Releases: DiseaseOntology/HumanDiseaseOntology
DO's 2nd November 2020 release
This release includes an updated classification of diabetes, defining an EQ statement for physical disorders, updated NCBItaxon import (Mumps virus and Dobrava-Belgrade virus), addition of VEXAS syndrome and low-grade glioma.
DO's November Release
DO's November release. This release includes the addition of 51 new DO terms and the addition of xrefs. Example new terms: X-linked severe congenital neutropenia, combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 51. Formatting of skos mappings for xref annotations (broad, exact, narrow) has been revised, from an annotation on the xref to the addition of a skos property item.
DO's October Release
Early release this month. 10,478 DO terms. This release include a revised asthma classification, the addition of cancer terms for CIViC, splits of genetic diseases - OMIM subtypes.
2nd Sept DO Release
Data updates: 10,394 DO terms, 74% of terms defined. 57 new DO terms. Revised HP and SO imports. New terms include non-syndromic intellectual disability subtypes, acute erythroid leukemia and plasmablastic lymphoma.
DO's September 2020 release
This months Disease Ontology release of 10,347 DO disease terms (73%, 7654 defined) includes our bi-annual UMLS update, which includes updating to the latest SNOMEDCT_US release, and the addition of DO xrefs (ICD10CM, ICD9CM, MESH and NCI) and 191 OMIM IDs. This release includes new DO terms and term definitions, including lung sarcomatous carcinoma, autoimmune myocarditis and the addition of autoimmune, allergy disease logical definitions.
DO's August Release
DO's monthly data release. All files are updated with new content. This release includes 10,334 DO disease terms (73% textual definitions: 7,630/10,334), an addition of 141 new disease terms, 159 textual definitions, and enhancement of cross references (OMIM, MeSH, GARD, Orphanet). This release includes the addition of COVID-19 related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a new genetic disease classification type: gene duplication syndromes, and defining inferred parentage to immune system diseases, allergy diseases and autoimmune diseases.
DO July Release
Release crated 07/23/2020: addition of medulloblastoma subtypes, pdated MESH xrefs, update
and thrombophilia series, coagulation diseases, added symptom axioms. 10,194 DO Disease terms,
73% (7,471) terms with textual definitions.
Disease Ontology June 2020 Release
The DO June 2020 release includes 65 new DO terms, the addition of 173 text definitions (73% of DO terms now defined), the addition of 326 SubClassOf axioms, including defining viral, bacterial and fungal inferred child-parent relationships. This build includes 10,151 disease terms, splitting of Diamond-Blackfin anemia by subtype.
Disease Ontology May 2020 Release
In the DO May 2020 release, the DO contains 10,086 disease terms, with 71% of terms defined. This month the team has focused on augmenting DO's xrefs: OMIM ID, MESH, GARD and review of specific ICD10CM and NCI xrefs. 25 new DO terms have been created, parentage of cerebellar ataxia subtypes have been updated, additional axioms added to refine disease connections.
DO April 20 Release
In the DO April 20th 2020 release: Includes 10,014 DOIDs with 71% of DO terms defined! This release includes the updated COVID-19 parent term to the Coronavirus infectious disease, updated NCI cross references, and revised classification for absolute glaucoma.