All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- You can now click on the badge to open the HLTB page for the game.
- You can also right-click on the badge to change the HLTB name used for the stats
- If the game is not found on HLTB, the badge will show a question mark.
- You can click the "?" on the badge to enter the HLTB name manually.
- This will be saved and used everytime you visit backloggd.
- Fixed HLTB search not escaping strings correctly, resulting in wrong search results.
- Time badge is no longer removed when the game is not found on HLTB.
- Fixed extension not working on (without www)
- Fixed menu not working after restarting the browser
- Fixed extension enable option not disable the extension correctly
- Option in extension context menu (right-click on the extension icon) to change the badge position
- Fixed extension menu not working on Firefox
- Added time badges to other covers (like search items and a game's main page)
- Added cache to improve the response time.
- Improved page changing detection.
- Now the badge load first and then the time gets added, so the user gets a less jarring transition.
- Firefox version released
- Option in extension context menu (right-click on the extension icon) to:
- Enable/Disable the extension
- Select the preferred time to show (main, completionist, etc.)
- Chrome version released
- Initial experimental version