cerp/: This contains the python application (minus app.py and config.py).
docs/: This contains the original files with the data used within the entire application
tests/: This contains the python testing suit (unittest).
.gitignore: This file tells git which other files should be ignored (build files, compiled files, cached libraries, etc)
.travis.yml: This file tells travis-ci.org how to build and test our project. It needs to be improved to include vue_builder tests
app.py: This is the main entry point for the application. However while it's the entry point, it itself does nothing.
config.py: This file is used to load flask config variables as needed. (mail, keys, etc)
DEFINITION.MD: This file describes what each file and folder contains to ease onboarding.
LICENSE: This file desribes the license we are using (MIT)
manage.py: This file allows you to run, test, and show coverage of the application. Try: python manage.py help
for more information
Procfile: This file is used by heroku to tell heroku how to launch our application.
README.md: This file describes the project
requirements.txt: this file lists all the python librarires that are used in this application. It is auto generated using pip freeze > requirements.txt
, if you add a new library, please re-execute that command to update the requirements file. Heroku (our server) also uses this file so keeping it up to date is critial.