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File metadata and controls

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#Laravel 5 Datatable Builder

Based on chumper/datatable. It's an abstract class to implement the datatable like the form generator.

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Basic usage
  3. Closure
  4. BaseQuery
  5. Filters
  6. Styles
  7. Controller


Add on your composer.json

    "require": {
        "distilleries/datatable-builder": "1.*",

run composer update.

Add Service provider to config/app.php:

    'providers' => [
        // ...

And Facade (also in config/app.php)

    'aliases' => [
        // ...
		'FormBuilder'     => 'Distilleries\FormBuilder\Facades\FormBuilder',
        'Datatable'       => 'Distilleries\DatatableBuilder\Facades\DatatableBuilder',

Add the javascript on your bower dependencies:

    "dependencies": {
        "datatables": "~1.10.4",

Export the configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Distilleries\DatatableBuilder\DatatableBuilderServiceProvider"

Export the views (optional):

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Distilleries\DatatableBuilder\DatatableBuilderServiceProvider"  --tag="views"

Export the Javascript assets (optional):

Include the javascript with gulp or grunt vendor/distilleries/datatable-builder/resources/**/*. If you don't use a task manager or you want override the javascript just publish those with the command line:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Distilleries\DatatableBuilder\DatatableBuilderServiceProvider"  --tag="assets"

You can find those in resources/assets/vendor/datatable-builder.

Basic usage

Creating form classes is easy. With a simple artisan command I can create a datatable:

php artisan datatable:make Datatables/PostDatatable

you create form class in path app/Datatables/PostDatatable.php that looks like this:

<?php namespace App\Datatables;

use Distilleries\DatatableBuilder\EloquentDatatable;

class PostDatatable extends EloquentDatatable
    public function build()
        // Add fields here...



You can add fields which you want when creating command like this:

php artisan datatable:make Datatables/SongDatatable --fields="name, lyrics"

And that will create a datatable in path app/Datatables/SongDatatable.php with content:

<?php namespace App\Datatables;

use Distilleries\DatatableBuilder\EloquentDatatable;

class SongDatatable extends EloquentDatatable
    public function build()



The method add have in param:

add($name, $closure = null, $translation = '', $orderable = true)

Param Usage
name Name of the column
closure Function with the model in parameter to return a template. By default null use the attribute of the model.
translation Translation of the column, by default empty use the column name
orderable Flag to handle column orderable state, by default true


When you create a datatatable sometime the content need to be get from other table or stylize by a template like the actions buttons.

For example an address is link to a profile. To display the profile name on the datatable like the picture you can use the closure.

    $this->add('profile_name', function ($model)
        $profile = $model->profile;
        return (empty($profile)?'':$profile->first_name . ' ' . $profile->last_name);
    }, _('Profile'));

On my model Address I have:

    public function profile()
         return $this->belongsTo('Profile');


You can return a template if you want:

    $this->add('html_row', function ($model)
        return View::make('admin.address.html_row',[


You can override the base query for the datatable query.

By default it will send a fresh full Query: $this->model->newModelQuery();

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function baseQuery()
        return $this->model->newModelQuery()
            ->selectRaw("id, data->>'$.title' AS title, data->>'$.chapo' AS intro, created_at");


You can use complex filter to filter your datatable. To do that I use the library FormBuilder. All the datatable have a plain form filter. If you had field on this form that display the filters.

For example we want all the user only online.

I create a choice field:

public function filters()
    $this->form->add('status', 'choice', [
        'choices'     => StaticLabel::status(),
        'empty_value' => _('-'),
        'validation'  => 'required',
        'label'       => _('Status')



When the filters are submitted you can apply it with the method applyFilters. By default this method create a where with the name of the filter field if it's an attribute of the model. If you want change this behaviour you can override it.

    public function applyFilters()
        $allInput = Input::all();
        $columns  = \Schema::getColumnListing($this->model->getTable());

        foreach ($allInput as $name => $input)
            if (in_array($name, $columns) and $input != '')

                $this->model = $this->model->where($name, '=', $input);


If you don't want create a global scope of your model you just want restrict the display for this datatable. you can use applyFilters to do that.

For example I want display only the customer of the application: The datable work on the user model.

    public function applyFilters()
        $customer = \Role::where('initials', '==', '@c')->get()->last();
        $this->model = $this->model->where('role_id', '=', $customer->id);


You want stylize your row to put it on green, blue or red. You can do that with setClassRow. By default this method check the status attribute. If the status exist and it is empty we add the danger class to display it in red.

    public function setClassRow($datatable)
        $datatable->setRowClass(function ($row)
            return (isset($row->status) and empty($row->status)) ? 'danger' : '';

        return $datatable;

##Controller You can use the trait Distilleries\DatatableBuilder\States\DatatableStateTrait to add in your controller the default methods use with the datatable.

Example: I created a controller app/Http/Controllers/DatatableController:

<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Datatables\UserDatatable;

class DatatableController extends Controller {

	use \Distilleries\DatatableBuilder\States\DatatableStateTrait;
	| Welcome Controller
	| This controller renders the "marketing page" for the application and
	| is configured to only allow guests. Like most of the other sample
	| controllers, you are free to modify or remove it as you desire.

	 * Create a new controller instance.
	 * @return void
	public function __construct(\App\User $model, UserDatatable $datatable)
		$this->model = $model;
		$this->datatable = $datatable;

	 * Show the application welcome screen to the user.
	 * @return Response
	public function getIndex()
		return view('welcome',[


I add the controller on the route file :

	'datatable' => 'DatatableController'

Like you can see I inject the model and the datatable on the constructor. On the welcome template I put:

		<script src=""></script>
		<script src="//"></script>
		<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

		<!-- Optional theme -->
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

		<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
		<script src=""></script>
		<script src="/vendor/datatable-builder/js/datatable.js"></script>
		<div class="container">
			{!! $datatable !!}

That it you have your datatable from the user model.