diff --git a/docs/js-core-2/week-3/lesson.md b/docs/js-core-2/week-3/lesson.md
index cad8240505..a81b8448be 100644
--- a/docs/js-core-2/week-3/lesson.md
+++ b/docs/js-core-2/week-3/lesson.md
@@ -101,6 +101,15 @@ https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/JavaScript-Core-2-Classwork-Week3
### Exercise (1)
:::note Exercise
Write JavaScript below that logs:
@@ -119,6 +128,64 @@ Write JavaScript below that logs:
+### solution
+// all the "p" element nodes of the document
+const allParagraphs = document.querySelectorAll('p');
+console.log('All "p" element nodes of the document:', allParagraphs);
+// the first div element node
+const firstDiv = document.querySelector('div');
+console.log('The first div element node:', firstDiv);
+// the element with id "jumbotron-text"
+const jumbotronText = document.querySelector('#jumbotron-text');
+console.log('The element with id "jumbotron-text":', jumbotronText);
+// all the "p" elements contained inside the .primary-content element node
+const primaryContentParagraphs = document.querySelectorAll('.primary-content p');
+console.log('All "p" elements contained inside the .primary-content element node:', primaryContentParagraphs);
+### Exercise (2)
+:::note Exercise
+Write javascript that uses three different way to access a element.
+### solution
+// Accessing element by id
+var paragraph = document.getElementById('demo');
+// Accessing elements by tag name
+var paragraphs = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
+// Accessing elements by class name
+var paragraphs = document.getElementsByClassName('info');
## Attach events to DOM elements
Once you retrieve an element using `.querySelector`, you can attach an **event** to it. An event is any action that can be performed on that element. For now, we will just use the **click** event:
@@ -134,28 +201,84 @@ function alertSomething() {
You will notice in the example that we passed a second argument to `addEventListener`. That second argument is the **function** that we want to invoke when that event has happened.
-### Exercise (2)
+### Exercise (3)
:::note Exercise
When a user clicks the "ALERT" button, an alert box should pop up with the text "Thanks for visiting Bikes for Refugees!"
The elements returned by `document.querySelector` have the same properties as a normal HTML element: for example, you can get access to their css **styles**.
+### solution
-let myElement = document.querySelector("#myElement");
-myElement.style.backgroundColor = "red";
+// Select the button element by its ID
+const alertButton = document.querySelector('#alert-button');
+// Select the element you want to change the background color
+const myElement = document.querySelector('#myElement');
+// Add event listener to the button
+alertButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
+ // Display an alert when the button is clicked
+ alert('Thanks for visiting Bikes for Refugees!');
+ // Change the background color of the element to red
+ myElement.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
+### Exercise (4)
-### Exercise (3)
:::note Exercise
Write JavaScript below that changes the background colour of the page when the "Change colour" button is clicked.
+### solution
+ // Select the button element by its ID
+ const changeColorButton = document.querySelector('#change-color-button');
+ // Add event listener to the button
+ changeColorButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
+ // Set the background color of the body to red
+ document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'blue';
+ });
## Create DOM elements
@@ -168,7 +291,16 @@ myElement.appendChild(paragraph); // now the element is added to our view, but i
`document.createElement` accepts as an input any element type. So for example `document.createElement("article")` will create a new article element.
-### Exercise (4)
+### Exercise (5)
:::note Exercise
@@ -176,6 +308,71 @@ When a user clicks the "Add some text" button, a new paragraph should be added b
+### solution
+ // Select the button element by its ID
+ const addTextButton = document.querySelector('#add-text-button');
+ // Add event listener to the button
+ addTextButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
+ // Create a new paragraph element
+ const newParagraph = document.createElement('p');
+ // Set the text content of the paragraph
+ newParagraph.textContent = 'Read more below.';
+ // Append the paragraph to the body
+ document.body.appendChild(newParagraph);
+ });
+### Exercise (6)
+:::note Exercise
+When a user clicks the "add list item" button, a new item in list should be added."
+### solution
+ // Function to add a new list item
+ function addListItem() {
+ // Create a new li element
+ let li = document.createElement('li');
+ li.textContent = 'New Item';
+ // Append the new li to the ul menu element
+ const menu = document.querySelector('#menu');
+ menu.appendChild(li);
+ }
+ // Select the button element by its ID
+ const addListItemButton = document.querySelector('#add-list-item-button');
+ // Add event listener to the button
+ addListItemButton.addEventListener('click', addListItem);
## Manipulate DOM elements
You can then change the text displayed inside elements using the `innerText` property:
@@ -224,14 +421,86 @@ updateTitleBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {
The above waits for click on a button. When the button is clicked, it gets the input box element (`inputBox` variable).
To get the entered text from it, we use the `value` property: `let title = inputBox.value`.
-### Exercise (5)
+### Exercise (7)
:::note Exercise
When the "Larger links!" button is clicked, the text of all links on the page should increase.
+### solution
+// Select the button element by its ID
+const largerLinksButton = document.querySelector('#larger-links-button');
+// Add event listener to the button
+largerLinksButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
+// Select all links on the page
+const links = document.querySelectorAll('a');
+// Increase the font size of each link
+links.forEach(link => {const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(link);
+const currentSize = parseFloat(computedStyle.fontSize); // Get the current font size
+const newSize = currentSize * 1.2; // Increase the font size by 20%
+link.style.fontSize = newSize + 'px'; // Set the new font size
+### Exercise (8)
+:::note Exercise
+When the "Replace" button is clicked, the first item of list should be replaced.
+### solution
+// Function to replace the first list item
+ function replaceListItem() {
+ let menu = document.getElementById('menu');
+ // Create a new list item
+ let li = document.createElement('li');
+ li.textContent = 'Home';
+ // Replace the first list item with the new one
+ menu.replaceChild(li, menu.firstElementChild);
+ }
+ // Add event listener to the button
+ document.getElementById('replace-button').addEventListener('click', replaceListItem);
## PD (Delivery)
**Session objective**: This session will explore how to create features, user stories and tasks for a product.