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Main configuration

Daniel Saukel edited this page Jun 19, 2016 · 27 revisions
#Main Configuration of DungeonsXL (config.yml in DungeonsXL folder)

# Don't edit this one.
configVersion: 5

# Languagefile that can be found in DungeonsXL/languages folder
language: en

# If the economy integration shall get enabled
enableEconomy: true

# Options for the tutorial
    # If this function should be used
    activated: true

    # Name of the Dungeon that serves as tutorial
    dungeon: tutorial

    # The permission group the player gets when he enters the tutorial
    startgroup: default

    # The permission group the player receives after the tutorial
    endgroup: player

# DungeonsXL allow you to create basic integrations with any custom mob plugin.
# You can register a provider tag and the spawn command to use here.
# The custom external mob providers should work with the ExternalMob sign and the M trigger.
# The mobs spawned by a custom external mob provider should be recognized by the kill counter (/dxl game).
    # providerTag: spawn command
    # "%%"indicate placeholders
    XY: custommobplugin spawnmob %mob% %world% %x% %y% %z%

# The secure mode offers better protection to seperate edit / game worlds and your main worlds.
# Crashs or even minor setup clashs maybe lead to possibilities to abuse the Creative mode in edit worlds,
# to get dungeon items in the main world or other ways to cheat. The secure mode enables some additional
# checks to prevent this. It might influence the performance a bit.
# It can be bypassed with the dxl.insecure node.
    enabled: true

    # The check interval in seconds. The secure mode task checks if a player is in a game or edit world
    # even though he is not in the correct mode and teleports him to the spawn if an error is found.
    checkInterval: 5.0

    # If players may open container inventories in edit mode. The Creative inventory is not influenced.
    openInventories: false

    # If players may drop items in edit mode.
    dropItems: false

    # A list of commands that may be used while in edit mode. /dxl commands can always be used.
      - help
      - version

# A list of permissions players get while they edit a map.
# The permissions get removed as soon as the player leaves the edit mode.
# Requires Vault and a permissions plugin like PermissionsEx.
  - worldedit.clipboard.*
  - worldedit.history.*

# A list of wool color values like here:
# The colors will be used to identify groups for example in the announcement GUI.
# Make sure to add enough values for your maximum group count!
  - 11
  - 14
  - 4
  - 5
  - 10
  - 1
  - 0
  - 15

# The maximum amount of games that may run at once.
# Useful to prevent overloading.
maxInstances: 10

#Default Configuration for Dungeons
#If a value in the config.yml of an individual Dungeon is missing, the value of this Configuration is used.
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