We've two options for docker. You can either build an image for running Cosys-AirSim binaries, or for compiling Cosys-AirSim from source.
- Follow this guide for preparing setting up your GitHub access, installing Docker and authenticating with the GitHub Container Registry..
- And this guide for installing Nvidia Container Toolkit.
- Below are the default arguments.
: This is image over which we'll run a runtime packaged binary. We've tested only the official Unreal Engine runtime container, more info can be found here. Change the base image at your own risk.--target_image
is the desired name of your docker image. Defaults toairsim_binary
with same tag as the base image.
cd Airsim/docker;
python build_airsim_image.py \
--base_image=ghcr.io/epicgames/unreal-engine:runtime \
- Verify you have an image by:
docker images | grep airsim
- Get a Linux packaged Unreal project binary like the Blocks packaged binary example found in the releases of Cosys-AirSim or package your own project in Ubuntu. Let's take the Blocks project binary as an example. You can download it by running
cd Airsim/docker;
Modify it to fetch the specific binary required.
- Running an unreal binary inside a docker container with display output: The syntax is:
xhost +local:docker
Do not forget to run the xhost command first to bind the X11 to docker.
For Blocks, you can do a ./run_airsim_image_binary.sh airsim_binary:runtime LinuxBlocks/Linux/Blocks.sh -windowed -ResX=1080 -ResY=720
: Same astarget_image
parameter in previous step. By default, enterairsim_binary:runtime
: for Blocks enviroment, it will beLinuxBlocks/Linux/Blocks.sh
: For airsim, most relevant would be-windowed
. Click on link to see all options.
Click here for info on specifying a settings.json
- Follow this guide for preparing setting up your GitHub access, installing Docker and authenticating with the GitHub Container Registry..
- And this guide for installing Nvidia Container Toolkit.
- Below are the default arguments.
: This is image over which we'll install Cosys-AirSim. We've tested only the official Unreal Engine dev container, more info can be found here. Change the base image at your own risk. This image includes everything needed and includes a pre-installed Unreal Engine and editor.--target_image
is the desired name of your docker image. Defaults toairsim_source
with same tag as the base image
$ cd Airsim/docker;
$ python build_airsim_image.py \
--source \
----base_image ghcr.io/epicgames/unreal-engine:dev-5.X.X \
- Run the airsim source image we built by:
xhost +local:docker
./run_airsim_image_source.sh airsim_source:dev-5.X.X
Syntax is ./run_airsim_image_source.sh DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME
Do not forget to run the xhost command first to bind the X11 to docker.
- Inside the container, you can see
. - Start unreal engine inside the container:
- Specifying an airsim settings.json
- Continue with Cosys-AirSims's Linux docs. For example start the Blocks environment in the container run (This will first copy the plugin and afterwards start open the project with the Unreal Editor):
/home/ue4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealEditor /home/ue4/Cosys-AirSim/Unreal/Environments/Blocks/Blocks.uproject
- Let's take the Blocks environment as an example.
In the following script, specify the full path to your unreal uproject file by
and the directory where you want the binaries to be placed byarchivedirectory
/home/ue4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/RunUAT.sh BuildCookRun -platform=Linux -clientconfig=Development -serverconfig=Development -noP4 -cook -allmaps -build -stage -prereqs -pak -archive \
-archivedirectory=/home/ue4/Binaries/Blocks/ \
This would create a Blocks binary in /home/ue4/Binaries/Blocks/
You can test it by running /home/ue4/Binaries/Blocks/LinuxNoEditor/Blocks.sh -windowed
- We're mapping the host machine's
to the docker container's/home/airsim_user/Documents/airsim/settings.json
. - Hence, we can load any settings file by simply modifying
by modifying the following snippets inrun_airsim_image_binary.sh
to link$PATH_TO_YOUR
to the correct folder.
-v $PATH_TO_YOUR/settings.json:/home/airsim_user/Documents/AirSim/settings.json \
--rm \
- We're mapping the host machine's
to the docker container's/home/ue4/Documents/airsim/settings.json
. - Hence, we can load any settings file by simply modifying
by modifying the following snippets inrun_airsim_image_source.sh
-v $PATH_TO_YOUR/settings.json:/home/ue4/Documents/AirSim/settings.json \
--rm \