1.9.0 (2025-02-26)
- Add mount plan and real map layer rendering (168090c)
- Add some new translation to mapview (f5f8af6)
- Centroid location rendering to WFS json output (06e353f)
1.8.0 (2025-02-18)
- Add mount_real_id field to TrafficSignReal and AdditionalSignReal WFS api (22480a6)
1.7.0 (2025-02-12)
- Add id field to most Admin model search fields (a13d4af)
- Add id field to TrafficControlDeviceType export file (fab8a2d)
- Add name field to Plan admin search (602c70d)
- Change Plan WFS title to Traffic Control Plan (ba0615c)
- Location can now be cleared from admin page using location_ekwt field in models that location is nullable (fe577ce)
1.6.1 (2025-02-04)
- Plan WFS now uses convex_hull instead of Multipolygon as geometry type (23d89d2)
1.6.0 (2025-01-31)
- Add decision_url to Plan admin page (1cfe8b1)
- Add Plan WFS feature (b939f1b)
- Add search fields to Plan admin (98eb08a)
- Show location information fields one below another instead of side-by-side (ab8b78e)
1.5.0 (2025-01-29)
- Add devicetype code and legacy code to admin search to all models that have device type (98fa983)
- Management command for updating plan information from a csv-file (bd56a0a)
- Unregister social_auth user admin view (d960319)
1.4.0 (2025-01-14)
- Add all possible content_s fields to template export for additional sign plans and reals (1305079)
- Register User model to auditlog (07fc4aa)
- Auditlog entries are now create also for user invidual permission updates (77bef68)
1.3.0 (2024-12-20)
- Centroid WFS Feature for mount plans and reals instead of only for portal types. (650a0d6)
- WFS Feature for mountplans and mountreals that uses centroid as instead of real location (f5baeda)
- Add missing internationalization support for mount centroid titles (84a2eb6)
- Many fixes related to location handling in admin forms (5b09d92)
1.2.0 (2024-12-16)
- Add additional_information to users (dd8cb38)
- Allowed location is now bound with Helsinki city limits (a44ba1e)
- API maximum result per page configuration (0ff52f9)
- Make source_name and source_id editable in all admin models where they exist (ff0c74d)
- Use map widget for all models that have a location (25acfbe)
- Use same values for lane_number as digiroad (6e753c5)
- Xy coordinate swap now done for all geometry types for WFS gml api (064522d)
1.1.0 (2024-11-29)
- Add source_name and source_id to import-export resources where applicable (ca28781)
- List additional signs right after trafficsign in embed view (c2a1a7f)
- Add missing internalization and finnish translation for No additional signs (6f723cf)
- Do not allowd geometries outside given SRID (e1794ac)
1.0.0 (2024-11-12)
- change AdditionalSignReal parent field to be non-nullable
- Add links to privacy policies (f64f4a8)
- Add MountReal and MountPlans to WFS API (79dfaf6)
- Add parent_id and additional_information fields to AdditionalSign and Plan WFS (3ced611)
- Add virus scan and file type check to file uploads via REST API (d781a4a)
- Change AdditionalSignReal parent field to be non-nullable (5f1da21)
- Limit unsuccessful login attemps (490488c)
- Restrict filetypes that can be uploaded (42e5277)
- Show enum name instead of value in WFS API (da45376)
- AD login fails if session cookie samesite setting is set to Strict, change back to Lax (d50c875)
- Add english for privacy policy, link goes to finnish pdf (039bd86)
- Base information was not taken into export nor in the template (0fbe7e6)
- Data protection policy link finetuning (62db1e7)
- English link pointed to swedish pdf file instead of finnish (b59729a)
- Set more strict cookie policies (337a9ea)
- Try to get actual client ip for login attempt limitation (d8be07e)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.