I tried a simple SUMO after reading SUMO official Documents.
Firstly, I set up a road net like this:
There are 12 vertexes and 17 road segments. I only setup the direction from up-left to bottom-right. The directions are also indicated in screenshots.
Those vertexes, called nodes in SUMO, are set up in the configuration file "dayuan.nod.xml".
Road segments are set up in the configuration file "dayuan.edg.xml".
Then I used command netconvert --node-files=dayuan.nod.xml --edge-files=dayuan.edg.xml --output-file=dayuan.net.xml
inder the directory "docs/tutorial/hello_dyt/data" to create the road network file, which will be stored in "dayuan.net.xml".
Routes are set up in configuration file "dayuan.rou.xml". I assigned 5 routes. 22 Vehicles will start at up-left node and head to bottom-down node. One vehicle starts per second. They use one of those 5 routes.
"dayuan.sumocfg" and "dayuan.settings.xml" are also needed when you use sumo-gui
Then just run command sumo-gui -c dayuan.sumocfg
under same directory, you will see the SUMO GUI window. Click start then the simulation will begin.
Here are some screenshots of this simulation. It's worth to mention that in the third screenshot, two cars around node No. 3 are waiting the car coming from left. So SUMO is really intelligent.
Also a recording vedio is provided, but it can not play online. You may need to download and then to play it locally.
References: [1] https://sumo.dlr.de/wiki/Tutorials/Hello_Sumo