Update - 2024-04-28 Going to revisit this project shortly. We are going to be creating repositories and spaces to quickly stand up a clojure environment to get this out there. Watch for updates.
Cyber is hard, and that's why CACD is seeking to develop tools to allow analysts and developers to spend more time dealing with their domain problem sets than digging at the nuts and bolts of their tools. As with all API systems, trying to produce an interactive interface that can be composed into a workflow pipeline has to account for network issues, initial configuration requirements, task latency, etc. CACD would like to share with the greater cyber security world better means to interigate and process their data, to build the next generation of tools.
CBAPI-CLJ is a wrapper around Carbon Black's API system to handle sensors, Live Response, etc. This porject's intent is to build an easy to use tool that an analyst can easily pickup and integrate to existing workflow, allowing a stream to easily integrate returns to other tool sets.
Currently, this version is Alpha and SHOULD NOT BE USED in PRODUCTION.