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The covid19swiss R package provides a tidy format dataset of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) pandemic outbreak in Switzerland cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein (FL). The package is following the data structure of the Covid19R project.

The covid19swiss dataset includes the following fields:

  • date - the timestamp of the case, a Date object
  • location - the Cantons of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein (FL) abbreviation code
  • location_type - description of the location, either Canton of Switzerland or the Principality of echtenstein
  • location_code - a canton index code for merging geometry data from the rnaturalearth package, ailable only for Switzerland cantons
  • location_code_type - the name of code in the rnaturalearth package for Switzerland map
  • data_type - the type of case
  • value - the number of cases corresponding to the date and data_type fields

Where the available data_type field includes the following cases:

  • tested_total - cumulative number of tests performed as of the date
  • cases_total - cumulative confirmed Covid-19 cases as of the current date
  • hosp_new - new hospitalizations on the current date
  • hosp_current - current number of hospitalized patients as of the current date
  • icu_current - number of hospitalized patients in ICUs as of the current date
  • vent_current - number of hospitalized patients requiring ventilation as of the current date
  • recovered_total - cumulative number of patients recovered as of the current date
  • deaths_total - cumulative deaths due to Covid-19 as of the current date

More information can be found the following vignettes:

Data source: Specialist Unit for Open Government Data Canton of Zurich, raw data is available on the following repository. Special thanks for all the people that collaborate and contribute to pull the data from multiple sources and make this data available!


You can install the released version of covid19swiss from CRAN with:


Or, install the most recent version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Data refresh

The covid19swiss package dev version is been updated on a daily bases. The update_swiss_data function enables a simple refresh of the installed package datasets with the most updated version on Github:



More information about updating the data is available on this vignette

Note: must restart the R session after using the update_swiss_data function in order to have the updates available



#>         date location         location_type location_code location_code_type    data_type value
#> 1 2020-01-24       GE Canton of Switzerland         CH.GE         gn_a1_code tested_total     4
#> 2 2020-01-24       GE Canton of Switzerland         CH.GE         gn_a1_code  cases_total    NA
#> 3 2020-01-24       GE Canton of Switzerland         CH.GE         gn_a1_code     hosp_new    NA
#> 4 2020-01-24       GE Canton of Switzerland         CH.GE         gn_a1_code hosp_current    NA
#> 5 2020-01-24       GE Canton of Switzerland         CH.GE         gn_a1_code  icu_current    NA
#> 6 2020-01-24       GE Canton of Switzerland         CH.GE         gn_a1_code vent_current    NA

Wide format


covid19swiss_wide <- covid19swiss %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = data_type, values_from = value)

#> # A tibble: 6 x 13
#>   date       location location_type         location_code location_code_type tested_total cases_total hosp_new hosp_current icu_current vent_current recovered_total deaths_total
#>   <date>     <chr>    <chr>                 <chr>         <chr>                     <int>       <int>    <int>        <int>       <int>        <int>           <int>        <int>
#> 1 2020-01-24 GE       Canton of Switzerland CH.GE         gn_a1_code                    4          NA       NA           NA          NA           NA              NA           NA
#> 2 2020-01-25 GE       Canton of Switzerland CH.GE         gn_a1_code                    8          NA       NA           NA          NA           NA              NA           NA
#> 3 2020-01-26 GE       Canton of Switzerland CH.GE         gn_a1_code                   11          NA       NA           NA          NA           NA              NA           NA
#> 4 2020-01-27 GE       Canton of Switzerland CH.GE         gn_a1_code                   18          NA       NA           NA          NA           NA              NA           NA
#> 5 2020-01-28 GE       Canton of Switzerland CH.GE         gn_a1_code                   27          NA       NA           NA          NA           NA              NA           NA
#> 6 2020-01-29 GE       Canton of Switzerland CH.GE         gn_a1_code                   54          NA       NA           NA          NA           NA              NA           NA

Missing values

The data is collected from multiple resources on the canton level, and not necessarily each data resource provides the same field. Therefore, some fields, such as total recovered or total tested may not be available at this point for some cantons and are marked as missing values (i.e., NA).


Please submit issues and pull requests with any package improvements!

Please note that the ‘covid19swiss’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.