Suppose that we wish to maintain the transitive closure of a directed graph
$G = (V, E)$ as we insert edges into$E$ . That is, after each edge has been inserted, we want to update the transitive closure of the edges inserted so far. Assume that the graph$G$ has no edges initially and that we represent the transitive closure as a boolean matrix.
a. Show how to update the transitive closure
$G^* = (V, E^*)$ of a graph$G = (V, E)$ in$O(V^2)$ time when a new edge is added to$G$ .
Suppose the inverted edge is
b. Give an example of a graph
$G$ and an edge$e$ such that$\Omega(V^2)$ time is required to update the transitive closure after the insertion of$e$ into$G$ , no matter what algorithm is used.
Two connected components.
c. Describe an efficient algorithm for updating the transitive closure as edges are inserted into the graph. For any sequence of
$n$ insertions, your algorithm should run in total time$\sum_{i=1}^n t_i = O(V^3)$ , where$t_i$ is the time to update the transitive closure upon inserting the $i$th edge. Prove that your algorithm attains this time bound.
A graph
$G = (V, E)$ is $\epsilon$-dense if$|E| = \Theta(V^{1 + \epsilon})$ for some constant$\epsilon$ in the range$0 < \epsilon \le 1$ . By using$d$ -ary min-heaps (see Problem 6-2) in shortest-paths algorithms on$\epsilon$ -dense graphs, we can match the running times of Fibonacci-heap-based algorithms without using as complicated a data structure.
a. What are the asymptotic running times for INSERT, EXTRACT-MIN, and DECREASE-KEY, as a function of
$d$ and the number$n$ of elements in a$d$ -ary min-heap? What are these running times if we choose$d = \Theta(n^\alpha)$ for some constant$0 < \alpha \le 1$ ? Compare these running times to the amortized costs of these operations for a Fibonacci heap.
$\Theta(\log_d n) = \Theta(1/\alpha)$ . - EXTRACT-MIN:
$\Theta(d \log_d n) = \Theta(n^\alpha / \alpha)$ . - DECREASE-KEY:
$\Theta(\log_d n) = \Theta(1/\alpha)$ .
b. Show how to compute shortest paths from a single source on an
$\epsilon$ -dense directed graph$G = (V, E)$ with no negative-weight edges in$O(E)$ time. (Hint: Pick$d$ as a function of$\epsilon$ .)
c. Show how to solve the all-pairs shortest-paths problem on an
$\epsilon$ -dense directed graph$G = (V, E)$ with no negative-weight edges in$O(VE)$ time.
d. Show how to solve the all-pairs shortest-paths problem in
$O(VE)$ time on an$\epsilon$ -dense directed graph$G = (V, E)$ that may have negative-weight edges but has no negative-weight cycles.
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