- Add option to define package name parameter in OPA Config
- Update dependencies due to vulnerabilities
- Use flake8 instead of flake9 to enable removing transitive override.
- Update dependencies due to vulnerabilities.
- requests: CVE-2023-32681
- starlette: no CVE
- Add timeout to requests calls CWE-400
- Add documentation guidelines enforced with vale.
- Update packages due to vulnerability CVE-2023-0286 and others.
- Bump GitPython due to vulnerability CVE-2022-24439
- Drop Python 3.6 support due to incompatibility with GitPython > 3.1.29.
- Change method from get to post in testing to fix parameter issue.
- Fix a bug with oidc redirect login
- Add API Key authentication
- Add options to allow multiple authentication methods
- Bump lxml (transitive dependency) due to vulnerability CVE-2022-2309
- Bump pyjwt due to vulnerability CVE-2022-29217
- Fix multiple usage of the request body
- Skip lifespan requests (server startup / shutdown)
- Improve type extraction for graphql
- Uses regex to skip endpoints
- Properly implement the usage of access tokens
- Add an option to allow id tokens or access tokens
- Replace contrib.rocks img with manual list
- Add the option to skip some given endpoints (middleware + injectable).
- Allow authentication through bearer token
- Fix a bug with graphql injectable
- Update versions and fix python version range
- Allow updating fastapi >= 0.66 and force updating because of CVE in versions < 0.65.2.
- Stop protecting the openapi endpoints by this middleware.
- Skip CORS "OPTIONS" requests.
- Change redirect to OIDC identity provider from 307 to 303.
- Add session middleware and single log out for auth_saml
- Remove fixed versions of dependencies.
- Add readme flow diagram with absolute link to be displayed on pypi.
- Add saml authentication as an authentication method.
- Adapt authentication interface (backwards compatible) to allow async and request usage within the authentication method.
- Allow custom injectables to enrich the payload sent to OPA.
- Add GraphQLAnalysis to parse raw GraphQL payloads and add an injectable to send additional data to OPA allowing fine-grained authorization policies.
- Remove uvicorn as a pkg dependency.
- Make OIDC jkws endpoint optional (not necessary for the HS256 algorithm).
- Allow non-keycloak well_known endpoints and usage without a well_known endpoint. This changes the interface of the OIDC config object.
- Add support for python versions > 3.6.
- Testing of OPA middleware and OIDC authentication as well as the pipeline setup for executing tests, style checks and dependency audit. (#4)
- Initial implementation of OPA middleware and OIDC authentication.
- Package documentation and usage instructions.