It comes up now and then
0. Be Proactive
0. Begin with the End in Mind
0. Put First Things First
0. Think Win/Win
0. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
0. Synergize
0. Sharpen the Saw
0. Don't Waste Time Numbering list
- Be Proactive
- Begin with the End in Mind
- Put First Things First
- Think Win/Win
- Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
- Synergize
- Sharpen the Saw
- Don't Waste Time Numbering list
The reason for adding it was to show that for the ordered list, prefix the list item with 1. instead of trying to count them yourself.
A list will ignore what the number is but spending anytime changing number values is too much.
1. This is one
2. This is two
4. This is four
- This is one
- This is two
- This is four