diff --git a/src/translations/es/translations.json b/src/translations/es/translations.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7d997902 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/translations/es/translations.json @@ -0,0 +1,672 @@ +{ + "3-month plan.": "3-month plan.", + "6-month plan.": "6-month plan.", + "additional-profile-info.button.cancel": "Cancel", + "additional-profile-info.button.edit-profile": "Edit Profile", + "additional-profile-info.button.save": "Save", + "additional-profile-info.error.submit": "Something went wrong. Try again later", + "additional-profile-info.success-message": "Your answers have been changed successfully", + "address-details.button.cancel": "Cancel", + "address-details.button.edit-address": "Edit Address", + "address-details.button.save": "Save", + "address-details.error.submit": "Something went wrong. Try again later", + "address-details.label.address-line-1": "Address Line 1", + "address-details.label.address-line-2": "Address Line 2", + "address-details.label.city": "City", + "address-details.label.state": "State", + "address-details.label.zip-postal-code": "ZIP/Postal code", + "address-details.success-message": "Your address details have been changed successfully", + "Back": "Back", + "Cancel": "Cancel", + "cancelpause-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "cancelpause-popup.confirm-button-text": "Cancel pause", + "cancelpause-popup.confirmation-text": "Your access to your {{ pausedOfferTitle }} subscription will continue.", + "cancelpause-popup.confirmation-title": "Your pause request has been canceled.", + "cancelpause-popup.information-text": "Your current plan will be paused starting on {{baseOfferExpirationDate}}. Cancel the pause to resume access to your {{ pausedOfferTitle }} subscription. While your subscription is paused, you won’t be charged for, and you won’t have access to, {{ pausedOfferTitle }}.", + "cancelpause-popup.question-text": "Would you like to cancel the pause request?", + "cancelpause-popup.resign": "No, thanks", + "cancelpause-popup.title": "Cancel pause", + "cancelswitch-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "cancelswitch-popup.cancelled-title.downgrade": "Downgrade canceled", + "cancelswitch-popup.cancelled-title.upgrade": "Upgrade canceled", + "cancelswitch-popup.confirm-button-text.downgrade": "Cancel downgrade", + "cancelswitch-popup.confirm-button-text.upgrade": "Cancel upgrade", + "cancelswitch-popup.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "cancelswitch-popup.pending.downgrade": "Your {{switchDirection}} to {{switchOfferTitle}} is still pending and will take effect on {{baseOfferExpirationDate}}. If you decide to cancel the downgrade, you will keep access to current plan and be charged {{baseOfferPrice}} on the next billing date.", + "cancelswitch-popup.pending.upgrade": "Your {{switchDirection}} to {{switchOfferTitle}} is still pending and will take effect on {{baseOfferExpirationDate}}. If you decide to cancel the upgrade, you will keep access to current plan and be charged {{baseOfferPrice}} on the next billing date.", + "cancelswitch-popup.question.downgrade": "Are you sure you want to cancel the downgrade?", + "cancelswitch-popup.question.upgrade": "Are you sure you want to cancel the upgrade?", + "cancelswitch-popup.resign": "No, thanks", + "cancelswitch-popup.switch-cancelled": "You have successfully canceled your {{switchDirection}} to {{switchOfferTitle}}. You will be charged a current price on {{baseOfferExpirationDate}} and keep access to {{baseOfferTitle}}.", + "cancelswitch-popup.title.downgrade": "Cancel downgrade", + "cancelswitch-popup.title.upgrade": "Cancel upgrade", + "capture.confirm-registration": "Confirm Registration", + "captureform.button.continue": "Continue", + "captureform.error.address": "Address is required", + "captureform.error.birth-date": "Birth date is required", + "captureform.error.city": "City is required", + "captureform.error.company-name": "Company name is required", + "captureform.error.custom-question": "Answer on that question is required", + "captureform.error.first-name": "First Name is required", + "captureform.error.last-name": "Last Name is required", + "captureform.error.phone-number": "Phone number is required", + "captureform.error.phone-number-invalid": "Phone number is invalid", + "captureform.error.post-code": "Post code is required", + "captureform.error.state": "State is required", + "captureform.placeholder.first-name": "First Name", + "card": "card", + "checkbox.terms-link": "Terms & Conditions", + "checkout-consents.button.continue": "Continue", + "checkout-consents.error.required": "This consent is required", + "checkout-consents.error.submit": "Something went wrong. Try again later", + "checkout-consents.subtitle": "Please accept Terms & Conditions", + "checkout-consents.title": "Terms & Conditions", + "checkout-price-box.applicable-tax": "Applicable Tax", + "checkout-price-box.button.redeem": "Redeem here", + "checkout-price-box.coupon-discount": "Coupon Discount", + "checkout-price-box.coupon-note-applied": "Promotional Pricing applied!", + "checkout-price-box.remove-coupon-discount": "[Remove]", + "checkout-price-box.gift-code-label": "Have a gift code?", + "checkout-price-box.payment-method-fee": "Payment Method Fee", + "checkout-price-box.price": "Price", + "checkout-price-box.service-fee": "Service Fee", + "checkout-price-box.total": "Today`s total", + "checkout-price-box.trial-discount": "Trial Discount", + "checkout-price-box.promo": "Promo", + "Confirm": "Confirm", + "consents-general-error": "Unable to fetch terms & conditions. Publisher is not recognized", + "Continue": "Continue", + "coupon-input.error": "This is not a valid coupon code for this offer. Please check the code on your coupon and try again.", + "coupon-input.placeholder": "Your coupon", + "coupon-input.clear-coupon": "Clear coupon code", + "coupon-input.redeem": "Redeem", + "coupon-input.redeem-coupon": "Redeem coupon", + "coupon-input.success": "Your coupon has been applied!", + "coupon-note-billing-period": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first billing period!", + "coupon-note-billing-period-free": "First billing period free!", + "coupon-note-billing-periods": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first {{discountedPeriods}} billing periods!", + "coupon-note-billing-periods-free": "First billing {{discountedPeriods}} periods free!", + "coupon-note-month": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first month!", + "coupon-note-month-free": "First month free!", + "coupon-note-months": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first {{discountedPeriods}} months!", + "coupon-note-months-free:": "First {{discountedPeriods}} months free!", + "coupon-note-season": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first season!", + "coupon-note-season-free": "First season free!", + "coupon-note-seasons": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first {{discountedPeriods}} seasons!", + "coupon-note-week": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first week!", + "coupon-note-week-free": "First week free!", + "coupon-note-weeks": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first {{discountedPeriods}} weeks!", + "coupon-note-weeks-free:": "First {{discountedPeriods}} weeks free!", + "coupon-note-year": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first year!", + "coupon-note-year-free": "First year free!", + "coupon-note-years": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first {{discountedPeriods}} years!", + "coupon-note-years-free:": "First {{discountedPeriods}} years free!", + "current-plan": "Current Plan", + "currentplan.charge-info": "You will now be charged {{currency}}{{price}} (plus applicable taxes) and will be renewed on {{renewalDate}} at the same price.", + "currentplan.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "currentplan.no-offers-text": "If you choose your plan, you will be able to manage your offers here.", + "currentplan.no-offers-text-withlink": "If you <2>choose your plan, you will be able to manage your offers here.", + "currentplan.no-offers-title": "No offers yet!", + "currentplan.pass.expires-on": "Expires on.", + "currentplan.subscription.expire-info": "This plan will expire on {{renewalDate}}", + "currentplan.subscription.pause-info": "Your subscription is currently paused. It will resume on <2>{pauseRenewalDate}. You can resume or cancel your subscription at any time prior to that date.", + "currentplan.subscription.renews-info": "Renews automatically on {{renewalDate}}", + "Customer is not associated with your account or doesn't exist.": "Customer is not associated with your account or doesn't exist.", + "delete-payment-method.confirm-button": "Remove", + "delete-payment-method.remove-info": "By clicking the REMOVE button you will delete this payment method.", + "delete-payment-method.renewal-info": "Any subscriptions connected with this payment method will not be renewed, unless another payment method is added.", + "delete-payment-method.resign-button": "No, thanks", + "delete-payment-method.title": "Remove payment method?", + "deliverydetails.button.purchase-as-gift": "Purchase as a gift", + "deliverydetails.button.purchase-for-myself": "Purchase for myself", + "deliverydetails.title": "Delivery details", + "downgrade": "downgrade", + "E-mail": "E-mail", + "Edit Address": "Edit Address", + "Edit Password": "Edit Password", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.button.back": "Back to settings", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.button.cancel": "Back", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.button.confirm": "Update details", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.header": "Edit Delivery Details", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.info-text-1": "You are editing information for your", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.info-text-2": "Please take a moment to update your gift delivery details.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.info-text-disabled": "It is not possible to edit delivery details as the gift has been already sent out to the recipient.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.info-text-disabled2": "It is not possible to edit delivery details as the gift will be sent to the recipient soon.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.error-header": "Failed to update the delivery details", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.error-text-1": "We weren't able to process your request.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.error-text-2": "Please try updating the delivery details again in a few minutes.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.header": "Delivery Details Updated", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.info-text-1": "Thank you for updating your delivery details for your", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.info-text-2": "Your changes have been saved and will be reflected in your next delivery.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.title": "Edit Delivery Details", + "edit-password.button.confirm": "Confirm", + "edit-password.button.no-thanks": "No, thanks", + "edit-password.button.yes-reset": "Yes, reset", + "edit-password.popup-title": "Edit Password", + "edit-password.text.step1": "If you want to edit your password, click 'YES, Reset' to receive password reset instruction on your mail", + "edit-password.text.step2": "Please check your inbox and follow the instructions to reset your password.", + "edit-password.text2.step2": "You will be logged out for security reasons.", + "edit-password.title.step1": "Edit Password", + "edit-password.title.step2": "Email has been sent!", + "Email": "Email", + "Email address": "Email address", + "Facebook": "Facebook", + "failed-payment-page.desc-error": "To complete your purchase, please <1>try again.", + "failed-payment-page.desc-refused": "To complete your purchase, please <1>try again using a different payment method.", + "failed-payment-page.subtitle": "We weren't able to process your payment.", + "footer.secured-checkout": "Secured checkout", + "free-extension.accept-button": "I accept the offer", + "free-extension.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "free-extension.card-title": "FREE EXTENSION", + "free-extension.error.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "free-extension.error.description": "We have been unable to extend your plan as an error occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience, please try again.", + "free-extension.error.title": "An error occurred.", + "free-extension.period.day": "day", + "free-extension.period.days": "days", + "free-extension.period.month": "month", + "free-extension.period.months": "months", + "free-extension.period.week": "week", + "free-extension.period.weeks": "weeks", + "free-extension.secondary-text": "No words can express how much we will miss you so we figured that we'll let this offer speak for itself.", + "free-extension.success.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "free-extension.success.description": "You have successfully extended your plan", + "free-extension.success.header": "Thank you!", + "free-extension.title": "How about a special offer just for you?", + "free-extension.unsubscribe-button": "I want to unsubscribe anyway", + "free-offer.error.something-went-wrong": "Oops, something went wrong! Please, reload the page and try again", + "free-offer.error.wrong-offer-settings": "Unable to proceed, because of wrong offer settings. Please, contact the owner of the offer", + "free-offer.event": "Free event {{date}}", + "free-offer.free-access": "free access", + "free-offer.free-pass": "free pass", + "free-offer.get-access": "Get Access", + "free-offer.no-cost": "Free, no additional cost", + "free-offer.pass": "Access until {{date}}", + "free-offer.subscription": "Free subscription", + "free-offer.unlimited-access": "Unlimited access", + "Google": "Google", + "grace-period-error": "Your subscription couldn't be renewed due to a payment method issue. Please <1>update it to avoid losing access to the content.", + "here": "here", + "I accept the {{htmltag}}Terms and Conditions{{endhtmltag}} of Cleeng.": "I accept the {{htmltag}}Terms and Conditions{{endhtmltag}} of Cleeng.", + "I accept {{htmltag}}Terms and Conditions{{endhtmltag}} of Cleeng.": "I accept {{htmltag}}Terms and Conditions{{endhtmltag}} of Cleeng.", + "is not supported": "is not supported", + "Last Name": "Last Name", + "login-form.button.sign-in": "Sign in", + "login-form.email-change-success": "Your email has been changed successfully", + "login-form.error.general": "An error occurred.", + "login-form.error.server-overloaded": "Server overloaded. Please try again later.", + "login-form.error.wrong-email-or-password": "Wrong email or password", + "login.button.forgot-password": "Forgot password?", + "login.button.go-to-register": "Go to register", + "logout.back-button": "Back to login", + "Mail": "E-mail", + "menuitem.plan-details": "Plan Details", + "menuitem.update-profile": "Update Profile", + "menuitem.your-payments": "Your Payments", + "month": "month", + "Monthly plan.": "Monthly plan.", + "myaccount-consents.button.cancel": "Cancel", + "myaccount-consents.button.save": "Save", + "myaccount-consents.button.update-terms": "Update terms", + "myaccounterror.button.try-again": "Try again", + "myaccounterror.something-went-wrong": "Please try again in a few moments.", + "myaccounterror.try-again": "Please try again in a few moments.", + "offer-bank-consent-copy.free-subscription": "By ticking this, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of our service. Your account will be charged €0.10 for authentication purposes. This amount will be refunded once the transaction is completed. Your account will be charged on a recurring basis for the full subscription amount. Your subscription will continue until you cancel.", + "offer-bank-consent-copy.paid-not-subscription": "By ticking this, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of our service.", + "offer-bank-consent-copy.paid-subscription": "By ticking this, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of our service. Your account will be charged on a recurring basis for the full subscription amount. Your subscription will continue until you cancel.", + "offer-card.cancel-downgrade": "Cancel downgrade", + "offer-card.cancel-pause-button": "Cancel pause", + "offer-card.cancel-upgrade": "Cancel upgrade", + "offer-card.error.already-have-access": "It looks like you already have access to this offer", + "offer-card.error.coupon-applied": "You can't change your subscription if a coupon was applied. To change plan, please cancel your current subscription and purchase a new one", + "offer-card.error.geo-restriction": "This plan is currently unavailable in your country or region", + "offer-card.error.inapp-external": "Subscription purchased via {{ paymentMethod }}. Use an external service to edit the plan.", + "offer-card.error.inapp-external-no-pmt-method": "Use an external service to edit the plan.", + "offer-card.error.missing-payment-details": "Your payment details are missing. Please add them to proceed with a subscription switch.", + "offer-card.error.switch-in-progress": "Another switch is already in progress. Wait until the process finalization", + "offer-card.error.to-free-offer": "Downgrading from a paid to a free offer is not possible", + "offer-card.info-box.pause-information-text": "Your current plan will be paused starting on {{subscriptionExpirationDate}}. While your subscription is paused, you won’t be charged for, and you won’t have access to, {{ translatedTitle }}. You can cancel this pause request at any time.", + "offer-card.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "offer-card.switch-details-downgrade.deferred": "Your downgrade is pending. You will have access to {{translatedTitle}} until {{subscriptionExpirationDate}}. From that time you will be charged your new price and will have access to {{translatedSwitchTitle}}. You can cancel this at any time.", + "offer-card.switch-details-downgrade.immediate-and-charge-with-refund-or-without-proration": "Your downgrade is pending and should be completed within few minutes. You will be charged a new price immediately and get access to {{translatedSwitchTitle}}. You can cancel anytime.", + "offer-card.switch-details-downgrade.immediate-without-proration": "Your downgrade is pending and should be completed within few minutes. You will be charged a new price starting {{subscriptionExpirationDate}}.{{translatedSwitchTitle}} renews automatically. You can cancel anytime.", + "offer-card.switch-details-upgrade.deferred": "Your upgrade is pending. You will have access to {{translatedTitle}} until {{subscriptionExpirationDate}}. From that time you will be charged your new price and will have access to {{translatedSwitchTitle}}. You can cancel this at any time.", + "offer-card.switch-details-upgrade.immediate-and-charge-with-refund-or-without-proration": "Your upgrade is pending and should be completed within few minutes. You will be charged a new price immediately and get access to {{translatedSwitchTitle}}. You can cancel anytime.", + "offer-card.switch-details-upgrade.immediate-without-proration": "Your upgrade is pending and should be completed within few minutes. You will be charged a new price starting {{subscriptionExpirationDate}}.{{translatedSwitchTitle}} renews automatically. You can cancel anytime.", + "offer-card.switch-details.upgrade-pending": "Your upgrade is pending.", + "offer-card.switch-details.upgrade-pending.refresh": "Refresh", + "offer-card.trial-period": "trial-period", + "offer-checkout-card.access": "access", + "offer-checkout-card.season-pass": "season pass", + "offer-checkout-card.unlimited-access": "Unlimited access", + "offer-description-S123456789_US": "Translated offer description", + "offer-error.access-granted": "Good news! Your account already gives you access to the content that comes with this plan.", + "offer-error.country-blocked": "Offer is blocked for country", + "offer-error.geo-restrictions": "We are sorry! The content you are trying to access is not available in your country.", + "offer-error.inactive": "inactive", + "offer-error.invalid-offerid": "Invalid param offerId", + "offer-error.no-payment-method-found": "No payment method found", + "offer-error.not-available": "We are sorry! This offer is no longer available", + "offer-error.not-exist": "Offer does not exist or is not provided.", + "offer-error.not-set": "Offer not set", + "offer-error.request-failed": "Request failed with status code 500", + "offer-price.period-3months": "3 months", + "offer-price.period-6months": "6 months", + "offer-price.period-month": "month", + "offer-price.period-week": "week", + "offer-price.period-year": "year", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-not-subscription": "By ticking this, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of our service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-3months": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} / 3 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-6months": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} 6 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-month": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} / month or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-season": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} / season or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-week": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} / week or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-year": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} / year or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-3months": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / 3 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-6months": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / 6 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-month": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / month or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-season": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / season or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-week": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / week or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-year": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / year or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.my-account": "By ticking this, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of our service. Your account will be charged on a recurring basis for the full subscription amount. Your subscription will continue until you cancel.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-3months": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / 3 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-6months": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / 6 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-month": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / month or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-season": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / season or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-week": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / weak or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-year": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / year or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-title-S123456789_US": "translated offer title", + "offer.complete-purchase": "Complete your purchase", + "Okey, Go next!": "Okey, Go next!", + "Oops, something went wrong! Try again...": "Oops, something went wrong! Try again...", + "oops-something-went-wrong": "Oops! Something went wrong.", + "oops-something-went-wrong-try-again": "Oops! Something went wrong. Try again...", + "pass-desc.date": "Access until {{date}}", + "Password": "Password", + "password-input.error.fair": "Could be stronger", + "password-input.error.good": "Good password", + "password-input.error.not-valid": "Your password must contain at least 8 characters, including 1 digit.", + "password-input.error.strong": "Strong password", + "password-input.error.weak": "Weak", + "password-reset-success.button.back": "Go back to the login page", + "password-reset-success.check-inbox": "Please check your inbox", + "password-reset-success.check-inbox-with-email": "Please check your inbox at {{email}}", + "password-reset-success.title": "Password link sent", + "password-reset.button.reset-password": "Reset Password", + "password-reset.error.invalid-email": "This address does not seem to have a normal email format.", + "password-reset.error.message": "Just enter your email address below and we will send you a link to reset your password", + "password-reset.error.server-overloaded": "Server overloaded. Please try again later.", + "password-reset.error.title": "Forgot your password?", + "password-reset.label.email": "Email", + "Pause": "Pause", + "pausesubscription-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "pausesubscription-popup.confirm-button": "Pause subscription", + "pausesubscription-popup.confirmation.info": "You will continue to have access to your subscription through your current billing cycle. The pause will go into effect on {{ pauseStartingDate }}", + "pausesubscription-popup.confirmation.title": "Your pause request has been confirmed.", + "pausesubscription-popup.details.back": "Back", + "pausesubscription-popup.details.info": "On your next billing cycle ({{ pauseStartingDate }}) your subscription pause will go into effect. While your subscription is paused, you won’t be charged for, and you won’t have access to, {{ offerTitle }}. You can resume your {{ offerTitle }} subscription at any time.", + "pausesubscription-popup.details.note": "Or, if you don`t do anything, your subscription will automatically resume at the start of the next season. When your subscription resumes, you will be billed the current monthly subscription fee for your plan.", + "pausesubscription-popup.details.question": "Would you like to pause?", + "pausesubscription-popup.details.title": "Subscription pause", + "pausesubscription-popup.error-description": "We have been unable to pause your plan as an error occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience, please try again.", + "pausesubscription-popup.error-title": "An error occurred.", + "pausesubscription-popup.pausing-plan": "Pausing plan", + "pausesubscription-popup.resign-button": "Back to My Account", + "payment-methods.error.not-available": "Payment methods not available", + "payment.complete-purchase": "Complete purchase", + "payment.error.cannot-fetch-payment-methods": "Cannot fetch payment methods", + "payment.error.failed": "The payment failed. Please try again.", + "payment.error.captcha-verification-failed": "An error occurred during payment. Please try again later. If the issue persists, please reach out to our support team for assistance.", + "payment.error.payment-method-not-supported": "Payment method not supported. Try different payment method", + "payment.error.payment-methods-not-available": "Payment methods not available", + "payment.error.payment-methods-not-defined": "Payment methods are not defined", + "payment.error.payment-not-processed": "The payment has not been processed. Please, try again with a different payment method", + "payment.error.paypal-failed": "The payment failed. Please try again.", + "payment.error.paypal-not-processed": "Your payment was not processed. Please, try again", + "payment.purchase-using": "Purchase using", + "paymentcard.edit-payment-info": "Edit payment info", + "paymentcard.expiry-date": "Expiry date", + "paymentinfo.current-payment-method": "Current payment method", + "paymentinfo.payment-history": "Payment history", + "paymentmethod.card": "Card", + "paymentmethod.managed-by-external-service": "Managed by external service", + "paymentmethod.no-active-method.subtitle": "Set up a new payment method for your account", + "paymentmethod.no-active-method.title": "Add a payment method!", + "paypal.complete-purchase": "We'll redirect you to PayPal to complete your purchase.", + "paypal.fee-note": "Note, PayPal is subject to an additional 8% fee that will be added to your next payments.", + "paypal.fee-note-complete-purchase": "We'll redirect you to PayPal to complete your purchase. Note, PayPal is subject to an additional 8% fee that will be added to your next payments.", + "paypal.update-payment-details": "We'll redirect you to PayPal to update your payment details.", + "period.168": "7 days", + "period.2160": "3 months", + "period.2week": "2 weeks", + "period.2weeks": "Two weeks of", + "period.3-months": "Every three months", + "period.3months": "Every three months", + "period.48": "2 days", + "period.6-months": "Six months of a", + "period.6months": "Six months of a", + "period.72": "3 days", + "period.720": "Month", + "period.annual": "Annual", + "period.day": "Day", + "period.month": "Month", + "period.monthly": "Monthly", + "period.season": "Season", + "period.seasonal": "Season", + "period.week": "Week", + "period.weekly": "Weekly", + "period.year": "Year", + "plandetails.change-plan": "Change Plan", + "plandetails.current-plan": "Current Plan", + "popup.complex-update.button": "Okey, Go next!", + "popup.complex-update.header": "Terms update", + "popup.complex-update.secondText": "Review the changes to continue.", + "popup.complex-update.text": "One of our mandatory terms has been updated. We’ve also updated our Consents Details which you can find in Update Profile tab.", + "popup.complex-update.title": "A change in our terms", + "popup.complex-update2.button": "Continue", + "popup.complex-update2.header": "Terms update", + "popup.complex-update2.text": "Please review and accept our updated terms and conditions before continuing to your account.", + "popup.complex-update2.title": "Update to terms & conditions", + "popup.consents-update-required.button": "Continue", + "popup.consents-update-required.header": "Terms update", + "popup.consents-update-required.text": "We have updated our terms and conditions. Please take a few minutes to review the changes in your profile section", + "popup.consents-update-required.title": "Update to terms & conditions", + "popup.not-checked-terms.button": "Let’s do it", + "popup.not-checked-terms.header": "Terms & Conditions", + "popup.not-checked-terms.text": "Your brand new account is waiting for you. Just one last step. We would like you to review our terms and conditions before continuing to your account.", + "popup.not-checked-terms.title": "Hi there!", + "popup.not-checked-terms2.button": "Continue", + "popup.not-checked-terms2.header": "Terms & Conditions", + "popup.not-checked-terms2.text": "Please accept our terms and conditions before continuing to your account.", + "popup.not-checked-terms2.title": "Terms & Conditions", + "popup.terms-update-required.button": "Okey, Go next", + "popup.terms-update-required.header": "Terms update", + "popup.terms-update-required.text": "One of our mandatory terms has been updated. Review the changes to continue.", + "popup.terms-update-required.title": "A change in our terms", + "popup.terms-update-required2.button": "Continue", + "popup.terms-update-required2.header": "Terms update", + "popup.terms-update-required2.text": "Please review and accept our updated terms and conditions before continuing to your account.", + "popup.terms-update-required2.title": "Update to terms & conditions", + "price-additional-label": " ", + "profiledetails.button.cancel": "Cancel", + "profiledetails.button.edit-profile": "Edit Profile", + "profiledetails.button.save": "Save", + "profiledetails.error.birth-date": "Birth date is required", + "profiledetails.error.company-name": "Company name is required", + "profiledetails.error.company-name-characters": "Company name can have max 50 characters", + "profiledetails.error.first-name": "First Name is required", + "profiledetails.error.first-name-characters": "First name can have max 50 characters", + "profiledetails.error.incorect-password": "Incorrect password", + "profiledetails.error.last-name": "Last Name is required", + "profiledetails.error.last-name-characters": "Last name can have max 50 characters", + "profiledetails.error.password-confirmation": "Please confirm your password to proceed with changing your email address.", + "profiledetails.error.phone-number": "Phone number is required", + "profiledetails.error.phone-number-not-valid": "This is not a valid phone number", + "profiledetails.label.birth-date": "Birth Date", + "profiledetails.label.company-name": "Company Name", + "profiledetails.label.email": "E-mail", + "profiledetails.label.first-name": "First Name", + "profiledetails.label.last-name": "Last Name", + "profiledetails.label.password-confirmation": "Password confirmation", + "profiledetails.label.phone-number": "Phone Number", + "profiledetails.success-message": "Your profile details have been changed successfully", + "recipientForm.error.bad-email-format": "The email address is not properly formatted.", + "recipientForm.error.confirm-recipient-email.doesnt-match": "Email address doesn’t match", + "recipientForm.error.delivery-date": "Missing delivery date", + "recipientForm.error.delivery-time": "Missing delivery time", + "recipientForm.error.missing-value": "Please fill out this field.", + "recipientForm.info-text": "To edit your gift delivery details, access MyAccount and click on the corresponding transaction.", + "recipientForm.label.add-message": "Add a message", + "recipientForm.label.confirm-recipient-email": "Confirm recipient email", + "recipientForm.label.delivery-date": "Delivery date", + "recipientForm.label.delivery-time": "Delivery time", + "recipientForm.label.message": "Message", + "recipientForm.label.recipient-email": "Recipient email", + "recipientForm.placeholder.confirm-recipient-email": "jdoe@cleeng.com", + "recipientForm.placeholder.message": "I’d give you the gift of never having to leave the house again! Enjoy your new subscription plan. Happy streaming!", + "recipientForm.placeholder.recipient-email": "jdoe@cleeng.com", + "redeem-gift.button.confirm": "Confirm & proceed", + "redeem-gift.button.header": "Redeem your gift", + "redeem-gift.button.verify": "Verify", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-3months": "Your existing subscription will be extended for 3 additional months for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-6months": "Your existing subscription will be extended for 6 additional months for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-month": "Your existing subscription will be extended for one additional month for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-season": "Your existing subscription will be extended for one additional season for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-week": "Your existing subscription will be extended for one additional week for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-year": "Your existing subscription will be extended for one additional year for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.external": "You already have an active subscription in a different store, perhaps through a mobile app. Once that subscription expires, you can come back and redeem your gift code here.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.more-than-one-matching-subscription": "You currently have multiple subscriptions granting you access to the content this gift provides. When one of those subscriptions expires, you can come back and redeem your gift code here.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.offer-georestricted": "Sorry, this gift code can't be used in your current location due to geographic restrictions.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.offer-inactive": "Sorry, but the offer linked to your gift code is no longer available.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.publisher-georestricted": "Sorry, this gift code can't be used in your current location due to geographic restrictions.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.recurring-process-started": "You’ll be able to redeem your gift code once we've finished processing a payment on your existing subscription", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.redeemed": "This gift code has already been used", + "redeem-gift.error.not-authorized": "User not authorized", + "redeem-gift.thank-you-page.header": "Thank you!", + "redeem-gift.thank-you-page.manage-text1": "Your gift have been successfully redeemed. ", + "redeem-gift.thank-you-page.manage-text2": "If you need help from us with your account, you can always find it<1>here.", + "redeem-gift.thank-you-page.payment-method-text": "We hope you love it. Remember that in order to keep your access after your gift expires, you will need to add a payment method to your account.", + "Register": "Register", + "register-form.button.register": "Register", + "register-form.error.account": "You would need our product <1>Core to call this API", + "register-form.error.customer-exists": "Customer already exists.", + "register-form.error.general": "An error occured.", + "register-form.error.server-overloaded": "Server overloaded. Please try again later.", + "register-form.error.email-verification-failed": "We couldn't verify the email address you entered. Please check it for accuracy and try again. If you're sure the address is correct and still see this message, you may need to use a different email or contact support for help.", + "register-form.error.captcha-verification-failed": "An error occurred during registration. Please try again later. If the issue persists, please reach out to our support team for assistance.", + "register-form.label.email": "E-mail", + "register-form.label.password": "Password", + "register.button.have-an-account": "Have an account?", + "resubscribe-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "resubscribe-popup.it-will-be": "and it will be", + "resubscribe-popup.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "resubscribe-popup.no-thanks": "No, thanks", + "resubscribe-popup.resume": "Resume", + "resubscribe-popup.resume-plan": "Resume your plan", + "resubscribe-popup.resume-plan-button-info": "By clicking the button below you can resume your plan. Your next bill will be on", + "resubscribe-popup.started-from": "started from", + "resubscribe-popup.success.description": "You have been successfully resubscribed. Your fee will be", + "resubscribe-popup.success.title": "Your plan has been renewed", + "resubscribe-popup.title": "Manage your plan", + "resumesubscription-popup.apply-change-question": "Do you want to apply the change now? You will be charged {{readablePrice}} plus applicable taxes. Your subscription will auto-renew each month at the then-current price until cancelled.", + "resumesubscription-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "resumesubscription-popup.back-button-text": "Continue with Pause", + "resumesubscription-popup.confirm-button-text": "Resume subscription", + "resumesubscription-popup.error-back-button": "Back to My Account", + "resumesubscription-popup.error-header": "An error occurred.", + "resumesubscription-popup.error-text": "We have been unable to resume your plan as an error occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience, please try again.", + "resumesubscription-popup.header": "Resume your {{ planName }} subscription", + "resumesubscription-popup.info": "Click the button below to resume your {{ planName }} subscription.", + "resumesubscription-popup.success-header": "Your {{ planName }} subscription has been resumed", + "resumesubscription-popup.success-text": "Your {{planName}} subscription has resumed. You will be charged {{readablePrice}} plus applicable taxes. Your subscription will auto-renew each month at the then-current price until cancelled.", + "resumesubscription-popup.title": "Resume plan", + "Review the changes to continue.": "Review the changes to continue.", + "Save": "Save", + "Sign in": "Sign in", + "Something went wrong. Try again later.": "Something went wrong. Try again later.", + "starting from ": "starting from ", + "subscription-desc-coupon-month": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter a month you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per month for the next {{discountedPeriods}} months.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-season": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter the season you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-seasons": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per season for the next {{discountedPeriods}} seasons.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-week": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter a week you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-weeks": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per week for the next {{discountedPeriods}} weeks.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-year": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter a year you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-years": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per year for the next {{discountedPeriods}} years.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon.3months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter 3 months you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon.6months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter 6 months you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon.periods-3months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per 3 months for the next {{discountedPeriods}} billing periods.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon.periods-6months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per 6 months for the next {{discountedPeriods}} billing periods.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc.period-3months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) every 3 months.", + "subscription-desc.period-6months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) every 6 months.", + "subscription-desc.period-month": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) every month.", + "subscription-desc.period-season": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}})\nNext payment will occur the next season start date.", + "subscription-desc.period-week": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) every week.", + "subscription-desc.period-year": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) every year.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-3months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days.\nNext payments will occur every 3 months.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-6months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days.\nNext payments will occur every 6 months.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-month": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days. \nNext payments will occur every month.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-season": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days\nNext payment will occur on the next season start date.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-week": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days.\nNext payments will occur every week.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-year": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days.\nNext payments will occur every year.", + "subscription-desc.trial-period.period-month": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after month.\nNext payments will occur every month.", + "subscription-desc.trial-period.period-week": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after week.\nNext payments will occur every week.", + "subscription-desc.trial-periods.period-month": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freePeriods}} months.\nNext payments will occur every month.", + "subscription-desc.trial-periods.period-week": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freePeriods}} weeks.\nNext payments will occur every week.", + "subscription-management.coupon-already-used": "Coupon already used", + "subscription-management.coupon-redeemed": "Your Coupon has been successfully reedemed.", + "subscription-management.enter-coupon": "Please enter coupon code.", + "subscription-management.invalid-coupon": "Invalid coupon code.", + "subscription-management.manage-button": "Manage", + "subscription-management.resume-button": "Resume", + "subscription-management.resume-subscription-button": "Resume subscription", + "subscription-management.unsubscribe-button": "Unsubscribe", + "subscription-switches-list.downgrade-button": "Downgrade", + "subscription-switches-list.error.default.subtitle": "Try again later.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.default.title": "It looks like you can't change your current plan.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.payment-gateway-not-supported.subtitle": "If you signed up via a mobile app, it may be possible to change your plan there.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.payment-gateway-not-supported.title": "Your payment method does not allow switching to a new plan from here.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.recurring-process-already-started.subtitle": "Once the new one starts, you can switch to a new offer.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.recurring-process-already-started.title": "You are at the end of the billing cycle for your current offer.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.subscription-with-coupon-not-allowed.title": "You can't change your subscription if a coupon was applied. To change plan, please cancel your current subscription and purchase a new one", + "subscription-switches-list.offer-externally-managed-title": "Subscription is externally managed.", + "subscription-switches-list.offer-externally-managed-subtitle": "Use an external service to change the plan.", + "subscription-switches-list.offer-not-selected": "Click on the plan that you would like to switch from", + "subscription-switches-list.switch-in-progress": "Subscription switch in progress!", + "subscription-switches-list.switching-unavailable": "Looks like there aren't any options for switching from your current plan right now", + "subscription-switches-list.try-again": "Please try again in a few moments.", + "subscription-switches-list.upgrade-button": "Upgrade", + "subscription-switches.change-plan": "Change plan", + "subscriptions.current-plan": "Current plan", + "Success": "Success", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-deferred-downgrade": "You have successfully requested the downgrade to {{ newPlan }}. You will have access to your new plan on {{ expiresAt }} and be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }}.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-deferred-upgrade": "You have successfully requested the upgrade to {{ newPlan }}. You will have access to your new plan on {{ expiresAt }} and be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }}.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargefullprice.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargefullprice.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithfullrefund.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithfullrefund.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithoutproration.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithoutproration.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithrefund.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee is {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithrefund.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee is {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithtimeproration.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} and you will be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithtimeproration.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} and you will be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediatewithoutproration.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from {{ expiresAt }}.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediatewithoutproration.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from {{ expiresAt }}.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediatewithtimeproration.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} and you will be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediatewithtimeproration.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} and you will be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-info": "You are about to change your plan from {{ fromOfferTitle }} to {{ toOfferTitle }}.", + "switchplan-popup-info-deferred": "You will continue to have access to {{ currentPlan }} until {{ expiresAt }}. From that time you will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} on a recurring basis for your new subscription.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediateandchargefullprice": "You will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }} and immediately granted access to the selected plan. You will continue to be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediateandchargewithfullrefund": "You will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }}. You will also be fully refunded for your previous subscription. You will continue to be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediateandchargewithoutproration": "You will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }} and immediately granted access to the selected plan.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediateandchargewithrefund": "You will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }} and immediately granted access to your selected plan. The remaining value from the previous subscription will be refunded. You will continue to be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediateandchargewithtimeproration": "You will be immediately charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }} and granted access to the selected plan. Your next billing date will be changed and pushed towards, based on the time left on your previous subscription.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediatewithoutproration": "You will be immediately granted access to your selected plan and charged a new price {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }} on your next billing date {{ expiresAt }}", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediatewithtimeproration": "You will be immediately granted access to your selected plan. Your next billing date will be changed and pushed towards, based on the time left on your previous subscription. From that time, you will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} on a recurring basis.", + "switchplan-popup.apply-change-question": "Do you want to apply the change now?", + "switchplan-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "switchplan-popup.change-plan.downgrade": "Downgrade Plan", + "switchplan-popup.change-plan.upgrade": "Upgrade Plan", + "switchplan-popup.confirm-button.downgrade": "Change Plan", + "switchplan-popup.confirm-button.upgrade": "Change Plan", + "switchplan-popup.coupon-will-not-apply": "Your current coupon will not apply to the new plan. If you have a coupon for your new plan, you can apply it after confirming your switch.", + "switchplan-popup.downgrade-title": "Downgrade your plan", + "switchplan-popup.error-description": "We have been unable to change your plan to {{ title }} as an error occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience, please try again.", + "switchplan-popup.error-title": "An error occurred.", + "switchplan-popup.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "switchplan-popup.price-without-taxes": "Note, the presented price does not include taxes.", + "switchplan-popup.resign-button": "Keep Current Plan", + "switchplan-popup.success.header": "Thank you!", + "switchplan-popup.upgrade-title": "Upgrade your plan", + "switchplan-popup.when-next-season-start": "when the next season start", + "thank-you-page.header": "Thank You!", + "thank-you-page.manage-text": "You can manage your account from <1>here.", + "thank-you-page.sub-text-with-price": "You have been charged {{currencySymbol}}{{totalAmount}}.", + "thank-you-page.text": "Your purchase was successfully processed!", + "thank-you-page.text-with-payment-method": "Your purchase was successfully processed using {{paymentMethodName}}!", + "Thanks!": "Thanks!", + "the next season start": "the next season start", + "There are no payment methods configured": "There are no payment methods configured", + "There are no subscriptions purchased yet.": "There are no subscriptions purchased yet.", + "transaction-list.header": "Transactions", + "transactions.edit-gift-delivery-details": "Edit gift delivery details", + "transactions.no-transactions.subtitle": "The section will show you recent transactions history after first payment", + "transactions.no-transactions.title": "No transactions found!", + "transactions.paid-with": "Paid with", + "transactions.show-less": "Show less", + "transactions.show-more": "Show more", + "trial-badge-days": "{{freeDays}} days free trial", + "trial-badge.period-month": "1 month free trial", + "trial-badge.period-week": "1 week free trial", + "trial-badge.periods-month": "{{freePeriods}} months free trial", + "trial-badge.periods-week": "{{freePeriods}} weeks free trial", + "unsubscribe-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.content-ended": "Content I like has ended", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.hard-to-use": "Service is hard to use", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.not-interesting-content": "Not enough interesting content", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.poor-customer-support": "Poor customer support", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.service-switch": "Switch to a different service", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.streaming-issues": "Video streaming issues", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.too-expensive": "Subscription is too expensive", + "unsubscribe-popup.downgrade-instead": "How about a plan downgrade instead of cancellation?", + "unsubscribe-popup.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "unsubscribe-popup.pause-button-text": "Pause my subscription", + "unsubscribe-popup.pause-description": "Pause your subscription until the beginning of next season, you can resume at any time.", + "unsubscribe-popup.pause-question": "Need to step away? No problem.", + "unsubscribe-popup.pause-title": "Would you like to pause your subscription instead?", + "unsubscribe-popup.plans-proposal": "Here are the plans that might suit your needs:", + "unsubscribe-popup.still-cancel": "Still want to cancel?", + "unsubscribe-popup.success.description": "You have been successfully unsubscribed. Your current plan will expire on", + "unsubscribe-popup.success.title": "Miss you already.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.access-info": "You will keep access to your seasonal subscription until {{formattedExpiresAt}}. Before you go, please let us know why you’re leaving.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.free-trial": "Your {{translatedTitle}} free trial will end on {{formattedExpiresAt}}.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.go-back": "Go back", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.info": "If you would like to proceed with cancelling your subscription, please select 'Unsubscribe' below, and your subscription will be cancelled as of {{ formattedExpiresAt }}. Until then, you will continue to have access to all of your current subscription features. Before you go, please let us know why you're leaving.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.subscription-paid": "Your {{translatedTitle}} subscription is paid until {{formattedExpiresAt}}.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.switch-pending": "Your subscription switch is still pending. You will switch to {{scheduledSwitchTitle}} and be charged a new price.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.title": "We’re sorry to see you go", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe", + "unsubscribe-popup.title": "Manage your plan", + "unsubscribe-popup.unsubscribe-button-text": "Unsubscribe", + "Update": "Update", + "Update Terms": "Update Terms", + "Update to terms & conditions": "Update to terms & conditions", + "update-payment-details-popup.back": "Back", + "update-payment-details-popup.cannot-be-changed": "This means that your payment information cannot be changed from here right now.", + "update-payment-details-popup.cannot-be-managed": "It looks like your payments cannot be managed from here", + "update-payment-details-popup.current-method": "You are currently paying for your subscription via", + "update-payment-details-popup.error": "We weren’t able to update your payment details. Please try again using different payment method.", + "update-payment-details-popup.refused": "We weren’t able to update your payment method. Please try again.", + "update-payment-details-popup.remove-method": "Remove your payment method", + "update-payment-details-popup.success.back": "Back to Payment Details", + "update-payment-details-popup.success.info": "Your payment details have been updated and will be visible on your account shortly.", + "update-payment-details-popup.success.title": "Success", + "update-payment-details-popup.title": "Update payment details", + "update-payment-details-popup.try-again": "Try again", + "update-payment-details-popup.update-current-method": "Update your current payment method, or add a new one.", + "update-payment-details-popup.warning-message": "Your new details will replace the details used for your other active subscriptions.", + "updateprofile.address-details": "Address details", + "updateprofile.error": "Something went wrong..", + "updateprofile.header.additional-options": "Additional options", + "updateprofile.header.address-details": "Address details", + "updateprofile.header.password": "Password", + "updateprofile.header.profile-details": "Profile details", + "updateprofile.header.terms-details": "Terms details", + "upgrade": "upgrade", + "validators.captcha-invalid": "Google reCAPTCHA verification required.", + "validators.consents": "Please agree on all required consents to use this service", + "validators.email": "Please fill out this field.", + "validators.email-invalid": "The email address is not properly formatted.", + "validators.password": "Please fill out this field.", + "validators.password-invalid": "Your password must contain at least 8 characters, including 1 digit.", + "Video rental {{days}} days": "Video rental {{days}} days", + "Video rental {{hours}}h": "Video rental {{hours}}h", + "week": "week", + "Weekly plan.": "Weekly plan.", + "whoops": "Whoops", + "Yes, I want to receive Cleeng updates by email.": "Yes, I want to receive Cleeng updates by email.", + "You will be charged {{price}}exTax after {{period}}.": "You will be charged {{price}}exTax after {{period}}.", + "Your <1>{{offerTitle}}": "Your <1>{{offerTitle}}", + "Your coupon has been applied! Enjoy your {{discount}}% discount.": "", + "Your current plan will be paused for {{ pausePeriod }}": "Your current plan will be paused for {{ pausePeriod }}" +} diff --git a/src/translations/pl/translations.json b/src/translations/pl/translations.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05ef2349 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/translations/pl/translations.json @@ -0,0 +1,672 @@ +{ + "3-month plan.": "3-miesięczna subskrypcja.", + "6-month plan.": "6-miesięczna subskrypcja.", + "additional-profile-info.button.cancel": "Cancel", + "additional-profile-info.button.edit-profile": "Edit Profile", + "additional-profile-info.button.save": "Save", + "additional-profile-info.error.submit": "Something went wrong. Try again later", + "additional-profile-info.success-message": "Your answers have been changed successfully", + "address-details.button.cancel": "Cancel", + "address-details.button.edit-address": "Edit Address", + "address-details.button.save": "Save", + "address-details.error.submit": "Something went wrong. Try again later", + "address-details.label.address-line-1": "Address Line 1", + "address-details.label.address-line-2": "Address Line 2", + "address-details.label.city": "City", + "address-details.label.state": "State", + "address-details.label.zip-postal-code": "ZIP/Postal code", + "address-details.success-message": "Your address details have been changed successfully", + "Back": "Wróć", + "Cancel": "Anuluj", + "cancelpause-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "cancelpause-popup.confirm-button-text": "Cancel pause", + "cancelpause-popup.confirmation-text": "Your access to your {{ pausedOfferTitle }} subscription will continue.", + "cancelpause-popup.confirmation-title": "Your pause request has been canceled.", + "cancelpause-popup.information-text": "Your current plan will be paused starting on {{baseOfferExpirationDate}}. Cancel the pause to resume access to your {{ pausedOfferTitle }} subscription. While your subscription is paused, you won’t be charged for, and you won’t have access to, {{ pausedOfferTitle }}.", + "cancelpause-popup.question-text": "Would you like to cancel the pause request?", + "cancelpause-popup.resign": "No, thanks", + "cancelpause-popup.title": "Cancel pause", + "cancelswitch-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "cancelswitch-popup.cancelled-title.downgrade": "Downgrade canceled", + "cancelswitch-popup.cancelled-title.upgrade": "Upgrade canceled", + "cancelswitch-popup.confirm-button-text.downgrade": "Cancel downgrade", + "cancelswitch-popup.confirm-button-text.upgrade": "Cancel upgrade", + "cancelswitch-popup.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "cancelswitch-popup.pending.downgrade": "Your {{switchDirection}} to {{switchOfferTitle}} is still pending and will take effect on {{baseOfferExpirationDate}}. If you decide to cancel the downgrade, you will keep access to current plan and be charged {{baseOfferPrice}} on the next billing date.", + "cancelswitch-popup.pending.upgrade": "Your {{switchDirection}} to {{switchOfferTitle}} is still pending and will take effect on {{baseOfferExpirationDate}}. If you decide to cancel the upgrade, you will keep access to current plan and be charged {{baseOfferPrice}} on the next billing date.", + "cancelswitch-popup.question.downgrade": "Are you sure you want to cancel the downgrade?", + "cancelswitch-popup.question.upgrade": "Are you sure you want to cancel the upgrade?", + "cancelswitch-popup.resign": "No, thanks", + "cancelswitch-popup.switch-cancelled": "You have successfully canceled your {{switchDirection}} to {{switchOfferTitle}}. You will be charged a current price on {{baseOfferExpirationDate}} and keep access to {{baseOfferTitle}}.", + "cancelswitch-popup.title.downgrade": "Cancel downgrade", + "cancelswitch-popup.title.upgrade": "Cancel upgrade", + "capture.confirm-registration": "Confirm Registration", + "captureform.button.continue": "Continue", + "captureform.error.address": "Address is required", + "captureform.error.birth-date": "Birth date is required", + "captureform.error.city": "City is required", + "captureform.error.company-name": "Company name is required", + "captureform.error.custom-question": "Answer on that question is required", + "captureform.error.first-name": "First Name is required", + "captureform.error.last-name": "Last Name is required", + "captureform.error.phone-number": "Phone number is required", + "captureform.error.phone-number-invalid": "Phone number is invalid", + "captureform.error.post-code": "Post code is required", + "captureform.error.state": "State is required", + "captureform.placeholder.first-name": "First Name", + "card": "karta", + "checkbox.terms-link": "Terms & Conditions", + "checkout-consents.button.continue": "Continue", + "checkout-consents.error.required": "This consent is required", + "checkout-consents.error.submit": "Something went wrong. Try again later", + "checkout-consents.subtitle": "Please accept Terms & Conditions", + "checkout-consents.title": "Terms & Conditions", + "checkout-price-box.applicable-tax": "Applicable Tax", + "checkout-price-box.button.redeem": "Redeem here", + "checkout-price-box.coupon-discount": "Coupon Discount", + "checkout-price-box.coupon-note-applied": "Promotional Pricing applied!", + "checkout-price-box.remove-coupon-discount": "[Remove]", + "checkout-price-box.gift-code-label": "Have a gift code?", + "checkout-price-box.payment-method-fee": "Payment Method Fee", + "checkout-price-box.price": "Price", + "checkout-price-box.service-fee": "Service Fee", + "checkout-price-box.total": "Today`s total", + "checkout-price-box.trial-discount": "Trial Discount", + "checkout-price-box.promo": "Promo", + "Confirm": "Potwierdź", + "consents-general-error": "Unable to fetch terms & conditions. Publisher is not recognized", + "Continue": "Kontynuuj", + "coupon-input.error": "This is not a valid coupon code for this offer. Please check the code on your coupon and try again.", + "coupon-input.placeholder": "Your coupon", + "coupon-input.clear-coupon": "Clear coupon code", + "coupon-input.redeem": "Redeem", + "coupon-input.redeem-coupon": "Redeem coupon", + "coupon-input.success": "Your coupon has been applied!", + "coupon-note-billing-period": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first billing period!", + "coupon-note-billing-period-free": "First billing period free!", + "coupon-note-billing-periods": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first {{discountedPeriods}} billing periods!", + "coupon-note-billing-periods-free": "First billing {{discountedPeriods}} periods free!", + "coupon-note-month": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first month!", + "coupon-note-month-free": "First month free!", + "coupon-note-months": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first {{discountedPeriods}} months!", + "coupon-note-months-free:": "First {{discountedPeriods}} months free!", + "coupon-note-season": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first season!", + "coupon-note-season-free": "First season free!", + "coupon-note-seasons": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first {{discountedPeriods}} seasons!", + "coupon-note-week": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first week!", + "coupon-note-week-free": "First week free!", + "coupon-note-weeks": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first {{discountedPeriods}} weeks!", + "coupon-note-weeks-free:": "First {{discountedPeriods}} weeks free!", + "coupon-note-year": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first year!", + "coupon-note-year-free": "First year free!", + "coupon-note-years": "{{currencySymbol}}{{formattedDiscountAmount}} off for the first {{discountedPeriods}} years!", + "coupon-note-years-free:": "First {{discountedPeriods}} years free!", + "current-plan": "Current Plan", + "currentplan.charge-info": "You will now be charged {{currency}}{{price}} (plus applicable taxes) and will be renewed on {{renewalDate}} at the same price.", + "currentplan.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "currentplan.no-offers-text": "If you choose your plan, you will be able to manage your offers here.", + "currentplan.no-offers-text-withlink": "If you <2>choose your plan, you will be able to manage your offers here.", + "currentplan.no-offers-title": "No offers yet!", + "currentplan.pass.expires-on": "Expires on.", + "currentplan.subscription.expire-info": "This plan will expire on {{renewalDate}}", + "currentplan.subscription.pause-info": "Your subscription is currently paused. It will resume on <2>{pauseRenewalDate}. You can resume or cancel your subscription at any time prior to that date.", + "currentplan.subscription.renews-info": "Renews automatically on {{renewalDate}}", + "Customer is not associated with your account or doesn't exist.": "Customer is not associated with your account or doesn't exist.", + "delete-payment-method.confirm-button": "Remove", + "delete-payment-method.remove-info": "By clicking the REMOVE button you will delete this payment method.", + "delete-payment-method.renewal-info": "Any subscriptions connected with this payment method will not be renewed, unless another payment method is added.", + "delete-payment-method.resign-button": "No, thanks", + "delete-payment-method.title": "Remove payment method?", + "deliverydetails.button.purchase-as-gift": "Purchase as a gift", + "deliverydetails.button.purchase-for-myself": "Purchase for myself", + "deliverydetails.title": "Delivery details", + "downgrade": "downgrade", + "E-mail": "E-mail", + "Edit Address": "Edutuj Adres", + "Edit Password": "Zmień hasło", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.button.back": "Back to settings", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.button.cancel": "Back", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.button.confirm": "Update details", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.header": "Edit Delivery Details", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.info-text-1": "You are editing information for your", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.info-text-2": "Please take a moment to update your gift delivery details.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.info-text-disabled": "It is not possible to edit delivery details as the gift has been already sent out to the recipient.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.info-text-disabled2": "It is not possible to edit delivery details as the gift will be sent to the recipient soon.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.error-header": "Failed to update the delivery details", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.error-text-1": "We weren't able to process your request.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.error-text-2": "Please try updating the delivery details again in a few minutes.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.header": "Delivery Details Updated", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.info-text-1": "Thank you for updating your delivery details for your", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.thank-you-page.info-text-2": "Your changes have been saved and will be reflected in your next delivery.", + "edit-delivery-details-popup.title": "Edit Delivery Details", + "edit-password.button.confirm": "Confirm", + "edit-password.button.no-thanks": "No, thanks", + "edit-password.button.yes-reset": "Yes, reset", + "edit-password.popup-title": "Edit Password", + "edit-password.text.step1": "If you want to edit your password, click 'YES, Reset' to receive password reset instruction on your mail", + "edit-password.text.step2": "Please check your inbox and follow the instructions to reset your password.", + "edit-password.text2.step2": "You will be logged out for security reasons.", + "edit-password.title.step1": "Edit Password", + "edit-password.title.step2": "Email has been sent!", + "Email": "Email", + "Email address": "Email address", + "Facebook": "Facebook", + "failed-payment-page.desc-error": "To complete your purchase, please <1>try again.", + "failed-payment-page.desc-refused": "To complete your purchase, please <1>try again using a different payment method.", + "failed-payment-page.subtitle": "We weren't able to process your payment.", + "footer.secured-checkout": "Secured checkout", + "free-extension.accept-button": "I accept the offer", + "free-extension.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "free-extension.card-title": "FREE EXTENSION", + "free-extension.error.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "free-extension.error.description": "We have been unable to extend your plan as an error occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience, please try again.", + "free-extension.error.title": "An error occurred.", + "free-extension.period.day": "day", + "free-extension.period.days": "days", + "free-extension.period.month": "month", + "free-extension.period.months": "months", + "free-extension.period.week": "week", + "free-extension.period.weeks": "weeks", + "free-extension.secondary-text": "No words can express how much we will miss you so we figured that we'll let this offer speak for itself.", + "free-extension.success.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "free-extension.success.description": "You have successfully extended your plan", + "free-extension.success.header": "Thank you!", + "free-extension.title": "How about a special offer just for you?", + "free-extension.unsubscribe-button": "I want to unsubscribe anyway", + "free-offer.error.something-went-wrong": "Oops, something went wrong! Please, reload the page and try again", + "free-offer.error.wrong-offer-settings": "Unable to proceed, because of wrong offer settings. Please, contact the owner of the offer", + "free-offer.event": "Free event {{date}}", + "free-offer.free-access": "free access", + "free-offer.free-pass": "free pass", + "free-offer.get-access": "Get Access", + "free-offer.no-cost": "Free, no additional cost", + "free-offer.pass": "Access until {{date}}", + "free-offer.subscription": "Free subscription", + "free-offer.unlimited-access": "Unlimited access", + "Google": "Google", + "grace-period-error": "Your subscription couldn't be renewed due to a payment method issue. Please <1>update it to avoid losing access to the content.", + "here": "here", + "I accept the {{htmltag}}Terms and Conditions{{endhtmltag}} of Cleeng.": "Akceptuję {{htmltag}}regulamin korzystania z serwisu{{endhtmltag}} firmy Cleeng.", + "I accept {{htmltag}}Terms and Conditions{{endhtmltag}} of Cleeng.": "Akceptuję {{htmltag}}regulamin korzystania z serwisu{{endhtmltag}} firmy Cleeng.", + "is not supported": "nie jest wspierana", + "Last Name": "Nazwisko", + "login-form.button.sign-in": "Sign in", + "login-form.email-change-success": "Your email has been changed successfully", + "login-form.error.general": "An error occurred.", + "login-form.error.server-overloaded": "Server overloaded. Please try again later.", + "login-form.error.wrong-email-or-password": "Wrong email or password", + "login.button.forgot-password": "Forgot password?", + "login.button.go-to-register": "Go to register", + "logout.back-button": "Back to login", + "Mail": "E-Mail", + "menuitem.plan-details": "Plan Details", + "menuitem.update-profile": "Update Profile", + "menuitem.your-payments": "Your Payments", + "month": "miesiąc", + "Monthly plan.": "Miesięczna subskrypcja.", + "myaccount-consents.button.cancel": "Cancel", + "myaccount-consents.button.save": "Save", + "myaccount-consents.button.update-terms": "Update terms", + "myaccounterror.button.try-again": "Try again", + "myaccounterror.something-went-wrong": "Please try again in a few moments.", + "myaccounterror.try-again": "Please try again in a few moments.", + "offer-bank-consent-copy.free-subscription": "By ticking this, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of our service. Your account will be charged €0.10 for authentication purposes. This amount will be refunded once the transaction is completed. Your account will be charged on a recurring basis for the full subscription amount. Your subscription will continue until you cancel.", + "offer-bank-consent-copy.paid-not-subscription": "By ticking this, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of our service.", + "offer-bank-consent-copy.paid-subscription": "By ticking this, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of our service. Your account will be charged on a recurring basis for the full subscription amount. Your subscription will continue until you cancel.", + "offer-card.cancel-downgrade": "Cancel downgrade", + "offer-card.cancel-pause-button": "Cancel pause", + "offer-card.cancel-upgrade": "Cancel upgrade", + "offer-card.error.already-have-access": "It looks like you already have access to this offer", + "offer-card.error.coupon-applied": "You can't change your subscription if a coupon was applied. To change plan, please cancel your current subscription and purchase a new one", + "offer-card.error.geo-restriction": "This plan is currently unavailable in your country or region", + "offer-card.error.inapp-external": "Subscription purchased via {{ paymentMethod }}. Use an external service to edit the plan.", + "offer-card.error.inapp-external-no-pmt-method": "Use an external service to edit the plan.", + "offer-card.error.missing-payment-details": "Your payment details are missing. Please add them to proceed with a subscription switch.", + "offer-card.error.switch-in-progress": "Another switch is already in progress. Wait until the process finalization", + "offer-card.error.to-free-offer": "Downgrading from a paid to a free offer is not possible", + "offer-card.info-box.pause-information-text": "Your current plan will be paused starting on {{subscriptionExpirationDate}}. While your subscription is paused, you won’t be charged for, and you won’t have access to, {{ translatedTitle }}. You can cancel this pause request at any time.", + "offer-card.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "offer-card.switch-details-downgrade.deferred": "Your downgrade is pending. You will have access to {{translatedTitle}} until {{subscriptionExpirationDate}}. From that time you will be charged your new price and will have access to {{translatedSwitchTitle}}. You can cancel this at any time.", + "offer-card.switch-details-downgrade.immediate-and-charge-with-refund-or-without-proration": "Your downgrade is pending and should be completed within few minutes. You will be charged a new price immediately and get access to {{translatedSwitchTitle}}. You can cancel anytime.", + "offer-card.switch-details-downgrade.immediate-without-proration": "Your downgrade is pending and should be completed within few minutes. You will be charged a new price starting {{subscriptionExpirationDate}}.{{translatedSwitchTitle}} renews automatically. You can cancel anytime.", + "offer-card.switch-details-upgrade.deferred": "Your upgrade is pending. You will have access to {{translatedTitle}} until {{subscriptionExpirationDate}}. From that time you will be charged your new price and will have access to {{translatedSwitchTitle}}. You can cancel this at any time.", + "offer-card.switch-details-upgrade.immediate-and-charge-with-refund-or-without-proration": "Your upgrade is pending and should be completed within few minutes. You will be charged a new price immediately and get access to {{translatedSwitchTitle}}. You can cancel anytime.", + "offer-card.switch-details-upgrade.immediate-without-proration": "Your upgrade is pending and should be completed within few minutes. You will be charged a new price starting {{subscriptionExpirationDate}}.{{translatedSwitchTitle}} renews automatically. You can cancel anytime.", + "offer-card.switch-details.upgrade-pending": "Your upgrade is pending.", + "offer-card.switch-details.upgrade-pending.refresh": "Refresh", + "offer-card.trial-period": "trial-period", + "offer-checkout-card.access": "access", + "offer-checkout-card.season-pass": "season pass", + "offer-checkout-card.unlimited-access": "Unlimited access", + "offer-description-S123456789_US": "Translated offer description", + "offer-error.access-granted": "Good news! Your account already gives you access to the content that comes with this plan.", + "offer-error.country-blocked": "Offer is blocked for country", + "offer-error.geo-restrictions": "We are sorry! The content you are trying to access is not available in your country.", + "offer-error.inactive": "inactive", + "offer-error.invalid-offerid": "Invalid param offerId", + "offer-error.no-payment-method-found": "No payment method found", + "offer-error.not-available": "We are sorry! This offer is no longer available", + "offer-error.not-exist": "Offer does not exist or is not provided.", + "offer-error.not-set": "Offer not set", + "offer-error.request-failed": "Request failed with status code 500", + "offer-price.period-3months": "3 months", + "offer-price.period-6months": "6 months", + "offer-price.period-month": "month", + "offer-price.period-week": "week", + "offer-price.period-year": "year", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-not-subscription": "By ticking this, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of our service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-3months": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} / 3 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-6months": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} 6 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-month": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} / month or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-season": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} / season or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-week": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} / week or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.checkout-subscription.period-year": "You will be charged {{readablePrice}} / year or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click ‘Unsubscribe.’ By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-3months": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / 3 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-6months": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / 6 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-month": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / month or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-season": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / season or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-week": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / week or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.discount.period-year": "After any promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / year or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.my-account": "By ticking this, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of our service. Your account will be charged on a recurring basis for the full subscription amount. Your subscription will continue until you cancel.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-3months": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / 3 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-6months": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / 6 months or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-month": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / month or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-season": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / season or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-week": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / weak or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-standard-consent-copy.trial.period-year": "After any free trial and/or promotional period, you will be charged {{readablePrice}} / year or the then-current price, plus applicable taxes, on a recurring basis. Your subscription will automatically continue until you cancel. To cancel, log into your account, click 'Manage' next to your subscription and then click 'Unsubscribe'. By checking the box, you expressly acknowledge and agree to these terms as well as the full Terms of Service.", + "offer-title-S123456789_US": "translated offer title", + "offer.complete-purchase": "Complete your purchase", + "Okey, Go next!": "Ok, dalej", + "Oops, something went wrong! Try again...": "Ups, coś poszło nie tak! Spróbuj ponownie...", + "oops-something-went-wrong": "Oops! Something went wrong.", + "oops-something-went-wrong-try-again": "Oops! Something went wrong. Try again...", + "pass-desc.date": "Access until {{date}}", + "Password": "Hasło", + "password-input.error.fair": "Could be stronger", + "password-input.error.good": "Good password", + "password-input.error.not-valid": "Your password must contain at least 8 characters, including 1 digit.", + "password-input.error.strong": "Strong password", + "password-input.error.weak": "Weak", + "password-reset-success.button.back": "Go back to the login page", + "password-reset-success.check-inbox": "Please check your inbox", + "password-reset-success.check-inbox-with-email": "Please check your inbox at {{email}}", + "password-reset-success.title": "Password link sent", + "password-reset.button.reset-password": "Reset Password", + "password-reset.error.invalid-email": "This address does not seem to have a normal email format.", + "password-reset.error.message": "Just enter your email address below and we will send you a link to reset your password", + "password-reset.error.server-overloaded": "Server overloaded. Please try again later.", + "password-reset.error.title": "Forgot your password?", + "password-reset.label.email": "Email", + "Pause": "Pause", + "pausesubscription-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "pausesubscription-popup.confirm-button": "Pause subscription", + "pausesubscription-popup.confirmation.info": "You will continue to have access to your subscription through your current billing cycle. The pause will go into effect on {{ pauseStartingDate }}", + "pausesubscription-popup.confirmation.title": "Your pause request has been confirmed.", + "pausesubscription-popup.details.back": "Back", + "pausesubscription-popup.details.info": "On your next billing cycle ({{ pauseStartingDate }}) your subscription pause will go into effect. While your subscription is paused, you won’t be charged for, and you won’t have access to, {{ offerTitle }}. You can resume your {{ offerTitle }} subscription at any time.", + "pausesubscription-popup.details.note": "Or, if you don`t do anything, your subscription will automatically resume at the start of the next season. When your subscription resumes, you will be billed the current monthly subscription fee for your plan.", + "pausesubscription-popup.details.question": "Would you like to pause?", + "pausesubscription-popup.details.title": "Subscription pause", + "pausesubscription-popup.error-description": "We have been unable to pause your plan as an error occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience, please try again.", + "pausesubscription-popup.error-title": "An error occurred.", + "pausesubscription-popup.pausing-plan": "Pausing plan", + "pausesubscription-popup.resign-button": "Back to My Account", + "payment-methods.error.not-available": "Payment methods not available", + "payment.complete-purchase": "Complete purchase", + "payment.error.cannot-fetch-payment-methods": "Cannot fetch payment methods", + "payment.error.failed": "The payment failed. Please try again.", + "payment.error.captcha-verification-failed": "An error occurred during payment. Please try again later. If the issue persists, please reach out to our support team for assistance.", + "payment.error.payment-method-not-supported": "Payment method not supported. Try different payment method", + "payment.error.payment-methods-not-available": "Payment methods not available", + "payment.error.payment-methods-not-defined": "Payment methods are not defined", + "payment.error.payment-not-processed": "The payment has not been processed. Please, try again with a different payment method", + "payment.error.paypal-failed": "The payment failed. Please try again.", + "payment.error.paypal-not-processed": "Your payment was not processed. Please, try again", + "payment.purchase-using": "Purchase using", + "paymentcard.edit-payment-info": "Edit payment info", + "paymentcard.expiry-date": "Expiry date", + "paymentinfo.current-payment-method": "Current payment method", + "paymentinfo.payment-history": "Payment history", + "paymentmethod.card": "Card", + "paymentmethod.managed-by-external-service": "Managed by external service", + "paymentmethod.no-active-method.subtitle": "Set up a new payment method for your account", + "paymentmethod.no-active-method.title": "Add a payment method!", + "paypal.complete-purchase": "We'll redirect you to PayPal to complete your purchase.", + "paypal.fee-note": "Note, PayPal is subject to an additional 8% fee that will be added to your next payments.", + "paypal.fee-note-complete-purchase": "We'll redirect you to PayPal to complete your purchase. Note, PayPal is subject to an additional 8% fee that will be added to your next payments.", + "paypal.update-payment-details": "We'll redirect you to PayPal to update your payment details.", + "period.168": "7 days", + "period.2160": "3 months", + "period.2week": "2 weeks", + "period.2weeks": "Two weeks of", + "period.3-months": "Every three months", + "period.3months": "Every three months", + "period.48": "2 days", + "period.6-months": "Six months of a", + "period.6months": "Six months of a", + "period.72": "3 days", + "period.720": "Month", + "period.annual": "Annual", + "period.day": "Day", + "period.month": "Month", + "period.monthly": "Monthly", + "period.season": "Season", + "period.seasonal": "Season", + "period.week": "Week", + "period.weekly": "Weekly", + "period.year": "Year", + "plandetails.change-plan": "Change Plan", + "plandetails.current-plan": "Current Plan", + "popup.complex-update.button": "Okey, Go next!", + "popup.complex-update.header": "Terms update", + "popup.complex-update.secondText": "Review the changes to continue.", + "popup.complex-update.text": "One of our mandatory terms has been updated. We’ve also updated our Consents Details which you can find in Update Profile tab.", + "popup.complex-update.title": "A change in our terms", + "popup.complex-update2.button": "Continue", + "popup.complex-update2.header": "Terms update", + "popup.complex-update2.text": "Please review and accept our updated terms and conditions before continuing to your account.", + "popup.complex-update2.title": "Update to terms & conditions", + "popup.consents-update-required.button": "Continue", + "popup.consents-update-required.header": "Terms update", + "popup.consents-update-required.text": "We have updated our terms and conditions. Please take a few minutes to review the changes in your profile section", + "popup.consents-update-required.title": "Update to terms & conditions", + "popup.not-checked-terms.button": "Let’s do it", + "popup.not-checked-terms.header": "Terms & Conditions", + "popup.not-checked-terms.text": "Your brand new account is waiting for you. Just one last step. We would like you to review our terms and conditions before continuing to your account.", + "popup.not-checked-terms.title": "Hi there!", + "popup.not-checked-terms2.button": "Continue", + "popup.not-checked-terms2.header": "Terms & Conditions", + "popup.not-checked-terms2.text": "Please accept our terms and conditions before continuing to your account.", + "popup.not-checked-terms2.title": "Terms & Conditions", + "popup.terms-update-required.button": "Okey, Go next", + "popup.terms-update-required.header": "Terms update", + "popup.terms-update-required.text": "One of our mandatory terms has been updated. Review the changes to continue.", + "popup.terms-update-required.title": "A change in our terms", + "popup.terms-update-required2.button": "Continue", + "popup.terms-update-required2.header": "Terms update", + "popup.terms-update-required2.text": "Please review and accept our updated terms and conditions before continuing to your account.", + "popup.terms-update-required2.title": "Update to terms & conditions", + "price-additional-label": " ", + "profiledetails.button.cancel": "Cancel", + "profiledetails.button.edit-profile": "Edit Profile", + "profiledetails.button.save": "Save", + "profiledetails.error.birth-date": "Birth date is required", + "profiledetails.error.company-name": "Company name is required", + "profiledetails.error.company-name-characters": "Company name can have max 50 characters", + "profiledetails.error.first-name": "First Name is required", + "profiledetails.error.first-name-characters": "First name can have max 50 characters", + "profiledetails.error.incorect-password": "Incorrect password", + "profiledetails.error.last-name": "Last Name is required", + "profiledetails.error.last-name-characters": "Last name can have max 50 characters", + "profiledetails.error.password-confirmation": "Please confirm your password to proceed with changing your email address.", + "profiledetails.error.phone-number": "Phone number is required", + "profiledetails.error.phone-number-not-valid": "This is not a valid phone number", + "profiledetails.label.birth-date": "Birth Date", + "profiledetails.label.company-name": "Company Name", + "profiledetails.label.email": "E-mail", + "profiledetails.label.first-name": "First Name", + "profiledetails.label.last-name": "Last Name", + "profiledetails.label.password-confirmation": "Password confirmation", + "profiledetails.label.phone-number": "Phone Number", + "profiledetails.success-message": "Your profile details have been changed successfully", + "recipientForm.error.bad-email-format": "The email address is not properly formatted.", + "recipientForm.error.confirm-recipient-email.doesnt-match": "Email address doesn’t match", + "recipientForm.error.delivery-date": "Missing delivery date", + "recipientForm.error.delivery-time": "Missing delivery time", + "recipientForm.error.missing-value": "Please fill out this field.", + "recipientForm.info-text": "To edit your gift delivery details, access MyAccount and click on the corresponding transaction.", + "recipientForm.label.add-message": "Add a message", + "recipientForm.label.confirm-recipient-email": "Confirm recipient email", + "recipientForm.label.delivery-date": "Delivery date", + "recipientForm.label.delivery-time": "Delivery time", + "recipientForm.label.message": "Message", + "recipientForm.label.recipient-email": "Recipient email", + "recipientForm.placeholder.confirm-recipient-email": "jdoe@cleeng.com", + "recipientForm.placeholder.message": "I’d give you the gift of never having to leave the house again! Enjoy your new subscription plan. Happy streaming!", + "recipientForm.placeholder.recipient-email": "jdoe@cleeng.com", + "redeem-gift.button.confirm": "Confirm & proceed", + "redeem-gift.button.header": "Redeem your gift", + "redeem-gift.button.verify": "Verify", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-3months": "Your existing subscription will be extended for 3 additional months for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-6months": "Your existing subscription will be extended for 6 additional months for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-month": "Your existing subscription will be extended for one additional month for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-season": "Your existing subscription will be extended for one additional season for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-week": "Your existing subscription will be extended for one additional week for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.existing-subscription.period-year": "Your existing subscription will be extended for one additional year for free.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.external": "You already have an active subscription in a different store, perhaps through a mobile app. Once that subscription expires, you can come back and redeem your gift code here.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.more-than-one-matching-subscription": "You currently have multiple subscriptions granting you access to the content this gift provides. When one of those subscriptions expires, you can come back and redeem your gift code here.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.offer-georestricted": "Sorry, this gift code can't be used in your current location due to geographic restrictions.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.offer-inactive": "Sorry, but the offer linked to your gift code is no longer available.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.publisher-georestricted": "Sorry, this gift code can't be used in your current location due to geographic restrictions.", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.recurring-process-started": "You’ll be able to redeem your gift code once we've finished processing a payment on your existing subscription", + "redeem-gift.description.refusal.redeemed": "This gift code has already been used", + "redeem-gift.error.not-authorized": "User not authorized", + "redeem-gift.thank-you-page.header": "Thank you!", + "redeem-gift.thank-you-page.manage-text1": "Your gift have been successfully redeemed. ", + "redeem-gift.thank-you-page.manage-text2": "If you need help from us with your account, you can always find it<1>here.", + "redeem-gift.thank-you-page.payment-method-text": "We hope you love it. Remember that in order to keep your access after your gift expires, you will need to add a payment method to your account.", + "Register": "Zarejestruj się", + "register-form.button.register": "Register", + "register-form.error.account": "You would need our product <1>Core to call this API", + "register-form.error.customer-exists": "Customer already exists.", + "register-form.error.general": "An error occured.", + "register-form.error.server-overloaded": "Server overloaded. Please try again later.", + "register-form.error.email-verification-failed": "We couldn't verify the email address you entered. Please check it for accuracy and try again. If you're sure the address is correct and still see this message, you may need to use a different email or contact support for help.", + "register-form.error.captcha-verification-failed": "An error occurred during registration. Please try again later. If the issue persists, please reach out to our support team for assistance.", + "register-form.label.email": "E-mail", + "register-form.label.password": "Password", + "register.button.have-an-account": "Have an account?", + "resubscribe-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "resubscribe-popup.it-will-be": "and it will be", + "resubscribe-popup.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "resubscribe-popup.no-thanks": "No, thanks", + "resubscribe-popup.resume": "Resume", + "resubscribe-popup.resume-plan": "Resume your plan", + "resubscribe-popup.resume-plan-button-info": "By clicking the button below you can resume your plan. Your next bill will be on", + "resubscribe-popup.started-from": "started from", + "resubscribe-popup.success.description": "You have been successfully resubscribed. Your fee will be", + "resubscribe-popup.success.title": "Your plan has been renewed", + "resubscribe-popup.title": "Manage your plan", + "resumesubscription-popup.apply-change-question": "Do you want to apply the change now? You will be charged {{readablePrice}} plus applicable taxes. Your subscription will auto-renew each month at the then-current price until cancelled.", + "resumesubscription-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "resumesubscription-popup.back-button-text": "Continue with Pause", + "resumesubscription-popup.confirm-button-text": "Resume subscription", + "resumesubscription-popup.error-back-button": "Back to My Account", + "resumesubscription-popup.error-header": "An error occurred.", + "resumesubscription-popup.error-text": "We have been unable to resume your plan as an error occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience, please try again.", + "resumesubscription-popup.header": "Resume your {{ planName }} subscription", + "resumesubscription-popup.info": "Click the button below to resume your {{ planName }} subscription.", + "resumesubscription-popup.success-header": "Your {{ planName }} subscription has been resumed", + "resumesubscription-popup.success-text": "Your {{planName}} subscription has resumed. You will be charged {{readablePrice}} plus applicable taxes. Your subscription will auto-renew each month at the then-current price until cancelled.", + "resumesubscription-popup.title": "Resume plan", + "Review the changes to continue.": "Zapoznaj się ze zmianami aby kontynuować", + "Save": "Zapisz", + "Sign in": "Zaloguj się", + "Something went wrong. Try again later.": "Ups. Coś poszło nie tak. Spróbuj ponownie później.", + "starting from ": "zaczynając od ", + "subscription-desc-coupon-month": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter a month you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per month for the next {{discountedPeriods}} months.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-season": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter the season you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-seasons": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per season for the next {{discountedPeriods}} seasons.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-week": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter a week you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-weeks": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per week for the next {{discountedPeriods}} weeks.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-year": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter a year you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon-years": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per year for the next {{discountedPeriods}} years.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon.3months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter 3 months you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon.6months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) now.\nAfter 6 months you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon.periods-3months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per 3 months for the next {{discountedPeriods}} billing periods.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc-coupon.periods-6months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{formattedTotalPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) per 6 months for the next {{discountedPeriods}} billing periods.\nAfter that time you will be charged a regular price of {{currencySymbol}}{{regularPrice}}.", + "subscription-desc.period-3months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) every 3 months.", + "subscription-desc.period-6months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) every 6 months.", + "subscription-desc.period-month": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) every month.", + "subscription-desc.period-season": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}})\nNext payment will occur the next season start date.", + "subscription-desc.period-week": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) every week.", + "subscription-desc.period-year": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) every year.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-3months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days.\nNext payments will occur every 3 months.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-6months": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days.\nNext payments will occur every 6 months.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-month": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days. \nNext payments will occur every month.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-season": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days\nNext payment will occur on the next season start date.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-week": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days.\nNext payments will occur every week.", + "subscription-desc.trial-days.period-year": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freeDays}} days.\nNext payments will occur every year.", + "subscription-desc.trial-period.period-month": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after month.\nNext payments will occur every month.", + "subscription-desc.trial-period.period-week": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after week.\nNext payments will occur every week.", + "subscription-desc.trial-periods.period-month": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freePeriods}} months.\nNext payments will occur every month.", + "subscription-desc.trial-periods.period-week": "You will be charged {{currencySymbol}}{{grossPrice}} (incl. {{taxCopy}}) after {{freePeriods}} weeks.\nNext payments will occur every week.", + "subscription-management.coupon-already-used": "Coupon already used", + "subscription-management.coupon-redeemed": "Your Coupon has been successfully reedemed.", + "subscription-management.enter-coupon": "Please enter coupon code.", + "subscription-management.invalid-coupon": "Invalid coupon code.", + "subscription-management.manage-button": "Manage", + "subscription-management.resume-button": "Resume", + "subscription-management.resume-subscription-button": "Resume subscription", + "subscription-management.unsubscribe-button": "Unsubscribe", + "subscription-switches-list.downgrade-button": "Downgrade", + "subscription-switches-list.error.default.subtitle": "Try again later.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.default.title": "It looks like you can't change your current plan.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.payment-gateway-not-supported.subtitle": "If you signed up via a mobile app, it may be possible to change your plan there.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.payment-gateway-not-supported.title": "Your payment method does not allow switching to a new plan from here.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.recurring-process-already-started.subtitle": "Once the new one starts, you can switch to a new offer.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.recurring-process-already-started.title": "You are at the end of the billing cycle for your current offer.", + "subscription-switches-list.error.subscription-with-coupon-not-allowed.title": "You can't change your subscription if a coupon was applied. To change plan, please cancel your current subscription and purchase a new one", + "subscription-switches-list.offer-externally-managed-title": "Subscription is externally managed.", + "subscription-switches-list.offer-externally-managed-subtitle": "Use an external service to change the plan.", + "subscription-switches-list.offer-not-selected": "Click on the plan that you would like to switch from", + "subscription-switches-list.switch-in-progress": "Subscription switch in progress!", + "subscription-switches-list.switching-unavailable": "Looks like there aren't any options for switching from your current plan right now", + "subscription-switches-list.try-again": "Please try again in a few moments.", + "subscription-switches-list.upgrade-button": "Upgrade", + "subscription-switches.change-plan": "Change plan", + "subscriptions.current-plan": "Current plan", + "Success": "Sukces", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-deferred-downgrade": "You have successfully requested the downgrade to {{ newPlan }}. You will have access to your new plan on {{ expiresAt }} and be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }}.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-deferred-upgrade": "You have successfully requested the upgrade to {{ newPlan }}. You will have access to your new plan on {{ expiresAt }} and be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }}.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargefullprice.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargefullprice.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithfullrefund.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithfullrefund.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithoutproration.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithoutproration.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithrefund.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee is {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithrefund.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee is {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from now.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithtimeproration.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} and you will be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediateandchargewithtimeproration.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} and you will be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediatewithoutproration.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from {{ expiresAt }}.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediatewithoutproration.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} starting from {{ expiresAt }}.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediatewithtimeproration.downgrade": "You have successfully downgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} and you will be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-confirm-immediatewithtimeproration.upgrade": "You have successfully upgraded your plan to {{ newPlan }}. Your new fee will be {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} and you will be charged on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-info": "You are about to change your plan from {{ fromOfferTitle }} to {{ toOfferTitle }}.", + "switchplan-popup-info-deferred": "You will continue to have access to {{ currentPlan }} until {{ expiresAt }}. From that time you will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} on a recurring basis for your new subscription.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediateandchargefullprice": "You will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }} and immediately granted access to the selected plan. You will continue to be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediateandchargewithfullrefund": "You will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }}. You will also be fully refunded for your previous subscription. You will continue to be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediateandchargewithoutproration": "You will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }} and immediately granted access to the selected plan.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediateandchargewithrefund": "You will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }} and immediately granted access to your selected plan. The remaining value from the previous subscription will be refunded. You will continue to be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} on a recurring basis until you cancel.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediateandchargewithtimeproration": "You will be immediately charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }} and granted access to the selected plan. Your next billing date will be changed and pushed towards, based on the time left on your previous subscription.", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediatewithoutproration": "You will be immediately granted access to your selected plan and charged a new price {{ currencySymbol }}{{ currentPrice }} on your next billing date {{ expiresAt }}", + "switchplan-popup-info-immediatewithtimeproration": "You will be immediately granted access to your selected plan. Your next billing date will be changed and pushed towards, based on the time left on your previous subscription. From that time, you will be charged {{ currencySymbol }}{{ nextPaymentPrice }} on a recurring basis.", + "switchplan-popup.apply-change-question": "Do you want to apply the change now?", + "switchplan-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "switchplan-popup.change-plan.downgrade": "Downgrade Plan", + "switchplan-popup.change-plan.upgrade": "Upgrade Plan", + "switchplan-popup.confirm-button.downgrade": "Change Plan", + "switchplan-popup.confirm-button.upgrade": "Change Plan", + "switchplan-popup.coupon-will-not-apply": "Your current coupon will not apply to the new plan. If you have a coupon for your new plan, you can apply it after confirming your switch.", + "switchplan-popup.downgrade-title": "Downgrade your plan", + "switchplan-popup.error-description": "We have been unable to change your plan to {{ title }} as an error occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience, please try again.", + "switchplan-popup.error-title": "An error occurred.", + "switchplan-popup.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "switchplan-popup.price-without-taxes": "Note, the presented price does not include taxes.", + "switchplan-popup.resign-button": "Keep Current Plan", + "switchplan-popup.success.header": "Thank you!", + "switchplan-popup.upgrade-title": "Upgrade your plan", + "switchplan-popup.when-next-season-start": "when the next season start", + "thank-you-page.header": "Thank You!", + "thank-you-page.manage-text": "You can manage your account from <1>here.", + "thank-you-page.sub-text-with-price": "You have been charged {{currencySymbol}}{{totalAmount}}.", + "thank-you-page.text": "Your purchase was successfully processed!", + "thank-you-page.text-with-payment-method": "Your purchase was successfully processed using {{paymentMethodName}}!", + "Thanks!": "Dzięki!", + "the next season start": "the next season start", + "There are no payment methods configured": "Nie ustawiono jeszcze zadnej metody płatności", + "There are no subscriptions purchased yet.": "Nie wykupiono jeszcze żadnej subskrypcji.", + "transaction-list.header": "Transactions", + "transactions.edit-gift-delivery-details": "Edit gift delivery details", + "transactions.no-transactions.subtitle": "The section will show you recent transactions history after first payment", + "transactions.no-transactions.title": "No transactions found!", + "transactions.paid-with": "Paid with", + "transactions.show-less": "Show less", + "transactions.show-more": "Show more", + "trial-badge-days": "{{freeDays}} days free trial", + "trial-badge.period-month": "1 month free trial", + "trial-badge.period-week": "1 week free trial", + "trial-badge.periods-month": "{{freePeriods}} months free trial", + "trial-badge.periods-week": "{{freePeriods}} weeks free trial", + "unsubscribe-popup.back-button": "Back to My Account", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.content-ended": "Content I like has ended", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.hard-to-use": "Service is hard to use", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.not-interesting-content": "Not enough interesting content", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.poor-customer-support": "Poor customer support", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.service-switch": "Switch to a different service", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.streaming-issues": "Video streaming issues", + "unsubscribe-popup.cancellation.too-expensive": "Subscription is too expensive", + "unsubscribe-popup.downgrade-instead": "How about a plan downgrade instead of cancellation?", + "unsubscribe-popup.next-season-start": "the next season start", + "unsubscribe-popup.pause-button-text": "Pause my subscription", + "unsubscribe-popup.pause-description": "Pause your subscription until the beginning of next season, you can resume at any time.", + "unsubscribe-popup.pause-question": "Need to step away? No problem.", + "unsubscribe-popup.pause-title": "Would you like to pause your subscription instead?", + "unsubscribe-popup.plans-proposal": "Here are the plans that might suit your needs:", + "unsubscribe-popup.still-cancel": "Still want to cancel?", + "unsubscribe-popup.success.description": "You have been successfully unsubscribed. Your current plan will expire on", + "unsubscribe-popup.success.title": "Miss you already.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.access-info": "You will keep access to your seasonal subscription until {{formattedExpiresAt}}. Before you go, please let us know why you’re leaving.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.free-trial": "Your {{translatedTitle}} free trial will end on {{formattedExpiresAt}}.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.go-back": "Go back", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.info": "If you would like to proceed with cancelling your subscription, please select 'Unsubscribe' below, and your subscription will be cancelled as of {{ formattedExpiresAt }}. Until then, you will continue to have access to all of your current subscription features. Before you go, please let us know why you're leaving.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.subscription-paid": "Your {{translatedTitle}} subscription is paid until {{formattedExpiresAt}}.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.switch-pending": "Your subscription switch is still pending. You will switch to {{scheduledSwitchTitle}} and be charged a new price.", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.title": "We’re sorry to see you go", + "unsubscribe-popup.survey.unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe", + "unsubscribe-popup.title": "Manage your plan", + "unsubscribe-popup.unsubscribe-button-text": "Zrezygnuj z subskrypcji", + "Update": "Update", + "Update Terms": "Zaktualizuj zgody", + "Update to terms & conditions": "Zaktualizowany regulamin", + "update-payment-details-popup.back": "Back", + "update-payment-details-popup.cannot-be-changed": "This means that your payment information cannot be changed from here right now.", + "update-payment-details-popup.cannot-be-managed": "It looks like your payments cannot be managed from here", + "update-payment-details-popup.current-method": "You are currently paying for your subscription via", + "update-payment-details-popup.error": "We weren’t able to update your payment details. Please try again using different payment method.", + "update-payment-details-popup.refused": "We weren’t able to update your payment method. Please try again.", + "update-payment-details-popup.remove-method": "Remove your payment method", + "update-payment-details-popup.success.back": "Back to Payment Details", + "update-payment-details-popup.success.info": "Your payment details have been updated and will be visible on your account shortly.", + "update-payment-details-popup.success.title": "Success", + "update-payment-details-popup.title": "Update payment details", + "update-payment-details-popup.try-again": "Try again", + "update-payment-details-popup.update-current-method": "Update your current payment method, or add a new one.", + "update-payment-details-popup.warning-message": "Your new details will replace the details used for your other active subscriptions.", + "updateprofile.address-details": "Address details", + "updateprofile.error": "Something went wrong..", + "updateprofile.header.additional-options": "Additional options", + "updateprofile.header.address-details": "Address details", + "updateprofile.header.password": "Password", + "updateprofile.header.profile-details": "Profile details", + "updateprofile.header.terms-details": "Terms details", + "upgrade": "upgrade", + "validators.captcha-invalid": "Google reCAPTCHA verification required.", + "validators.consents": "Please agree on all required consents to use this service", + "validators.email": "Please fill out this field.", + "validators.email-invalid": "The email address is not properly formatted.", + "validators.password": "Please fill out this field.", + "validators.password-invalid": "Your password must contain at least 8 characters, including 1 digit.", + "Video rental {{days}} days": "Wypożyczenie video na {{days}} dni", + "Video rental {{hours}}h": "Wypożyczenie video na {{hours}} godzin", + "week": "tydzień", + "Weekly plan.": "Tygodniowa subskrypcja.", + "whoops": "Whoops", + "Yes, I want to receive Cleeng updates by email.": "Yes, I want to receive Cleeng updates by email.", + "You will be charged {{price}}exTax after {{period}}.": "Twoje konto zostanie obciążone kwotą {{price}} bez VAT po {{period}}.", + "Your <1>{{offerTitle}}": "Twoja <1>{{offerTitle}}", + "Your coupon has been applied! Enjoy your {{discount}}% discount.": "", + "Your current plan will be paused for {{ pausePeriod }}": "Your current plan will be paused for {{ pausePeriod }}" +}