title | author |
Part II: Functional programming |
Laurent Gatto |
- Functions
- Robust programming with functions
- Scoping
- Closures
- High-level functions
- Vectorisation
Among the R's strong points, Hadley Whickham cites:
[R has] a strong foundation in functional programming. The ideas of functional programming are well suited to solving many of the challenges of data analysis. R provides a powerful and flexible toolkit which allows you to write concise yet descriptive code.
To understand computations in R, two slogans are helpful:
- Everything that exists is an object.
- Everything that happens is a function call. John Chambers
- Functions are a means of abstraction. A concept/computation is encapsulated/isolated from the rest with a function.
- Functions should do one thing, and do it well (compute, or plot, or save, ... not all in one go).
- Side effects: your functions should not have any (unless, of course, that is the main point of that function - plotting, write to disk, ...). Functions shouldn't make any changes in any environment. The only return their output.
- Do not use global variables. Everything the function needs is being passed as an argument. Function must be self-contained.
- Function streamline code and process
From the R Inferno
Make your functions as simple as possible. Simple has many advantages:
- Simple functions are likely to be human efficient: they will be easy to understand and to modify.
- Simple functions are likely to be computer efficient.
- Simple functions are less likely to be buggy, and bugs will be easier to fix.
- (Perhaps ironically) simple functions may be more general—thinking about the heart of the matter often broadens the application.
Functions can be
- Correct.
- An error occurs that is clearly identified.
- An obscure error occurs.
- An incorrect value is returned.
We like category 1. Category 2 is the right behavior if the inputs do not make sense, but not if the inputs are sensible. Category 3 is an unpleasant place for your users, and possibly for you if the users have access to you. Category 4 is by far the worst place to be - the user has no reason to believe that anything is wrong. Steer clear of category 4.
Finally, functions are
- Easier to debug (part III)
- Easier to profile (part IV)
- Easier to parallelise (part IV)
Functions are an central part of robust R programming.
A function is made of
- a name
- some inputs (formal parameters)
- a single output (return value)
- a body
- an environment, the map of the location of the functions variable
f <- function(x) {
y <- x + 1
return(x * y)
And these can be accessed and modified indivdually
body(f) <- quote({
y <- x * y
return(x + y)
- If a name is not found in a functions environment, it is looked up in the parent (enclosing) from.
- If it is not found in the parent (enclosing) frame, it is looked up in the parent's parent frame, and so on...
Lexical scoping: default behaviour, current environment, then traversing enclosing/parent environments.
f <- function(x) x + y
y <- 2
e <- new.env()
environment(f) <- e
e$y <- 10
This is of course bad practice, we don't want to rely on global variables.
Start by mentally running the code chunks below - what do the functions return?
After testing new code chunks, don't forget to clean up your workspace, to avoid unexpected results.
f <- function() {
x <- 1
y <- 2
c(x, y)
x <- 2
g <- function(){
y <- 1
c(x, y)
x <- 1
h <- function() {
y <- 2
i <- function() {
z <- 3
c(x, y, z)
j <- function(x) {
y <- 2
c(x, y)
k <- j(1)
j <- function() {
if (!exists("a")) {
a <- 1
} else {
a <- a + 1
j() ## First call
j() ## Second call
f <- function(x) {
f <- function(x) {
f <- function(x) {
f(x) + 1
f(x) * 2
- Argument matching by position or by names
- Calling a function with a list of arguments
args <- list(x = 1:10, trim = 0.3)
do.call(mean, args)
- Default arguments
f <- function(x = 1, y = 2) x * y
f <- function(x = 1, y = x + 2) x * y
- Missing arguments
f <- function(x = 1, y) {
c(missing(x), missing(y))
f(x = 1)
- Passing non-matched parameters
to an inner function
plot2 <- function(...) {
message("Verbose plotting...")
f <- function(...) list(...)
- Return values: last statement, explicit
, make outputinvisible
f1 <- function() 1
f2 <- function() return(1)
f3 <- function() return(invisible(1))
- Explicit triggers before exiting. Useful to restore global state (plotting parameters, cleaning temporary files, ...)
f1 <- function(x) {
x + 1
f2 <- function(x) {
f3 <- function() {
f4 <- function() {
on.exit(print("2"), add = TRUE)
- Anonymous functions, created on-the-flight and passed to
or other high-level functions.
function(x) x + y
body(function(x) x + y)
args(function(x) x + y)
environment(function(x) x + y)
Lexical scoping: default behaviour, current environment, then traversing enclosing/parent environments.
Dynamic scoping: looking up variables in the calling environment, used in non-standard evaluation.
First-class functions - a function is a value just like any other variable. Functions can thus be used as arguments to other functions. Functions are considered first-class citizens.
Higher-order functions - refers to functions that take functions as parameters (input) or return functions (output).
"An object is data with functions. A closure is a function with data." - John D. Cool
Closures: functions written by functions. They enclose the envionment of the parent function and can access all its variables.
make.power <- function(n)
function(x) x^n
cube <- make.power(3)
square <- make.power(2)
Mutable state: a counter function
new_counter <- function() {
i <- 0
function() {
i <<- i + 1
count1 <- new_counter()
count2 <- new_counter()
What happens of we place the code
i <- 0
and the function definition outside of a function, i.e in the global environment? -
What happens if we use
instead of<<-
The colorRampPallette
colramp <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "yellow"))
plot(1:10, col = colramp(10), pch = 19, cex = 2,
main = "colramp(10)")
Take a function as input or return a function as output.
Reduce(f, x)
uses a binary function to successively combine the elements of a given vector and a possibly given initial value.
L <- replicate(3, matrix(rnorm(9), 3), simplify = FALSE)
Reduce("+", L)
Reduce("+", list(1, 2, 3), init = 10)
Reduce("+", list(1, 2, 3), accumulate = TRUE)
Reduce("+", list(1, 2, 3), right = TRUE, accumulate = TRUE)
Filter(f, x)
extracts the elements of a vector for which a predicate (logical) function gives true. -
creates the negation of a given function.
even <- function(x) x %% 2 == 0
(y <- sample(100, 10))
Filter(even, y)
Filter(Negate(even), y)
Map(f, ...)
applies a function to the corresponding elements of given vectors. Similar tomapply
without any attempt to simplify.
Map(even, 1:3)
Find(f, x)
andPosition(f, x)
give the first (or last elements) and its position in the vector, for which a predicate (logical) function gives true.
Find(even, 10:15)
Find(even, 10:15, right = TRUE)
Position(Negate(even), 10:15)
Position(Negate(even), 10:15, right = TRUE)
- R Gentleman, R Programming for Bioinformatics, CRC Press, 2008
, or any other of the higher order functions- Blog post, Higher Order Functions in R, John Myles White http://www.johnmyleswhite.com/notebook/2010/09/23/higher-order-functions-in-r/
Many operations in R are vectorized, and understanding and using vectorization is an essential component of becoming a proficient programmer. - R Gentleman in R Programming for Bioinformatics.
A vectorised computation is one that, when applied to a vector (of length greater than 1), automatically operates directly on all elements of the input vector.
(x <- 1:5)
(y <- 5:1)
x + y
What is x
and y
are of different length: the shorter vector is
replicate so that its length matches the longer ones.
(x <- 1:6)
(y <- 1:2)
If the shorter vector is not an even multiple of the longer, a warning is issued.
Compute difference between times of events, e
. Given n
there will be n-1
inter-event times. interval[i] <- e[i+1] - e[i]
Procedural implementation:
diff1 <- function(e) {
n <- length(e)
interval <- rep(0, n - 1)
for (i in 1:(n - 1))
interval[i] <- e[i + 1] - e[i]
e <- c(2, 5, 10.2, 12, 19)
Vectorised implementation:
diff2 <- function(e) {
n <- length(e)
e[-1] - e[-n]
e <- c(2, 5, 10.2, 12, 19)
How to apply a function, iteratively, on a set of elements?
apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
= 1 for row, 2 for cols.FUN
= function to apply...
= extra args to function.simplify
= should the result be simplified if possible.
functions are (generally) NOT faster than loops, but more
succint and thus clearer.
v <- rnorm(1000) ## or a list
res <- numeric(length(v))
for (i in 1:length(v))
res[i] <- f(v[i])
res <- sapply(v, f)
## if f is vectorised
function | use case |
apply | matrices, arrays, data.frames |
lapply | lists, vectors |
sapply | lists, vectors |
vapply | with a pre-specified type of return value |
tapply | atomic objects, typically vectors |
by | similar to tapply |
eapply | environments |
mapply | multiple values |
rapply | recursive version of lapply |
esApply | ExpressionSet , defined in Biobase |
See also the BiocGenerics
package for [l|m|s|t]apply
S4 generics,
as well as parallel versions in the parallel
package (see
See also the plyr
package, that offers its own flavour of apply
in/out | list | data frame | array |
list | llply() | ldply() | laply() |
data frame | dlply() | ddply() | daply() |
array | alply() | adply() | aaply() |
- repeated evaluation of an expressionaggregate
- compute summary statistics of data subsetsave
- group averages over level combinations of factorssweep
- sweep out array summaries
A function defined/called without being assigned to an identifier and generally passed as argument to other functions.
M <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
apply(M, 1, function(Mrow) 'do something with Mrow')
apply(M, 2, function(Mcol) 'do something with Mcol')
The integrate
function approximates definite integrals by
adaptive quadrature.
f <- function(x, a = 1) sin(x^2)/ (a + abs(x))
integrate(f, lower = -2, upper = 2)
It is not vectorised.
lo <- c(-2, 0)
hi <- c(0, 2)
integrate(f, lower = lo, upper = hi)
To vectorise a function, we can explicitly wrap it inside a helper function that will take care of argument recycling (via
), then loop over the inputs and call the non-vectorised function. -
To vectorise a function, we can explicitate the vectorised calculation using
mapply(function(lo, hi) integrate(f, lo, hi)$value,
lo, hi)
- Create a vectorised form using
. It takes a function (here, an anonymous function) as input and returns a function.
Integrate <- Vectorize(
function(fn, lower, upper)
integrate(fn, lower, upper)$value,
vectorize.args=c("lower", "upper")
Integrate(f, lower=lo, upper=hi)
These functions combine high-level vectorised syntax for clarity and efficient C-level vectorised imputation (see Performance section).
- In
: rowSums, rowMeans, colSums, colMeans - In
: rowQ, rowMax, rowMin, rowMedias, ... - In
: rowttests, rowFtests, rowSds, rowVars, ...
Generalisable on other data structures, like ExpressionSet
Vectorised operations are natural candidats for parallel execution. See later, Parallel computation topic.
- R Gentleman, R Programming for Bioinformatics, CRC Press, 2008
- Ligges and Fox, R Help Desk, How Can I Avoid This Loop or Make It Faster? R News, Vol 8/1. May 2008.
- Grouping functions: sapply vs. lapply vs. apply. vs. tapply vs. by vs. aggregate ... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3505701/