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Auth0 Azure Blob Storage Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to use the Auth0 to authenticate and authorize Azure Blob Storage.
Azure Blob Storage
azure blob storage


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Here's a sample call to the delegation endpoint to get the SAS:

POST https://${account.namespace}/delegation
Content-Type: 'application/json'
  "client_id":   "${account.clientId}",
  "grant_type":  "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
  "id_token":    "{YOUR_ID_TOKEN}",
  "target":      "${account.clientId}",
  "api_type":    "azure_blob",
  "scope":       "openid"
  • The client_id value identifies the requesting app (e.g. your website) and {YOUR_ID_TOKEN} identifies the user you are requesting this on behalf-of. (Notice that the id_token is signed with the client_id corresponding clientSecret).
  • The target parameter identifies this API endpoint in Auth0 (often the same as {CLIENT ID}. This is the client_id of the app where this add-on has been enabled.
  • api_type must be azure_blob.
  • scope must be openid.

The result of calling the delegation endpoint will be something like:

  "azure_blob_sas": "st=2015-01-08T18%3A45%3A14Z&se=2015-01-08T18%3A50%3A14Z&sp=r&sv=2014-02-14&sr=b&sig=13ABC456..."

You can use the blob SAS token either by appending it to a url directly or by passing it to one of the Azure Storage SDKs.