- NEW: Add environment var to main config (to allow displaying PHP warnings in dev mode).
- FIX: doc models.
- NEW: better config file structure.
- FIX: keep compatibility with PHP versions < 5.3.
- NEW: bump version.
- NEW: better skin for documentation.
- NEW: report bug section updated in AboutPage template.
- NEW:
function added to CustomObject class. - FIX: translation issue on crabe document model.
- NEW:
class added to lite version. - NEW: module & package builder improved.
- NEW: package builder.
- NEW: translations tab added to module builder.
- NEW:
global function added.
- NEW: option to use a lite version of dolibase when creating a module using the module builder.
- FIX: builder issues #1.
- FIX: missing slash on module
function. - FIX: widget link align issue on dolibarr 9.
- NEW:
validation rule added. - NEW:
badge added to changelog page. - FIX: ensure backward compatibility + other minor fixes.
- NEW: useless global var
removed/replaced with$dolibase_config['main']['path']
. - NEW:
function added to SetupPage class. - FIX: minor issues.
- NEW: Chart class.
- NEW: add support for note field in changelog template.
- NEW:
function added to SetupPage class. - NEW:
functions added to CustomForm class. - FIX: add missing $textobject var to ExtrafieldsPage class.
- NEW:
global function added. - NEW:
function added to CustomForm class. - NEW: customize some extrafields types in ListPage class.
- FIX: missing concatenation operator for $body attribute in FormPage class.
- FIX: disable using ajax by default for switch options in setup page (did not fit well with some modules).
- NEW: use ajax to avoid page reload for actions confirmation & switch options in setup page.
- NEW:
global functions added. - NEW: allow function chaining of
public functions. - FIX: minor issues.
- NEW: allow function chaining of
public functions. - FIX: in setup page,
action value should be set to 1 only if not submitted. - FIX: add DISTINCT to fetchAll function in CrudObject class.
- NEW: enhance table2csv plugin.
- FIX: minor fixes.
- NEW: Report bug button added to about page template (under module informations).
- NEW: Changelog page.
- NEW: functions to enable/disable module(s) for external users added into DolibaseModule class.
- FIX:
action in Setup page.
- NEW:
validation rules renamed &validID
added. - NEW: test modules version is now set to the same as dolibase version.
- NEW: widget added for books module.
- FIX: PHP warning on Widget class.
- NEW: more validation rules added, to know:
- NEW: clone function added to CustomObject class.
- FIX: specimen pdf generation.
- NEW: enable function chaining on some public functions of Widget class.
- NEW: set CrudObject class to abstract.
- NEW: fetchAll & fetchWhere functions rewrited in CrudObject class.
- NEW: fetchAll function calls replaced in builder & test modules.
- NEW: addSelect function added to QueryBuilder class.
- NEW: replace Logs class with QueryBuilder in log page.
- FIX: missing $doc_lines attribute added into CustomObject class.
- FIX: some HTML tweaks in CustomForm class.
- NEW: enable function chaining for DolibaseModule class public functions.
- NEW: start replacing deprecated CrudObject class with QueryBuilder.
- NEW: lastId function added to QueryBuilder class.
- NEW: setFields function added to FormPage class.
- NEW: dolibase_print_date global function added.
- NEW: use $object->doc_lines instead of $object->lines for document build.
- FIX: typo error on QueryBuilder class.
- NEW: QueryBuilder class.
- FIX: add "?mainmenu=home" in setup page redirect urls.
- FIX: CSS tweaks.
- NEW: isUnderConstruction function renamed to underConstruction + notFound, addCssfiles & addJsfiles functions added into page class.
- NEW: setupNotAvailbale function added into Setup page.
- FIX: translate $message string in dolibase_flash_message global function.
- FIX: issue when id does not exist in Card page.
- FIX: some HTML tweaks & corrections.
- NEW: date select form added to calendar page navigation bar.
- NEW: introduce showTemplate, getTemplatePath, isUnderConstruction functions into page class.
- NEW: uncheck use custom class name option by default in module & widget builder.
- FIX: remove deprecated
. - FIX: other minor fixes & optimisations.
- NEW: possibility to enable triggers from module config file.
- NEW: Arabic translation.
- FIX: builder templates.
- NEW: mailing library.
- NEW: dolibase_error() & dolibase_flash_message() global functions added.
- FIX: missing $subject var in azur pdf model.
- FIX: code cleaned.
- NEW: extra folder renamed to vendor.
- FIX: comments indentation.
- NEW:
added to module root directory (this little guy will now be responsible of loading the module configuration, dolibase requirements, etc..). - NEW:
renamed todolibase/main.php
(to avoid confusion with module autoload file & because it makes more sense i guess). - FIX: keep
for backward compatibility (but it's deprecated anyway & will not be used anymore on new modules). - NEW: module builder updated (to fit changes above).
- FIX: empty option added to the type select in extrafields page.
- NEW: better assets handling in page class.
- FIX: use DISTINCT in fetchAll query to avoid double results.
- NEW: improve builder.
- NEW: add some validation rules to Field class.
- NEW: CRON support.
- NEW: add $date_fields array to CrudObject class.
- NEW: add documentation.
- NEW: add statistics page into page builder.
- FIX: some errors related to documentation.
- NEW: support for custom numbering & document models.
- NEW: numbering & document model builder.
- FIX: use get_modulepart function to get modulepart value to avoid confusion with get_rights_class function.
- NEW: page builder.
- NEW: model builder.
- NEW: translation builder.
- NEW: module builder.
- NEW: widget builder.
- NEW: possibility to add tooltip details when calling getNomUrl function in custom_object class.
- NEW: add a function to enable mail delivery receipt in card page.
- NEW: allow setting custom mail substitutions in card page.
- NEW: add enableHooks, addCssFiles, addJsFiles functions to module class.
- NEW: enhance compare_version global function.
- FIX: missing lib inclusion in setup page.
- NEW: allow file upload in setup page.
- NEW: upgrade PHP minimum version to 5.3.
- FIX: greaterThanZero validation rule.
- NEW: enhance README.
- NEW: change the way mail subject & template were defined in card page.
- NEW: rename textArea function to textEditor in custom form class.
- NEW: enhance crud object class with new custom functions.
- FIX: minor issues.
- NEW: update logs & books test modules.
- NEW: enhance crud object class.
- FIX: addons error when enabling a module.
- NEW: possibility to disable check for updates for all dolibase modules.
- NEW: optimise stats class.
- FIX: some missing array declaration in module class.
- NEW: function to enable triggers in module class.
- FIX: code optimisation.
- NEW: enhance Log Page.
- NEW: Calendar Page.
- NEW: Dolibase Logs test module.
- FIX: date issue on logs class.
- FIX: translation issue on List page.
- FIX: GETPOSTDATE function return a blank value when it shouldn't.
- FIX: context issue on List Page.
- FIX: fetchAll lines array was not initialised when request result is empty.
- FIX: allow setting sort field & order when retrieving a dictionary values.
- FIX: remove some useless parts of code.
- FIX: rename some vars in Setup Page.
- FIX: review ExtraFields Page code.
- NEW: multi-numbering models configuration.
- NEW: allow using class custom picto & url in getNomUrl function.
- NEW: add checkList function to CustomForm class.
- FIX: translate dict values in get_list function.
- NEW: add object_element field to dolibase_logs table.
- NEW: improve compatibility with submodules.
- FIX: code optimisation.
- FIX: add langs path to config, to avoid confusion or future issues with main path.
- FIX: optimise DocModel class.
- FIX: improve card banner.
- NEW: add getImage function to CustomObject class.
- NEW: update books module to version 1.6.0 & fix menu icon issue on dolibarr 8.
- FIX: remove all dolibase constants & replace them with global vars.
- FIX: merge global vars into one array for better code visibility.
- NEW: separate debug bar from dolibase & use it as a standalone module.
- FIX: some minor syntax errors.
- FIX: update config collector.
- NEW: Add $dolibase_tables var.
- NEW: Debug bar.
- FIX: some dolibarr errors/warnings.
- FIX: issues with components include.
- FIX: database errors on pdf generation.
- FIX: hide file_get_contents function warnings when checking for updates.
- FIX: fiche end issue on card page.
- NEW: Spanish/Italiano & Deutsch translations.
- FIX: autofill receiver(s) in mail form.
- FIX: module updates title have been changed.
- FIX: issues related to version 1.8.0.
- FIX: DOLIBASE_PATH constant definition.
- NEW: add DOLIBASE_LANGS_ROOT constant to load custom language files easily.
- FIX: allow adding custom subject & template to mail form on card page.
- NEW: add Polish & English GB translations.
- FIX: update test modules to fit changes made on language files loading.
- FIX: about page text position issue on Dolibarr 8.
- NEW: add a feature to check modules updates.
- FIX: rename dict table.
- FIX: default document selection.
- NEW: add crabe document model.
- FIX: update related objects to fit changes on product returns module.
- FIX: document preview error on setup page.
- FIX: major bugs fixes related to new features.
- NEW: add Document page.
- NEW: update Books module to version 1.5.0.
- NEW: add email templates support (only with $type == 'all' for the moment).
- FIX: extrafields issues on dolibarr 5.0.4.
- NEW: add extra-fields support.
- NEW: update Books module to version 1.4.0.
- NEW: add email sending support.
- NEW: add PDF/Document generation support.
- NEW: update Books module to version 1.3.0.
- FIX: some typo errors.
- FIX: bottom border removed from statistics page.
- NEW: add an option to save card as CSV also.
- NEW: add an option to save card as PDF.
- NEW: update Books module.
- FIX: remove config migration for better performance.
- FIX: issues related to version 1.6.0.
- NEW: native module (test module).
- NEW: migration script (to old config).
- NEW: better dolibase config organization.
- FIX: better code optimisation for the last fix (in version 1.5.1).
- FIX: module loadTables() function.
- NEW: update Widget class the same way we've done for the Module class in version 1.4.0.
- FIX: better file(s) include way #KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).
- NEW: add ImportExport class.
- NEW: minor improvements.
- NEW: change the way Dolibarr environment was included.
- NEW: major changes for Module class.
- FIX: Dictionary get_list function.
- NEW: Add Dictionary support.
- NEW: Add Create/Update/Delete triggers.
- NEW: Add expanded links feature.
- FIX: Bug on modules page due to multi-inclusion of dolibase.
- NEW: Add Dolibase logs.
- FIX: dolibase_include_once function have been reviewed.
- NEW: Add Statistics page.
- UPDATE: Optimise HTML generation functions.
- FIX: Minor bugs.
- NEW: Add Numbering models.
- NEW: Add Create/Card/Index/List pages.
- FIX: Few bugs.
- NEW: Add About page.
- NEW: Add Setup page.
- NEW: Add Page class.
- NEW: Add Widget class.
- NEW: Add const.php file.
- NEW: Add autoload.php file.
- NEW: Add lib/functions.php file.
- NEW: Add Module class.