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Automated Release

Release process:

  • Verify the release version by looking at the releases page on the Kanister repo.
  • Trigger the pre-release workflow with the desired version number (e.g. bump the minor version portion 0.106.0 -> 0.107.0), which will result in a PR getting created in Kanister repo
  • Review and validate created PR that it doesn't have any unintended changes
  • Make sure to validate that all merged PRs in the release have release notes
    • Make sure that and contain release notes for the release version
    • NOTE While we establish the new process of release notes, it may be required to add notes in pre-release step by commiting them into pre-release branch
  • Approve and merge the pre-release PR (it will be merged by kueue when approved)
  • Merging of pre-release PR will trigger the release.yaml pipeline, which will create a github release and publish the images
  • The Kanister release job will publish a new tag, update documentation, build all the docker images, and push them to the registry
  • Post release announcement in kanister slack and

Pre-release workflow

pre-release workflow serves to create a new version of kanister, and updates the older version number in source files of kanister repo with new version and creates a PR in kanister repo.

The workflow can be triggered using workflow dispatch from the Actions tab in the repo: It has a required input of release_tag, which should be set to a version next to the current version.

This will result in creating a PR with a version bump, like kanisterio#2629 NOTE PR description would look like pre-release: Update version to ...

This PR would update the older Kanister version reference in various files.

Release workflow

release workflow tags the repo using release_tag variable either from the merged pre-release PR or from workflow dispatch. It then uses the goreleaser tool to produce a github release and core images such as,, and

Published release artifacts include helm chart for the operator.

Release workflow also builds and publishes docs and helm chart index into GH pages.

Release notes

When working on pre-release PR the person doing the release should check that merged PRs have release notes when necessary.

It can be checked by running a diff with previous release and looking at the PR commits:

git log 0.106.0..HEAD --invert-grep --grep='deps' --grep='docs' --grep='build' | grep -oh '^.*\(#[0-9]*\)'

And verifying that PRs have release notes.

This is a bit tedious, but should be less of an issue as we establish a process of adding release notes.

Handling Failures


Depending on where the release failed, some of the following steps may have succeeded:

  • Creation of a new tag in the kanister repo
  • PR raised in kanister to update kanister tools

Before rerunning the release job manually, do the following:

  • Delete the tag manually from GitHub
  • Close the PRs created (to avoid confusion)

Manual Release (Only needed when automation is broken)


  • Make sure you have admin access or access to push tags on Kanister
  • Make sure you have access to push images to GHCR

Create pre-release

If pre-release pipeline does not work.

Assuming previous version is 0.42.0 and new release version is 0.43.0

$ export PREV_TAG="0.42.0"
$ export RELEASE_TAG="0.43.0"
$ git checkout -b "kan-docs-${RELEASE_TAG}"
$ ./build/ "${PREV_TAG}" "${RELEASE_TAG}"
$ make reno-report VERSION="${RELEASE_TAG}"
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m"pre-release: Update version to ${RELEASE_TAG}"
$ git push origin kan-docs-${RELEASE_TAG}

Create PR from this branch.

Create release binaries and images

If release pipeline does not work

  1. Make sure to merge pre-release PR first.

  2. Create a release tag

$ export RELEASE_TAG="0.43.0"
$ git checkout master
$ git pull origin master
$ git tag -a "${RELEASE_TAG}" -m "Release version";
$ git push origin "${RELEASE_TAG}"
  1. Build helm charts
$ export PACKAGE_FOLDER=helm_package
$ make package-helm VERSION=${RELEASE_TAG}
  1. Release binaries and docker images
$ make gorelease CHANGELOG_FILE=./ GORELEASE_PARAMS='--draft'
  1. Update and release docs and helms charts

Currently Github pages publishing is only supported via Github actions

Publish Kanister Release

Finally, go to, and publish the draft release.

Post-release Checks

  • Verify the Kanister repo for the new release tag.

  • Verify if the docker images have a new tag. NOTE: Not all docker images are relevant. TODO: Add a list of the most relevant docker images to be verified here.

  • Update the helm repo and check that helm charts version is up to date

helm repo update kanister
helm show chart kanister/kanister-operator