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Releases: CnCNet/WorldAlteringEditor


04 Sep 20:06
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Minor update to fix bugs and improve some functionality.

  • Added preview for Auto-LAT
  • The trigger editor is now wider on wide displays (displays where horizontal rendering resolution is higher than 1920)
  • Trigger-type parameters of trigger actions are now colorized based on the color of the referred trigger
  • Removed tileset restriction for painting high bridges. High bridge painting now only ignores tiles based on height without caring about the tileset under the bridge painting cursor
  • Fixed a bug where buildings with a foundation larger than 1x1 applied their lighting once for each foundation cell
  • Fixed a bug where windows were moved when scrollbars were scrolled using the mouse cursor (mouse wheel scrolling still worked without side-effects)


21 Aug 13:51
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Minor update.

  • Added window for selecting a particle system for trigger action parameters
  • Improved window dragging behaviour. Windows now do a better job of following your cursor when you're dragging them around.
  • Objects are now only dragged if the left mouse button is first pressed down on the object. Object dragging can no longer be accidentally done by hovering over an object with the left mouse button already held down before the cursor appeared on the object.
  • Fixed a bug where "View Attached Objects" did not check for linked triggers if the selected trigger had no tag


30 Jul 22:16
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Small update for better base node support.

  • Base nodes now display their priority (index in internal list of base nodes)
  • Added possibility to re-order base nodes through the base node management tool
  • (TS) Added support for new "Assign Mission To All Units" trigger action
  • Building type selection window now displays INI names of building types
  • Improved description of "Allow Win" trigger action, mentioning it's obsolete in TS and RA2
  • Fixed a crash when selecting an unknown trigger event or action added through another editor
  • Fixed a crash when selecting an unknown team script action added through another editor


25 Jun 15:18
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There turned out to be a couple of bad bugs in the last release. This one fixes them.

  • Fixed a crash when modifying terrain height near map border
  • Fixed a bug where cells in marble madness mode were affected by lighting on painting terrain
  • Fixed a bug where light posts affected freshly painted cells in "No Lighting" mode


23 Jun 10:23
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Minor update, mainly to fix bugs.

  • Added an option to sort triggers by color followed by name (Credits: Shush)
  • Improved top bar button textures (Credits: Crimsonum)
  • Lighting calculations on adding, moving or deleting light posts have been optimized to only re-calculate lighting for the affected area instead of the whole map (Credits: ZivDero)
  • The "Raise Individual Cells" and "Lower Individual Cells" tools can now use the "Fill Terrain" hotkey (default: Ctrl) to affect an enclosed area (Credits: Starkku)
  • View -> "Edit Drawn objects..." has been renamed to "Configure Rendered Objects..."
  • Improved error message when a connected tile specifies a nonexistent TileSet
  • Improved error message on script execution failure
  • Script action options can now be parsed from another section (Credits: Starkku)
  • Fixed several bugs where cell lighting values were not updated on cell height level change
  • Fixed a bug where the megamap (F12) was displayed behind other UI elements
  • Fixed a bug where overlay land type was reset to "Clear" if it was not re-defined in all INI sections where information for the overlay type was parsed from
  • Fixed a bug where the position of editor notifications (such as "Map auto-saved.") was not refreshed after the editor window had been resized
  • Fixed a bug where the map path was not wrapped in quotation marks when it was opened in a text editor, potentially resulting in weird behaviour from the text editor
  • Fixed an edge case bug where a TaskForce or Script could sometimes appear to be selected when actually no TaskForce or Script was selected
  • Fixed a bug where the editor ignored AllowToPlace=no when looking up connected tiles to place
  • Fixed a bug where AITriggers were written incorrectly if a weight was 0
  • Fixed a bug where you could not input decimal numbers in AITrigger weights
  • (DTA) Fixed a bug where veins were rendered in the wrong palette
  • (RA2/YR) Fixed newly-created standard houses having a null HouseType
  • (RA2/YR) Fixed creating a new HouseType after creation of standard houses causing HouseTypes of the standard houses to show up as none
  • (RA2/YR) Fixed indexing of newly-created HouseTypes to ignore Player@WPZZ houses
  • (RA2/YR) Fixed "Parent Country" dropdown of "Edit Country" window repeatedly accumulating items when opened for non-standard HouseTypes


04 Jun 19:18
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The highlight of this release is the new Connected Tile drawing tool. This tool can be used to quickly draw lines of cliffs, shores, and roads without having to place each piece down manually. Credits to ZivDero for coding the initial version of this tool, which we then improved on together.

Full change log compared to the previous release (v1.0.2):

Contributors: Rampastring, ZivDero

  • Added a tool for drawing lines of connected tiles
  • Added a sound selection window for the "Play sound" trigger action
  • Added an advanced trigger editor option for cloning a trigger for easier difficulty levels without cloning TeamTypes of its action parameters
  • Added File -> Open With Text Editor option to enable quick text-based editing of the map
  • (RA2/YR) The speech selector can now select speeches in RA2/YR
  • (RA2/YR) Fixed a bug where veins were drawn with an incorrect palette
  • TeamType parameter values of trigger events and actions are now colored based on the owner of the TeamType
  • Improved the customizability of MIX file loading
  • Improved the default values of new AITriggers to include sensible weights and enabled status on all difficulty levels
  • Changed the default veterancy level of new TeamTypes to "Regular" from no value
  • The cell info display now displays the index of the hovered-on terrain tile within its tileset
  • The tag selection window has been widened
  • Items in the tag selection window are now colored based on the color of the tag's related trigger
  • Triggers created by the trigger editor tool for cloning a trigger for easier difficulty levels now have their difficulty flags set accordingly
  • Map-wide overlay is now enabled when a fitting texture is loaded
  • Fixed a bug where part of the map-wide overlay extended above the map
  • Fixed a bug where height tools could sometimes cause a freeze
  • Fixed a bug where the "Destroyed by anything (not infiltrate)" event was not checked for triggers missing object attachments
  • Fixed a bug in the trigger editor tool for cloning a trigger for easier difficulty levels where the auto-generated tags of the created clone triggers were named improperly
  • Fixed a bug in the trigger editor tool for cloning a trigger for easier difficulty levels where in certain edge cases the cloned triggers were renamed in a silly way
  • Fixed a flaw in the description of the "Create Team" trigger action
  • Fixed a bug where you could input semicolons in many text boxes such as trigger names, wrecking map scripts
  • Fixed a bug where you could not use the graphical team selection interface for selecting a TeamType for the "Team Leaves Map" trigger event or potential other trigger events that reference a TeamType
  • Fixed a bug where <none> was not considered a proper value for the owner of a TeamType
  • Fixed a bug where listing the references of a trigger did not list TeamTypes that were linked to the trigger's tag


03 May 12:43
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New version mainly to hotfix a bad bug in map scripting, but also contains some other improvements.

  • Pavement LAT is now automatically connected to compatible TileSets such as paved roads, parking lots and other pavement additions
  • (YR) Sand LAT is now automatically connected to sand shores
  • (TS) Added speech selection window for the "Play Speech" trigger action
  • WAE now checks the map for triggers using the "Discovered by player" and "Limpet attached" events without being attached to any object or team
  • Changed "Clone of...." prefix to "...(Clone)" suffix when cloning objects
  • AITriggers are now colored based on their house or side
  • New AITriggers are now enabled on all difficulties by default
  • Improved error message given on C# script compilation error
  • Objects with InvisibleInGame=yes (tiberium spreaders, light posts, impassable overlay etc.) and building foundation outlines are no longer rendered when extracting a megamap
  • (Translation / CJK support) Too long words are now split to multiple lines in event and action descriptions
  • Fixed a bug where certain trigger actions could malfunction when the type of an already existing trigger action was changed. A check to automatically fix this bug from existing maps has also been added.


26 Apr 19:55
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Minor post-release patch. Mainly fixes some bugs.

Contributors: Rampastring, Starkku, ZivDero

  • Added support for configuring certain tilesets to connect to specific LAT types
  • Added support for optionally loaded theater MIX files
  • (TS) Added advanced trigger editor tool for wrapping a trigger in Disable/Enable speech actions, commonly used when spawning reinforcements
  • (YR) Added support for setting custom event, action and script action IDs in preparation for supporting Ares and Phobos scripting elements
  • BwP (Building with Property / Building Target) selection window now lists INI names of building types
  • SHP vehicles in the sidebar now face southeast instead of north
  • Off-map waypoints are now moved inside of the map instead of deleting them when a map is loaded
  • Unhardcoded Tiberium overlay types/indexes
  • Fixed an issue where raised cells at the top edge of the map were drawn outside of the map render target
  • Fixed a crash when using WAE's internal file browser to navigate above drive root level
  • Fixed a bug where a 0x0 foundation building could unintentionally be inserted multiple times on a cell
  • Fixed a crash when using the 2x2 ground raising brush on the edge of the map
  • Fixed a crash on loading a map when an AITrigger had specified a nonexistent secondary team type
  • Fixed a crash when the cursor was hovered over cells that had invalid sub tile index data
  • Fixed a bug where ice growth overlay display and ice growth toggling cursor actions ignored cell height levels
  • Fixed a bug where the value of Tiberium was potentially calculated as too high
  • (YR) Fixed a bug where preset parameters for the "Do This" script action were incorrect in the YR configuration

v1.0.0 (Official release!)

13 Mar 00:42
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It's time to celebrate! The first feature-complete build of the World-Altering Editor.

Change log from the previous build (v0.9.9.4):

  • Added a tool for checking distance between two points using a pathfinding algorithm
  • The "About" window now also shows the release version in addition to the build number
  • Implemented remapping of tiberium for the sidebar overlay preview
  • Slightly cleaned up rendering code
  • Fixed a bug where ground raising tools could raise terrain all alongside the edge of the map when used on the (visually) easternmost edge of the map
  • Fixed a bug where frames in the overlay frame selector were completely black
  • Fixed a bug where lighting of object replacement texts could flicker
  • Fixed a bug where a placed light post would "exist twice" on its own cell
  • Fixed a bug where the start and end point visual indicators in the distance check tool did not take zoom level into account
  • Fixed crashes if a terrain generator preset contained too many entries for smudges, terrain objects or terrain tiles

v0.9.9.4 (RC4)

10 Mar 23:24
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Minor update for better Steam TS and RA2/YR compatibility.

  • Fixed default game directory lookup for Steam TS and RA2/YR
  • Fixed an issue that caused Steam TS to crash when selecting maps saved with WAE
  • Fixed an issue that caused Firestorm assets to be invisible when using WAE with Steam TS