- 🚀⚙️ JavaScript Visualized: the JavaScript Engine by Lydia Hallie
- Making Sense Of “Senseless” JavaScript Features by Juan Diego Rodríguez
- Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding DOM Events by Alex Reardon
- JavaScript HTML DOM EventListener by W3C schools
- Event reference by MDN
- How to Use Event Listeners in JavaScript by Kadeisha Kean
- ✨♻️ JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop by Lydia Hallie
- Understanding This, Bind, Call, and Apply in JavaScript by Tania Rascia
- Javascript: call(), apply() and bind() by Omer Goldberg
- Back to roots: JavaScript Value vs Reference by Miro Koczka
- The Difference Between Values and References in JavaScript by Dmitri Pavlutin
- Meeting the Primitive Values (Just JavaScript) by Dan Abramov
- Meeting Objects and Functions (Just JavaScript) by Dan Abramov
- Handling API request race conditions in React by Sébastien Lorber
- Race conditions in React and beyond. A race condition guard with TypeScript by Marcin Wanago
- JavaScript Visualized: Promise Execution by Lydia Hallie
- ⭐️🎀 JavaScript Visualized: Promises & Async/Await by Lydia Hallie
- Introduction to the DOM by MDN
- What is the Document Object Model? by W3C
- JavaScript HTML DOM by W3C schools
- Document Object Model (DOM) by MDN
- Global object by MDN
- window.document object for browser. by Krishankant Singhal
- JavaScript Window - The Browser Object Model by W3C schools
- JavaScript HTML DOM Document by W3C schools
- Document by MDN
- Built-in Functions and Objects by hepunx.rl.ac.uk
- Built-in Methods in Javascript 🤓 by Pepe Benitez
- Standard built-in objects by MDN
- JavaScript Built-in Functions by tutorialspoint.com
- Locating DOM elements using selectors by MDN
- Learn How to Use DOM Selectors by Kadeisha Kean
- DOM Selectors in JavaScript by Christopher Ninman
- What happens when you type google.com in your browser and press Enter by Kennedy Njiraini
- AJAX Introduction by W3schools
- Ajax by MDN
- Ajax (programming) by Wikipedia
- Fetching data from the serverby MDN
- Fetch API by MDN
- AJAX Tutorial: What AJAX Is and How to Use it by Freecodecamp
- Debug HTTP with Chrome DevTools Network Panel by Mykola Bilokonsky
- History of JS
- ECMA Script
- Variables
- Data types
- Functions
- Objects
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Equality
- Selectors
- Event listeners
- Built in JS functionality
- Window, document, global
- Call stack
- Closures and scopes
- Hoisting
- The "this" keyword
- Arrow functions
- Strict mode
- Prototyping
- Classes
- Try/catch error handling
- Debugging
- Modules
- Local storage, cookies
- Date and time in JS
- Blocking vs non blocking JS, ASYNC
- Modern JS syntax (spread, map, sort, destructuring, async/await, etc.)
- Node.js and NPM