tags: pepper-spray, spray, arrest
id: mo-kansascity-5
- https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article243188436.html
- https://www.facebook.com/KuhlPics/photos/a.467614509924515/3214027235283215/?type=3&theater
A video linked shows the police pepper spraying some protestors who don't seem to be doing anything particularly wrong and we see a black woman in a black top with a bright yellow design on the back being sprayed in the eyes. In a separate video we see that same woman being arrested.
tags: pepper-spray, spray, arrest
id: mo-kansascity-6
- https://twitter.com/RayVaca/status/1266959833753890816
- https://twitter.com/whoareyoujudy_/status/1266968858159702017
Video shows the police tear gassing an entire park, including one baby in Kansas City.
tags: child, tear-gas
id: mo-kansascity-1
tags: arrest, tear-gas
id: mo-kansascity-2
- https://twitter.com/Elise_Villa/status/1267310319526989824
- https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/guswxo/he_wasnt_even_addressing_the_police/
A line of police stand well apart from a crowd of protestors, one of whom is speaking about the police's use of excessive force. Several officers move in to arrest the speaking man, pepper spraying him and others at point-blank range. The arrested man is dragged/pushed/falls face down onto the road and is pinned there by police.
tags: pepper-spray, spray, tear-gas, arrest, shove
id: mo-kansascity-3
A police officer pulls away a protestor standing still. When others come to the protestor's aid they are pepper sprayed.
tags: grab, spray, pepper-spray
id: mo-kansascity-4
- https://www.reddit.com/r/2020PoliceBrutality/comments/gut8n1/in_kansas_city/
- Location via Google Street View
A resident's door bell camera captures a officer running over a man, who is heard screaming "I don't have anything" and attempting to escape after getting hit. The officer kicks the man while he is down once and then hits him again with his forearm.
Later updates note that the victim has taken to the hospital and the officer has been suspended. There is no body cam footage because the officer was not wearing one at the time.
tags: vehivle, drive, kick, strike, beat, body-cam
id: mo-stlouis-1