节点。截至7月8日,大约80%运行v1.4.0,9%运行dcrwallet v1.4.0(SPV)和4%运行v1.5.0(pre)dev版本。
dcr.farm更新了闪电网络仪表板。截至7月8日,DCR testnet LN显示15个节点,45个通道,总容量为370 DCR。
6月27日,DCR供应量超过 10,000,000 DCR。1000万DCR分布意味着起源预设占当前流通DCR的17%,到目前为止,PoW矿工获得50%,PoS选民获得25%,财政部获得8%。
选票持有人提出支持请求说某些VSP错过了他们的门票。经过调查,发现Grassfed和d1pool已从网络中分离出来并且错过了对他们的门票的投票。 Grassfed做出了回应并承诺将继续保持未来的更新。我们无法访问d1pool ,目前正在讨论将它们从decred.org 的VSP列表中删除。
同时也出现了一个问题和一个讨论 如何将这些问题能在未来避免。另一个讨论的想法是持续努力让更多人建立自己的投票钱包.
Exmo在他们的 提案l上发布,并在6月18日启用了 DCR / BTC,DCR / RUB和DCR / UAH交易对。
Vertbase 为美国客户增加了定期订单和出售美元数字资产的选项。
EliteX 列出了 DCR,并写了一篇文章向他们的用户解释Decred。
抹茶交易所(MXC Exchange)添加了DCR / USDT交换对。
Bleutrade 宣布 DCR将在7月15日计划的大规模清理中被除名 - 今年第二次退市 (讨论)。Bleutrade非常支持Decred。这是第一个列出Decred的产品,它是在2016年2月8日网络启动的第一天就是这样做的。
Decred的Trust Wallet集成部分 即将完成。在三月份获得选民批准后,该提案在负责核心钱包集成(完成)的Trust Wallet团队与负责整合和托管Trust Wallet用于托管交易数据的Blockbook服务器之间分离工作。
注意:Decred Journal的作者不知道上述任何服务的可信度。在将您的个人信息或资产信任给任何实体之前,请先进行自己的研究。
在外展方面继续取得进展,重点关注教育并使其更容易学习Decred。正在进行具体工作以建立社交媒体剧本,使每个社区成员都能做出贡献。Checkmate 已经在Twitter上出现,引入了#DecredChallenge标签,并挑战每个人学习Decred 30天,并解释为什么Decred不应该是市值的#2。结果非常积极,Decred社交媒体活动和效果显着提升。喜欢和评论Decred故事非常重要,因为这样可以增加覆盖范围,并可以编写更多故事。
@anshawblack在@lukebp和Joel Monegro发行了Decred in Depth播客剧集。@Dustorf和@jy-p录制了Decred Assembly剧集,包括Decred Distributed with @akinsawyerr在Decred in Africa,Deep Dive with @ moo31337 on the Treasury proposal,以及Decred Distributed with @richardred。后两集将很快发布。
Decred在治理问题上取得了重大进展。CoinDesk中的赌注是by Decred治理宣言的前身,而@akinsawyerr 在沃顿商学院治理会议上与该领域的主要发言人一起发表了讲话。有很多关于Decred的讨论,它作为治理的先驱和领导者而受到广泛尊重。已邀请Decred在日本的下一次此类会议上发言。
- 促进了对@jy-p和CoinDesk之间治理和赌注的介绍性访谈
- 促进了对Legacy Research分析师Greg Wilson和@ moo31337的采访,他们对Decred进行了概述和更新,面向投资者
- 与Morgan Creek Digital的创始人Anthony Pompliano和@ jy-p一起安全并配备Off the Chain播客
- 使用Delphi Digital的Tom Shaughnessy和@ jy-p获得安全和人员配备的 Chain Reaction播客
- Got Decred引用了CNBC,Mashable,CoinTelegraph和Forbes的 Facebook Libra (两次!)。旁注:CNBC和Mashable是主流媒体,吸引那些对加密知之甚少的人。通过在他们面前获得Decred,我们正在大大扩展其覆盖范围
- @jy-p引用CoinDesk中的治理。
- @richardred 在CoinTelegraph上 引用 了关于CCN“关闭”的文章。
- 参加旧金山比特币聚会,组织者表示有兴趣组建一个以Decred为发言人的治理小组
- 制作了关于如何对地理围栏或退市做出反应(或不做出反应)的社交媒体指南
- 召集社区参与并在社交媒体上分享媒体报道
- 提交的Ditto提案:第2阶段到Politeia,参与讨论,然后看到Decred利益相关方批准的提案!感谢您的信任投票。在Decred工作是一种绝对的快乐,我们期待未来6个月
- 6月5日 - Decred x Blueyardd - 德国柏林。@Haon的完整报告就在这里
- 6月11日 - 区块链的裁定和工业用途 - 玻利维亚拉巴斯。@elian与圣安德烈斯大学的50-60名工程专业学生进行了交流。(照片)
- 6月12日 - Decred:一个分散的自治实体 - 美国华盛顿特区。该活动共有约11人参加。@akinsawyerr对Decred进行了概述,并回答了观众的提问。该活动由TechSpace Balston和Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network of DC共同主办。有很多问题涉及我们的治理流程,我们如何支付和管理承包商,以及Decred与参与/贡献角度的以太网等平台的不同之处。
- 6月13日 - 加密会议 - 玻利维亚拉巴斯。@elian向当地的加密社区发表了关于区块链治理的演讲。(照片)
- 6月18日 - TF Blockchain - 美国波特兰。
- 6月18日 - NetEase - 中国武汉。@Dominic介绍了Decred独特的融资模式和DCRDAO组织模式。(照片)
- 6月19日 - Reston Virginia Golang聚会 - 美国弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿。该活动有21人参加,主要是开发人员。@akinsawyerr对Decred进行了概述,并回答了观众的提问。该活动由康卡斯特主持。大多数问题都是关于如何获取加密货币,理解基本术语以及加密货币的潜在经济影响的一般性问题。发布一个参与者要求了解更多关于Decred利用Golang构建的内容的活动,希望看到实际的代码演示等。
- 6月19日至23日- 巴西利亚校区派对 - 巴西巴西利亚。Decred出席了大学聚会。@matheusd 在聊天中写了一份报告,描述了一个成功的活动,其中Decred有强大的存在并参与了3个不同的活动(加密儿童游戏时间,LN付费墙研讨会和参与主舞台)。(视频)
- 6月20日 - 北京Decred Meetup - 中国北京。Decred由@changhugo和@Dominic代表。该活动有100人参加,现场直播超过4,000名观众。@changhugo的完整报告在这里。
- 6月26日 - SF Decred Devs x Coinbase Custody Happy Hour - 美国旧金山。(照片)
- 6月28日 - Community Update on all things Decred - 澳大利亚墨尔本。
- 7月11日 - 与Joshua Buirski - 美国纽约的炉边聊天。由Staked和TokenTax共同主持。
- 7月24日 - Decred Meetup - 美国芝加哥。
经过改进的活动报告库现在有14个不错的报告。请提交您的报告并在Reddit / Twitter上分享,以了解每个月发生的事件数量。
Ditto的公关指南已收集在新的存储库中,目前包括基础消息传递, 选票消息传递 and 参与指南如何对退市/地理围栏做出反应。
- @Haon的[区块链治理象限](https://medium.com/@NoahPierau/the-blockchain-governance-quadrant-2a878a9cacb9([中文](https://github.com/Guang168/DCR_CommunityArticles/blob/master/The_Blockchain_Governance_Quadrant_CN.md))
- 监管机构即将到来 - Canary在Decred Hash Mine: 第一部分 - 另见关于Reddit的 讨论。
- 为什么Decred这个名字很棒 by @Haon (medium)
- @George Pro在非洲采用加密货币的障碍 (medium)
- Decred Australia -by @zohand (medium)
- Staking不仅仅是赚取加密货币的方式 -by @jy-p (coindesk.com) - 韩语.
- 由EliteX Exchange 撰写 - EliteX交易所采访了@changhugo并撰写了一份简短的概述,他们在列出DCR的同时发布了这一文章。
- 加密货币社会: by @nnnko56 (write.as)
- Decred as a DAE Infrastructure Provider - in Italian and in Russian by @DZ.
- Decred Foundational Messaging - in Vietnamese by @duyenemdo.
- Decred: Where did it all begin? - in Arabic by @arij and in Vietnamese by @duyenemdo.
- Why the name Decred is awesome - in Arabic by @arij.
- 新的Decred月报翻译 - @arij的阿拉伯语,@guang和其他人的中文,@DZ的俄语,@elian的西班牙语,@duyenemdo的越南语。这里很难列出所有这些(很好的问题!),查看索引和镜像页面上的所有翻译。
- Reminder: there is an effort to build an index of all translations and collect statistics of time it takes to produce them. Please submit yours.
- Decred in Depth - Ep. 2 Luke Powell - Politeia + dcrtime (soundcloud, youtube)
- Decred in Depth - Ep. 3 Joel Monegro - Placeholder Capital DCR Investment Thesis + Governance (soundcloud)
- Decred Distributed: Africa with Akin Sawyerr (youtube)
- Hacekernoon Podcast E55 - The Insights of Building Decentralized Infrastructure with Jake Yocom-Piatt from Decred (hackernoon.com, youtube)
- Off the Chain with Anthony Pompliano: Jake Yocom-Piatt, Project lead for Decred: Crypto Ego Management (player.fm)
- Chain Reaction with Tom Shaughnessy: Decred's Co-Founder Jake Yocom-Piatt: Governance-First Crypto Aims to Challenge Bitcoin (youtube, player.fm, podbean.com)
- Inclusionism: Guest Akin Sawyerr on African Blockchain (jamesfeltonkeith.com, Decred talk starts 38 min in)
- Decred Russia podcast by @DZ (soundcloud, in Russian)
- Politeia用户:189(+14)
- Twitter粉丝:40,479(+17)
- Reddit订阅者:9,505(+46)
- Matrix用户:364(+27)
- Slack用户:6,769(+48)
- Discord用户:2310(+53)已通过验证:246(+20)
- 电报用户:3,407(-169)
- YouTube订阅者:3,787(+18)
- Facebook粉丝:3,230(+11),赞:2,964(+10)
- LinkedIn关注者:567(+23)
- GitHub dcrd星:494(+5),分叉:1,337(+13)
- 在Matrix协议的第一个稳定版本发布后,几个Matrix会议室进行了升级。用户必须加入新房间,但过程非常简单,所有历史记录都会保留。
- 开发流程中的Hot Matrix / Riot功能包括:可编辑的消息,反应,线程以及用于端到端加密的更好的设备验证UX。
部分 Reddit 讨论:
- 一篇帖子询问在Reddit上发布的类似Matrix的渠道讨论是否会增加采用和教育。
- POLL:最佳Politeia通过门槛 - 57%表示当前水平可以,7%表示不到60%,26%表示赞成提高审批门槛。
- POLL:将Decrediton重命名为声明 - Reddit得分为0,这应该被解释为缺乏支持。
- 问题:混合型金融和治理工具被称为“钱包”还是完全不同的东西?
- POLL:将DAE重命名为DAO? - 得分为15,最高评论说“我支持将其改为DAO”,得到8分。另请参阅此评论以及聊天讨论支持的说明。
- @Ammarooni 线程如何“比特币地址是不是直接对肉眼可见,但将成为突出随着时间的法定货币的结构性缺陷。Decred是解决当今不在流行的Bitcoin的缺点,但可能成为表现随着时间的推移。”
- @_Checkmatey_ tweeted a thread about Decred as a digital organism driven by a human hive-mind with skin in the game, then went on to compare its stock-to-flow with Bitcoin's and finally issue a challenge to all Bitcoiners: spend one month studying Decred and come out believing it is not a worthy number 2 to Bitcoin.
- @CryptoBrekkie created an interesting poll which received 720 responses. "So I've noticed a trend among some maximalists lately expressing a desire for a real, sound money competitor to Bitcoin, a rival that could ultimately help Bitcoin level up. I've also noticed many maximalists have a soft spot for @decredproject. Could Decred be that competitor?". 36% said Yes, 52% said No.
6月份DCR的交易价格为24.77-37.06美元/ BTC 0.0026-0.0035。平均每日房价为28.90美元。
Facebook published the Libra white paper on Jun 18, and this dominated blockchain news and discussion for a spell more than any other subject has for some time. Quotes from @jy-p were featured in a number of articles about Libra on high profile sites (see Ditto update above), questioning Facebook's track record and whether inviting them to also handle our financial transactions is a good idea. We will not revisit the discussion of Libra here, except to note that the white paper addresses how it will be governed - through an association where validators (approved organizations that provide the necessary capital) vote to make decisions. 21 organizations, mostly large multinationals, were announced with the white paper, with an aim to have 100 signed up before Libra launches. It will be interesting to see how a distributed ledger operated by 100 (mega-)corporations behaves in comparison to the one operated by the Decred stakeholders and their ~40,960 tickets.
Parity Technologies released an alpha version of Zebra, an alternative Zcash node implementation written in Rust. The codebase has been handed over to the Zcash Foundation. Parity first announced plans to build an alternative node in Oct 2018. Zebra was derived from Parity's Rust Bitcoin implementation and will lay the foundation for a future Polkadot bridge.
Dovey Wan announced that the "Hard Core Fund" has accumulated 50 BTC which can be used to pay Bitcoin developers, and described the search for sustainable funding for Bitcoin developers as the biggest challenge facing the ecosystem in 2019. The fund makes payments to approved Bitcoin contributors when they send monthly reports about what they have worked on.
Another funding event for Bitcoin was two privacy projects, Wasabi Wallet and JoinMarket, getting awarded grants of 10 BTC each from a bounty fund created in 2013 to incentivize work on CoinJoin. The fund is a 2-of-3 multisig controlled by Greg Maxwell, Theymos and Pieter Wuille.
The Bitcoin Cash Development Fund also announced good progress on a development funding drive, with 760 BCH of a targeted 800 BCH raised from 900 donors.
Grin is attempting to iterate towards a less centralized form of governance, after recognizing that the absence of formal governance processes plus the need for trusted contributors to manage shared resources (donated funds) has led to a de facto centralization of responsibility for the project. The Grin council is to become the core team. A Request for Comment process is being introduced through which feedback is sought on proposed development work. Sub-teams will organize independently with their own leaders.
Zcash continues to move towards a method of funding development long-term through a portion of the block reward, likely 10%. Zooko (CEO of Electric Coin Company) has stated that the ECC needs 12 months of runway to function and if no continuation of funding for ECC is established one year before the founder's reward, then ECC will have to consider pivoting to other projects which can generate revenue. Zooko has also expressed the opinion that the ECC should not take the lead on deciding how this funding mechanism should work, and that it should be more decentralized than the current setup. Zooko has been looking at Decred's governance as part of this process: "In a voting system with lots of cold coins, like Zcash, I would expect a good turnout to be around 1%.".
Monero Community Crowdfunding System is funding 3 audits of the new PoW algorithm, following a process in which 20 participants in the #monero-dev IRC channel voted to prioritize the audits. A CCS proposal was created which covers all 3 audits (costing $18K, $47K and $53K respectively), with audits being greenlit as enough funds became available to pay for the preferred audits.
Aragon Black published an article about Aragon Fundraising, which will be coming to mainnet in a few months. This is a platform for conducting Decentralized Autonomous Initial Coin Offerings (DAICOs, a concept initially described by Vitalik Buterin). Individuals who invest in a DAICO will receive tokens which grant them voting rights and some degree of ownership of the DAO's assets (which may come to include tokenized rights to intellectual property).
MakerDAO will be voting to determine the order in which 7 pre-selected assets will be proposed for review and ratification as part of the multi-collateral DAI upgrade.
Arthur Breitman, Tezos founder, published a blog with a design for a "simple and evolvable on-chain treasury". As a starting point, he suggests that funds be collected in a 3-of-5 multisig contract where the signatures are controlled by reputable parties. From there, the treasury could evolve into a system with many participants where proposals are made on chain. Sounds familiar.
There has been some friction between the developer groups working on Tezos software. The OCamlPro team introduced a proposal to fix a security issue and reward themselves from inflation funding - at a time when the other developer teams had agreed to wait and inject a proposal at a later time. OCamlPro's "early" submission means that the bakers will likely vote it down and thus it will take longer before the "real" proposal is submitted. OCamlPro appeared to be feeling frozen out by the other teams, having submitted a bug report and failed to receive acknowledgment. Subsequently, Tezos commons published an article which purportedly uncovers details of a plan by OCamlPro to fork the Tezos chain and capture part of the Tezos community and market capitalization - and speculates that the OCamlPro team are acting to destabilize the Tezos community ahead of this move.
An anonymous user claiming to be a current or former employee of Chainalysis participated in an AMA on r/Bitcoin, subsequently deleted but archived here (thanks u/Fiach_Dubh). The answers suggested that Bitcoin privacy techniques like CoinJoin and Wasabi wallet, and all of the coins with privacy features, were hated by Chainalysis, and did not see a bright future for blockchain forensic analysis.
Speaking of CoinJoin, the community of privacy-centric Wasabi Wallet performed a 100-user CoinJoin transaction which might be the biggest to date. The more transactions in a CoinJoin, the more privacy everyone gets, but coordinating so many people is a challenge.
FATF has finalized its recommendation for handling crypto. Per the new standards, businesses like exchanges and wallet providers must obtain and store information to identify both sender and recipient, and exchange this information with each other like banks do (the "travel route"). Member countries have 12 months to adopt the guidelines which will be reviewed in June 2020. The recommendations are not binding but non-complying countries risk being put on a blacklist.
Some experts warned FATF that the new standard "could have the unintended consequence of 'encouraging P2P transfers via non-custodial wallets...'" (which sounds strikingly familiar to the intended way of using crypto). Another quote from CoinDesk on this possible dynamic: "a common concern is that new regulations could push the public out of controlled platforms".
The recent spate of geofencing continued, with Bittrex stopping US customers from trading 32 assets (DCR unaffected), and Gate.io restricting 19 assets for US customers (including DCR).
Binance is stopping service to US customers via their global binance.com site, while announcing that they will launch a separate US-based service.
Bancor is going to block access for US users to its web application for exchanging assets.
The Indian government is considering a draft bill which would criminalize those who mine, hold, or transact with cryptocurrencies, with stiff penalties of up to 10 years in prison and fines amounting to 3 times the perpetrator's gains.
The Bitsane exchange, made famous by CNBC in a broadcast tutorial on how to buy XRP, appears to have pulled an exit scam and disappeared, along with the cryptoassets of any unfortunate users who were storing their crypto on the exchange.
A vulnerability in certain YubiKey products allowed an attacker to guess private keys.
Ad blocking browser extensions like uBlock are about to get hit by new Google Chrome restrictions. The move was controversial, partly because the stated intent to protect users from malicious extensions also restricts their ability to block unwanted and dangerous web content.
The rate of SIM swapping attacks is increasing, educate yourself and do what's necessary to protect your accounts.
Komodo team exploited a bug to capture $13M of users' KMD and BTC during a preventive white-hat counterattack. Komodo's version of Agama wallet was targeted by a hacker who spent months making useful contributions before inserting a dependency that steals wallet seeds. Malicious package was detected by the npm security team who wrote that this attack is becoming more popular: publish a "useful" package, wait until it is used by the target, and then update it to include a malicious payload. After being notified by npm, the Komodo team decided to use the same exploit and managed to safeguard the majority of vulnerable funds before the hacker could steal them. Affected users can submit a Google Form to claim their funds. Not identical but related incidents happened earlier when an npm package was infected to steal coins from Copay wallets that used it, and when a bounty hunter added an inflation consensus bug to Bitcoin Private. These incidents show that it is crucial to carefully vet and verify contributors and to audit not only your own code but also all dependencies and all of their updates (which is not a small task).
Who would have thought that a 27-year old text editor can still have an arbitrary code execution vulnerability? This is a reminder that correctness is hard and why it takes so much work to build and test robust software.
这是Decred Journal的第15期。此处提供所有问题,镜像和翻译的索引。
来自第三方的大多数信息在经过最小的健全性检查后直接从源中转发。Decred Journal的作者无法验证所有声明。请注意诈骗并做自己的研究。
- 编写和编辑: bee, cryptoleslie, degeri, Dustorf, kozel, lukebp, richardred, s_ben
- 评论和反馈: jholdstock, jz, Haon, matheusd, raedah
- 标题图片: saender
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