You are currently looking at the refactorization branch.
The following contains the steps needed to make this action work properly. Keep in mind that this is quite hectic but easy, the steps were alot because this is the cheapest way to do this thing.
- Creating a Bot and Obtaining its Token in Discord Developers
- Inviting the Bot to a Guild
- Preparing the Workflow
- Repository Secrets
- Workflow Dispatch
Ever since I don't provide anything such as the Bot that I use for reading my activities, you have to make it on your own. You can go to Discord Developers and start ahead by creating a new application.
Once you have created a new application, you have to go to the sidebar or menu and go to the Bot settings, and add a bot. And then, copy the token and store it somewhere temporarily as we are going to use it later on in the next two steps.
As a side note, you have to enable the presence and server members intent on the same settings (Bot settings) to allow your bot to read your presence context and the members' states and other kinds of stuff about them.
Don't forget to save before proceeding to the next step!!!
Inviting the bot and having them in the guild is the only way to read User's Presence and their State, as per the limitation of Discord API.
Keep in mind that, you can either create your own guild or have someone else let the bot join on their guild as long as you are there.
To invite, you have to go to the OAuth2 settings and check the OAuth2 URL Generator. Look for Bot scope and check it, you will be given a generated link.
Once you have the link, you just have to paste it into the browser and open it.
And there you have it! Once you have done this part, the only thing left is to have a workflow in your repository.
Paste the following YAML
on your (profile) repository under the directory .github/workflows
and commit it.
name: Discord Rich Presence Activity Badge
schedule: # Scheduling with Github Actions is inconsistent.
- cron: "5 0-23 * * *" # Construct your Cronjob Schedule at
workflow_dispatch: # Enables you to dispatch the workflow at your click.
name: Static Badge Updater
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Update README Discord Badge to Latest Upstream
uses: CodexLink/discord-activity-badge@v1.0 # Choose your own version by picking a tag or a branch name. Using a tag is recommended.
with: # Go to your Repository Secrets and fill those up!
This workflow will run once it has been dispatched (manually) or is scheduled to run for every 5 minutes per 0 to 23 hours to check for the user's status.
To be able to provide your information, you have to go to your repository > Settings > Secrets > New Repository.
In the end, you should have these two repository secrets. The token is from the one that we obtained in the Discord Developers Section, and the one is from you yourself in the Discord Client.
DISCORD_USER_ID can be obtained by the following.
When you finished all the steps, the last thing to do was to manually push it to see changes.
If you did the run for the first time, the badge wil appear on the top of your README, you can adjust it to somewhere else and the badge will be replaced by the script, no matter where it is.
And that's done! For further customizations, please read the other sub-sections below.
The following sub-sections contain a set of possible inputs that you can integrate with this workflow.
These inputs are required in order to run the Docker Container.
Inputs | Type + Defaults | Description |
str : (Script) Discord Activity Badge |
The name of the badge (in markdown form) that will be utilized to replace the badge state side's contents. If the identifier does not exist, it will proceed to create a new one and append it on the top of your README. You must arrange it right after. |
str : Discord Activity Badge Updated as of"%m/%d/%y — %I:%M:%S %p") ***See |
The commit message that will be invoked in the commit context when there's are some changes to push. |
str (Required) |
The token of your bot from Discord's Developer Page. Note that, you have to use your own bot! Go check Discord Developers. |
int (Required) |
An integer ID used to identify you in Discord. |
The repository from where the commits will be pushed. Fill this up when you are indirectly deploying the script under a different repository. |
The URL to point when the badge has been clicked. |
str (Required) |
The token of the Github Workflow Instance used to authenticate commits deployed by the script. Fill this up if you want to test locally so that you aren't going to be rate limited. Using user-generated token can give 5000 API requests! |
Parameters that are
have to be explicitly stated in the workflow. Otherwise, it will lead to an error. Regardless of thetypes
, it will be resolved by the script, this is just an indicator that those will be explicitly converted to what has been told here.
These inputs are optional and have the capability to override the display of the badge and the commit message. Allowing extensibility and customization that allows you to render multiple ways of designing your badge.
If you wanna change how things should be delivered (context) and how they should look like (color), then this set of parameters will help you modify the way how it looks. Keep in mind that the labels [n]
in the parameters is a number, and is corresponding to a set of choices. Please check the options under the table.
- Options: ONLINE, IDLE, DND, and OFFLINE.
I separated the options along with the parameter to avoid confusion while reading it.
Whenever you want to change the context of the badge, you can use this set of parameters for extending the context or shorten it.
You got some ideas or did I miss something out? Please generate an issue or PR (if you have declared it on your own), and we will talk about it.
For more information on how the script renders the badge based on preferences, please check the
When developing, there are other fields that shouldn't be used in the first place. Though they are helpful if you are planning to contribute or replicate the project.
Parameters | Type | Default | Description |
bool |
False |
Runs the usual process but it doesn't commit changes. |
The list does seem to contain only one parameter. Worry not, there will be more parameters to be introduced in the future!
Here contains a list of resources that I have used in any form that contributed to the development of this repository.
- argparse — Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands.
- ast — Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands.
- aiohttp — Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python.
- asyncio — is a library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax (Asynchronous I/O).
- — Fast badge generating service.
- base64 — Base16, Base32, Base64, Base85 Data Encodings.
- black — The uncompromising Python code formatter.
- — An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
- Docker — Empowering App Development for Developers
- datetime — Basic date and time types.
- — Literally Stubs for
library. - enum — Support for enumerations.
- flake8 — flake8 is a python tool that glues together pycodestyle, pyflakes, mccabe, and third-party plugins to check the style and quality of some python code.
- logging — Logging facility for Python.
- mypy — Optional static typing for Python 3 and 2 (PEP 484).
- urllib3 — Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, user friendly, and more.
- os — Miscellaneous operating system interfaces.
- Poetry — Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
- Python — an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language.
- Pythex — FIrst regular expression checker that I have used.
- python-dotenv — Get and set values in your .env file in local and production servers. 🎉
- Regex101 — One of the second regular expression checkers.
- re — Regular expression operations.
- sys — System-specific parameters and functions.
- time — Time access and conversions.
- typing — Support for type hints.
- urllib — URL handling modules.
- Visual Studio Code — Code editing. Redefined.
The following were the ones who inspired me and gave me confidence for making this pet project possible.
- jacobtomlinson/python-container-action — A template for creating GitHub Actions in Python.
- athul/waka-readme — Wakatime Weekly Metrics on your Profile Readme.
- ->
Keep in mind that most of these resources have been used for references and were not used for copy-pasting code! Also, it's worth noting that the links may be unsorted.
Some of the questions here were snipped. They will redirect you to the answer.
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I would like to thank those who asked and those who answered a particular question (for Questions), and to the repository and articles that describe the problem, which leads me to a certain direction, resulting in solving it.
Copyright 2021 Janrey "CodexLink" Licas
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
You may see the LICENSE file for more information.