- chore(deps): update dependency developerc286/conventional_commits_linter to v0.14.2 by @renovate in #99
- build: converting to Rust's Alpine image by @DeveloperC286 in #110
- chore(deps): update rust docker tag to v1.83.0 by @renovate in #111
Full Changelog: https://github.com/DeveloperC286/conventional_commits_linter/compare/v0.14.2...v0.14.3
- chore(deps): update dependency alpine_3_20/python3 to v3.12.8-r1 by @renovate in #101
- chore(deps): update earthly/earthly docker tag to v0.8.15 by @renovate in #94
- ci: replacing missed Earthly download with action by @DeveloperC286 in #103
- fix(deps): update rust crate anyhow to v1.0.94 by @renovate in #100
- fix(deps): update rust crate serde to v1.0.216 by @renovate in #104
- fix(deps): update rust crate serde_json to v1.0.133 by @renovate in #86
- fix(deps): update rust crate clap to v4.5.23 by @renovate in #85
- build: creating static MUSL binary by @DeveloperC286 in #107
Full Changelog: https://github.com/DeveloperC286/conventional_commits_linter/compare/v0.14.1...v0.14.2
- ci: release-publish depends on cargo/rustc by @DeveloperC286 in #97
Full Changelog: https://github.com/DeveloperC286/conventional_commits_linter/compare/v0.14.0...v0.14.1
- fix(deps): update rust crate serde_json to v1.0.132 by @renovate in #76
- fix: handling JSON output error by @DeveloperC286 in #78
- chore(deps): update rust crate rstest_reuse to 0.7.0 by @renovate in #55
- docs: improved output CLI argument documentation by @DeveloperC286 in #79
- refactor!: simplifying --git-history-mode naming/description by @DeveloperC286 in #80
- fix(deps): update rust crate anyhow to v1.0.93 by @renovate in #82
- fix(deps): update rust crate serde to v1.0.215 by @renovate in #81
- fix(deps): update rust crate regex to v1.11.1 by @renovate in #83
- chore(deps): update rust crate insta to v1.41.1 by @renovate in #84
- ci: Alpine migration for pinning/updating all dependencies by @DeveloperC286 in #87
- ci: adding Renovate GitHub Workflow Earthly updating by @DeveloperC286 in #93
- feat: accepting 'chore' as Angular commit type by @DeveloperC286 in #95
- chore: release 0.14.0 by @DeveloperC286 in #96
Full Changelog: https://github.com/DeveloperC286/conventional_commits_linter/compare/v0.13.0...v0.14.0
- ci: removing GitLab CI/CD configuration by @DeveloperC286 in #18
- docs: updating issues URL by @DeveloperC286 in #19
- ci: adding GitHub Actions Workflows linting by @DeveloperC286 in #20
- ci: adding GitLab mirroring GitHub Action by @DeveloperC286 in #21
- ci: adding clean Git history workflow by @DeveloperC286 in #36
- ci: adding Conventional Commits linting workflow by @DeveloperC286 in #37
- ci: adding Continuous integration (CI) workflow by @DeveloperC286 in #38
- docs: adding Continuous Integration(CI) badge by @DeveloperC286 in #39
- docs: replacing GitLab Continuous Integration(CI) badge by @DeveloperC286 in #40
- ci: moving GitHub Actions workflow formatting check by @DeveloperC286 in #41
- docs: updating repository link to GitHub by @DeveloperC286 in #43
- docs: changing URLs to GitHub by @DeveloperC286 in #44
- chore: Configure Renovate by @renovate in #45
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 by @renovate in #49
- ci: converting to earthly/actions-setup@v1 by @DeveloperC286 in #58
- docs: removing Continuous Integration (CI) badge by @DeveloperC286 in #59
- docs: library deprecation notice by @DeveloperC286 in #60
- refactor: merging binary and library by @DeveloperC286 in #61
- fix(deps): update rust crate log to v0.4.22 by @renovate in #47
- fix(deps): update rust crate clap to v4.5.20 by @renovate in #56
- fix(deps): update rust crate git2 to 0.19.0 by @renovate in #57
- fix(deps): update rust crate lazy_static to v1.5.0 by @renovate in #63
- fix(deps): update rust crate serde_json to v1.0.128 by @renovate in #51
- fix(deps): update rust crate serde to v1.0.210 - autoclosed by @renovate in #50
- fix(deps): update rust crate pretty_env_logger to 0.5.0 by @renovate in #64
- fix(deps): update rust crate regex to v1.11.0 by @renovate in #65
- fix(deps): update strum monorepo to 0.26.0 - autoclosed by @renovate in #66
- chore(deps): update rust crate rstest to 0.23.0 by @renovate in #54
- chore(deps): update rust crate insta to v1.40.0 by @renovate in #53
- build: removing metadata from unit-test target by @DeveloperC286 in #67
- feat: converting error handing to anyhow by @DeveloperC286 in #68
- chore(deps): update dependency parse to v1.20.2 by @renovate in #52
- chore(deps): update dependency parse-type to v0.6.4 by @renovate in #46
- refactor: fixing end to end test error message by @DeveloperC286 in #70
- ci: adding release-please by @DeveloperC286 in #72
- ci: adding release binary publishing by @DeveloperC286 in #73
- ci: adding publishing to crates.io by @DeveloperC286 in #75
- fix(deps): update rust crate anyhow to v1.0.90 by @renovate in #71
- fix(deps): update rust crate serde_json to v1.0.131 by @renovate in #69
Full Changelog: https://github.com/DeveloperC286/conventional_commits_linter/compare/v0.12.4...v0.13.0