- BREAKING CHANGE: Updated default host to our new synchronous API subdomain: sync.api.docspring.com. (EU customers should use sync.api-eu.docspring.com). Removed all custom polling code from library since this logic is now handled by the API service running on our sync subdomain
- Fixed User-Agent header: docspring-ruby-x.x.x
- Initial support for template versioning (before we decided to release the synchronous API first.)
- Added 'password' parameter to Generate PDF and Combine PDF API endpoints. You can now encrypt each generated PDF with a unique password.
- Fix URI.escape deprecation warning for Ruby 2.7.0
- Added "sort_order" property for Submission Data Requests
- Changed gem author to DocSpring
- Updated OpenAPI Generator to v3.3.0
- Fixed the "include_data=true" option for the "Get Submission" API endpoint. Added the "data" property to the Submission model so that this is parsed and returned correctly when requested
- Renamed some internal models for template creation API endpoints. (CreateTemplateData / CreateTemplateData1 renamed to CreateHtmlTemplateData and CreateTemplateFromUploadData)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed createTemplate operation to createPDFTemplate
- Added createHTMLTemplate operation. (This uses the same API endpoint as createPDFTemplate, but the example shows how to set html, scss, etc. fields)
- Added updateTemplate operation, to update a PDF or HTML template
- Renamed FormAPI to DocSpring. (View the CHANGELOG in the original FormAPI API client for prior releases.)