MasakIn is a web-based recipe sharing that applicaion that allow user to share their recipe, liked, and comment. Just like social media. In this app, user could take a look into recipe including it's ingredients and video step.
- Add and update recipe
- View user recipe
- Like or bookmark some recipe
- and many more...
- Open your terminal or command prompt
- Type
git clone
- Open the folder and type
npm install
oryarn install
for install dependencies from package.json - Create file .env in root directory with the following contents :
REACT_APP_BASE_URL = "your_backend_API_URL"
Example :
- http://host_backend:port_backend is http://localhost:8000
so, you can write in .env file like this :
BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8000"
- Before run this project, you must configure and run backend. You can find backend for this project here
- Type
npm run server
in terminal for running backend. - If you want to run this project, just type
npm start
then enter on your project folder
Here'e some picture about the project
restAPI for this project MasakIn-restAPI