Please check the Requirement section in the first.
Have a look at the seb config files: seb/browser/apps/chrome/defaults/seb/config.PRESET.json
and the startup scripts *.sh or *.bat: seb/browser/bin/OS/
-config "debug"
which enables a titlbar and disables the locking for the main seb window.-config "demo"
which enables a local websocket server and the screenshot controller.- omitting the
param will loadseb/browser/apps/chrome/defaults/seb/config.json
-configpath "PATH"
loads a config file from local filesystem or http|file urls (-config "PRESET"
will be ignored).
The *_debug
startup script opens an additional debug window and loads debug preferences for xulrunner (see: seb/browser/apps/chrome/defaults/seb/preferences/debug.js
The commandline option -ctrl 1
or -ctrl "ewoic3RhcnR....."
can be used to assign control params at runtime.
This is currently used by the seb 2.0 windows host application. Setting -ctrl 1
will use an OS specific controller config seb/browser/apps/chrome/defaults/seb/winctrl.json | linuxctrl.json
(this is just used for debugging).
The windows seb host application assigns the config params directly as base64 encoded json string -ctrl -ctrl "ewoic3RhcnR....."
The corresponding controller mappings are defined in the new jsm modules: seb/browser/apps/modules/winctrl.jsm | linuxctrl.jsm
The params can be directly mapped to a seb config param like "seb.url" : "startURL"
, or to a function like "seb.mainWindow.screen" : mainWindowScreen
If a windows mapping param exists, it will be appended to the param section in the following documentation like mapped (string) browserExamKey
In the preferences section you can add any xulrunner preference (see, beware that some config entries are only supported by firefox not xulrunner).
"prefs": {
"general.useragent.override" : "SEB"
! obsolet: The "general.useragent.override" entry overrides the whole user-agent string on every request, so some web applications with browser detection might be confused (switch to a mobile version or display the wrong css rules). It is replaced by a custom request header:
"seb.request.header" : "X-SafeExamBrowser-RequestHash",
"seb.request.value" ( mapped (string) browserExamKey ) : "SEBKEY",
"seb.request.salt" ( mapped (boolean) browserURLSalt ) : false,
The request header and value are sent on every request and can be used to customize the behavior of the web application. A common application for this config is the assignment of SEB requests to standard user access and / or a special KIOSK mode (Moodle and ILIAS-SEBPlugin).
"seb.request.salt" : true
will append the url to the request value and send the key as sha1-256 hash.
The default value is true for seb 2.0 windows. The default of the url salt in the ILIAS PLugin is false, so it must be explicitly turned on or changed in the seb 2.0 settings. In a productive ILIAS setting i recommand a strong TLS connection and just one key without url salt switched on.
The most important field is the autostart URL of the embedded Safe-Exam-Browser (SEB). It might be usefull to extend the url execution by other applications like java webstarter.
"seb.url" ( mapped (string) startURL ) : "" ,
"seb.taskbar.enabled" ( mapped (boolean) showTaskBar ) : false,
"seb.taskbar.height" ( mapped (number) taskBarHeight ) : 40,
enabled = true : space for a taskbar is left at the buttom of the screen (used in windows seb 2.0)
"seb.mainWindow.titlebar.enabled" ( mapped (function) titleBarEnabled, browserViewMode ) : false,
"seb.popupWindows.titlebar.enabled" : true,
enables/disables the titlebar of the main window and the popup windows.
"seb.mainWindow.screen" : {
"fullsize" : true,
"width" : 1950,
"height" : 1200,
"position" : "center"
"seb.popupWindows.screen" : {
"fullsize" : false,
"width" : 800,
"height" : 600,
"position" : "right",
"offset" : 40
"fullsize" : true
= fullscreen mode, positioning is ignored.
"fullsize" : false
= width and height are interpreted as percentage or pixel values.
, "height"
= pixel as numbers (without .px!) or percentage values (must be quoted!) are allowed (1950, "50%", ...)
= popups will be positioned with an offset (pixel) to previous popups (only popupWindows)
If your exam needs two or more independant secure browser splitted on the screen take a look to some example start files:
and a start_demo.split.*
which starts the two files in one single command
The corresponding configs:
fullsize (true,false) : browserViewMode (1,0)
width : mainBrowserWindowWidth
height : mainBrowserWindowHeight
position ("left","center","right") : mainBrowserWindowPositioning (0,1,2)
fullsize (true,false) = no mapping
width = newBrowserWindowByLinkWidth
height = newBrowserWindowByLinkHeight
position ("left","center","right") = newBrowserWindowByLinkPositioning (0,1,2)
"seb.trusted.content" : true,
"seb.pattern.regex" : false,
"seb.blacklist.pattern" : "",
"seb.whitelist.pattern" : "",
To control the network traffic you can define blacklist and whitelist patterns.
"seb.trusted.content" : true,
If "seb.trusted.content" is set to true the defined blacklist and whitelist pattern will only check the main url. If "seb.trusted.content" is set to false the pattern will check every embedded resources (js, css, images...). Check the debug mode and try this setting:
"seb.url" : "",
"seb.trusted.content" : false,
"seb.pattern.regex" : false,
"seb.blacklist.pattern" : "*/sebian.png",
"seb.whitelist.pattern" : "",
You should see a message in the error console that sebian.png is not allowed and it will not be loaded. The blacklist is a list of semicolon separated url pattern for disallowed ressources and will be first executed. The whitelist is a list of semicolon separated url pattern for explicitly allowed ressources. All other ressources will be denied.
If you set "seb.pattern.regex" to true the blacklist and whitelist pattern will be interpreted as regular expressions. If you are not sure about regular expressions keep the default setting.
SEB can be shutdown if enabled and if seb.password is not empty seb will prompt for a password (default password is base64("password")).
The default shutdown keycode is ctrl-shift-F4 (or if not locked from OS also with alt-F4).
If you enabled the titlebar of the main window you can shutdown SEB with the default window close control of the titlebar.
"seb.shutdown.enabled" ( mapped (boolean) allowQuit ) : true,
"seb.shutdown.password" ( mapped (string base64) hashedQuitPassword ) : 5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8
"seb.shutdown.url" (mapped (string) quitURL ) : "http://seb/shutdown"
"seb.shutdown.keycode" : "VK_F4",
"seb.shutdown.modifiers" : "control shift",
With a shutdown url, seb can be forced to quit by calling a special embedded url, the password will be ignored.
"seb.shutdown.url" : "http://seb/shutdown",
"seb.load" : "",
"seb.load.referrer.instring" : "",
"seb.load.keycode" : "VK_F6",
"seb.load.modifiers" : "control shift",
The navigation in a kiosk browser is restricted without any addressbar or bookmarks. you might need jumping from a special url ("seb.load.referrer.instring":"CHECK_IF STRING_IN_CURRENT_URL" to another url ("seb.url" : "JUMP_TO_ME"). If you press the defined hot key SEB checks if you defined a target url in "seb.url" and if the current url contains the "seb.load.referrer.instring".
"seb.reload.keycode" : "VK_F5",
"seb.reload.modifiers" : "control shift",
Sometimes a reload of the browsers page is required. The default setting to reload a page in SEB is ctrl-shift-F5 If you want to get the normal browser behavior (only F5) you can set the modifiers string "control shift" to an empty string "":
"seb.reload.keycode" : "VK_F5",
"seb.reload.modifiers" : "",
"" : false,
"" : 3,
"" : 10000,
Sometimes network connection errors were reported after boot process of sebian. Before loading the url and with net.tries enabled the browser tries to get a response from the start page with a delay of "" ms. If this failes a blue page will appear and if the "seb.restart.mode" > 0 (see next paragraph) and a "seb.restart.key" is defined, you can reload the start url manually with that hotkey.
"seb.restart.mode" : 2,
"seb.restart.keycode" : "VK_F9",
"seb.restart.modifiers" : "control shift",
"seb.restart.mode" = 0: manually restart is deactivated
"seb.restart.mode" = 1: manually restart is only enabled if the initial conection failed and a blue page appears.
"seb.restart.mode" = 2: manually restart is always enabled
"seb.navigation.enabled" ( mapped (boolean) allowBrowsingBackForward ) : false,
"seb.back.keycode" : "VK_LEFT"
"seb.back.modifiers" : "control",
"seb.forward.keycode" : "VK_RIGHT",
"seb.forward.modifiers" : "control",
"seb.bypass.cache" : true,
With "seb.navigation.enabled" you can navigate throw the browser history with assigned keys and key modifier. "seb.bypass.cache" controls the response caching, you have to check this for your environment.
"seb.showall.keycode" : "VK_F1",
If popup windows will lost their focus, they disappear behind the main window. To get them all back into the front you can define a "seb.showall.keycode" hotkey. Maybe a sort of taskbar to call a single popup window would be a good idea for a further implementation.
"seb.distinct.popup" : true,
New windows opened with target="_blank" don't know each others, so multiple link requests will open multiple windows with the same url. To avoid this you can set a "seb.distinct.popup" flag. New windows with the same url of an already open window will be supressed and the first window instance is focused.
"seb.alert.controller" : true,
To avoid the default title bar of alert dialogs which always contains the url of the web application (!), you can set the "seb.alert.controller" : true. The title will be replaced with "alert".
"seb.removeProfile" : false
The default SEB setting does not remove the xulrunner profile after shutdown. You have to check this feature for your environment.
Please read the Requirements on the
"seb.server.enabled" : true,
"seb.server" : {
"url" : "https://localhost:8443/websocket",
"socket" : "wss://localhost:8443/websocket"
"seb.togglehidden.enabled" : true,
"seb.togglehidden.keycode" : "VK_F10",
"seb.togglehidden.modifiers" : "",
The seb server prototype based on node.js is a backend component to serve special requirements like the generation of screenshots. We are planing to extend the component with other administrative features. With "seb.server.enabled" : true an independant browser component connects to a secure websocket server "url" : "https://localhost:8443/websocket" and keeps a websocket connection "wss://localhost:8443/websocket" for the whole browser session. With "seb.togglehidden.enabled" : true you can toggle the main SEB window and the server window, where asynchronous websocket messages will be displayed.
"seb.screenshot.controller" : true,
"sc.image.mimetype" : "image/jpeg",
"sc.sound" : true,
With "seb.screenshot.controller" : true SEB will provide a function seb_ScreenShot in the DOM of the window from where the web application may trigger a screenshot of the current page.
file = {
path : [folder1, folder2, ...],
filename : "filename"
seb_ScreenShot(file, window);
The screenshots will be stored on the server:
"sc.image.mimetype" : "image/jpeg" is the default mimetype. With "sc.sound" : true the screenshot will trigger a snapshot sound. Check the demo and the third party ILIAS sample code.
After installing node.js and the required modules you need to start ./
on Linux or server.bat
on windows in the seb/server/
There should be 2 server listening on port 8443 (seb server) and 8442 (monitor server).
Now you can start a seb browser with a demo config
in the seb/browser/
folder. You can play around with the corresponding config file in seb/browser/apps/chrome/defaults/seb/config.demo.json
On the seb start screen edit the test id
and user id
. Your screenshots will be stored in seb/server/websocket/data/TESTID/USERID/SEQUENCEID_QUESTIONID_TIMESTAMP.jpg|png
To use ILIAS with a SEB screenshot controller you cann install the ILIAS SEBPlugin:
The demo version provides a CA and two client certificates to demonstrate the usage of ssl certificates:
The CA and the signed user.p12 client cert are embedded into the browser component per default. The seb websocket server will request a client certificate and validates the cert against the CA. Any unauthorized clients will be rejected.
A monitor server is started on a seperate port (8442). To check the experimental features of the seb client monitor you have to import the ca.crt and admin.p12 (see Security: ssl and client certificates) into your browser. Now you can connect to the monitor admin site https://localhost:8442/websocket/monitor.html
. Any seb client connection will be listed in the table data. Check the send message and shutdown buttons. The demo should only demonstrate the potential usage of remote controlling and monitoring connected seb clients.