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Usage of measures

Import all functions in measures

from measures import *
import numpy as np


Specify some constant used in measures
  • KL_DIVERGENCE represents kl-divergence difference fairness measure
  • ND_DIFFERENCE represents normalized difference fairness measure
  • RD_DIFFERENCE represents ratio difference fairness measure
Step 1: Specify the input population with size of user and protected group
user_N = 100 
pro_N = 50
Step 2: Compute the normalizor of above input population
# normalized fairness follow here  
# if this input population has been computed, then get from recorded maximum (stored in normalizer.txt)      
# else compute the normalizer of input population
max_rKL = getNormalizer(user_N,pro_N,KL_DIVERGENCE)  
max_rND = getNormalizer(user_N,pro_N,ND_DIFFERENCE)
max_rRD = getNormalizer(user_N,pro_N,RD_DIFFERENCE)
Initialized a dataset description generator.
if want to skip the normalizor computation, execute the following cell.
# non-normalized fairness follow here 
max_rKL = 1
max_rND = 1
max_rRD = 1
Step 3: Define the cut point of computation of fairness measures
cut_point = 10

Test three fairness meaures

Step 1: Generate a test ranking and related position of protected group
test_ranking = [x for x in range(user_N)]
pro_index = [x for x in range(pro_N)]
Step 2: Compute three fairness measures for above test ranking
fair_rKL = calculateNDFairness(test_ranking,pro_index,cut_point,KL_DIVERGENCE,max_rKL)
fair_rND = calculateNDFairness(test_ranking,pro_index,cut_point,ND_DIFFERENCE,max_rND)
fair_rRD = calculateNDFairness(test_ranking,pro_index,cut_point,RD_DIFFERENCE,max_rRD)

print "rKL of test ranking is ", str(fair_rKL)
print "rND of test ranking is ", str(fair_rND)
print "rKL of test ranking is ", str(fair_rRD)
rKL of test ranking is  1.15901724032
rND of test ranking is  0.660066334446
rKL of test ranking is  1.08152800722

Test five accuracy meaures

Step 1: Generate a test score list and a ground truth score list
ground_truth_scores = list(np.random.permutation(user_N))
estimate_scores = list(np.random.permutation(user_N))
Step 2: Rank the above score lists for accuracy computation
# generate permutations of two score lists returned permutation of sorted id 
per_scores_input=sorted(range(len(ground_truth_scores)), key=lambda k: ground_truth_scores[k],reverse=True)
per_scores_hat=sorted(range(len(estimate_scores)), key=lambda k: estimate_scores[k],reverse=True)
# sort two scores list in descending order for computing score difference
sorted_score_hat = estimate_scores   
sorted_inputscores = ground_truth_scores   
Step 3: Compute the five accuracy measures for above ranked score lists
# score difference   
acc_scoreDiff = calculateScoreDifference(sorted_score_hat,sorted_inputscores) 
# position difference     
acc_posDiff = calculatePositionDifference(per_scores_hat,per_scores_input) 
# kendall distance   
acc_kendallDis = calculateKendallDistance(per_scores_hat,per_scores_input)      
# for spearman and pearson relation, use the negative value to minimize during optimization
# spearman distance  
acc_spearmanDis = calculateSpearmanR(estimate_scores,ground_truth_scores) 
# pearson correlation 
acc_pearsonDis = calculatePearsonC(estimate_scores,ground_truth_scores)

print "score difference between input two scores lists is ", str(acc_scoreDiff)
print "position difference between input two permutations is ", str(acc_posDiff)
print "kendall distance between input two permutations is ", str(acc_kendallDis)
print "spearman distance between input two scores lists is ", str(acc_spearmanDis)
print "pearson correlation between input two scores lists is ", str(acc_pearsonDis)
score difference between input two scores lists is  0.0
position difference between input two permutations is  0.698
kendall distance between input two permutations is  0.530101010101
spearman distance between input two scores lists is  1.0
pearson correlation between input two scores lists is  1.0