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Sn0wStorm edited this page Oct 25, 2013 · 4 revisions

The config.yml contains:

  • Settings
  • Recipes
  • Words

It can be freely edited at will. The changes will be applied after the command reload or after a server restart.

All parts of the config are commented. The comments contain descriptions and samples.

The already existing Recipes, Words and Settings are also Samples to create additional, or your own Recipes etc.


This Section contains the Recipes for the different Potions. Already existent Recipes may be edited and new ones can be added. Make sure that you always add all used Ingredients into the category "cooked" below, to make them usable in Cauldrons.

The Recipes can set all Properties of the Potions that originate from them. If and how long they have to age, their color, effects when drinking, amount of alcohol, etc. Left out entries will not be used, or use defaults values. If you, as sample leave out the amount of distillruns, the Potion will not need to be distilled.

If, after Brewing, the Name of a Recipe is changed, the Potion that has originated from it has to be Aged/Brewed further (thus updated) to receive the new name.


Words are a list of words, sentences and letters that, according to the drunkeness of the player, may influence his Chat and change his Words. As sample every "a" may be changed into "b" etc.

Using the descriptions and samples, Words can be changed, deleted and added here.