- New Prefab:
- UXMapTileZoomInSFX
- UXMapTileZoomOutSFX
- New TutorialBalloonPrefab:
- RoadsTutorialTwoLaneRoadTrigger
- Changes to BuildingPrefab:
- EU_ResidentialMedium01_L1_2x4
- EU_ResidentialMedium01_L2_2x4
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L1_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L2_6x6
- NA_ResidentialHigh01_L3_3x6
- NA_ResidentialHigh01_L4_3x6
- NA_ResidentialMedium01_L3_6x6
- NA_ResidentialMedium01_L4_6x6
- Changes to EffectPrefab:
- BuildingCollapseSFX (Audio Trigger Distance)
- Changes to HealthcarePrefab:
- HealthcareParameters (Change to DeathRate)
- Changes to Prefab:
- ToolUXSoundSettings (New sounds: m_CameraZoomInSound, m_CameraZoomOutSound, m_DeletetEntitySound)
- Changes to RoadPrefab (Unlock Requirement added):
- Gravel Road Oneway
- Medium Road - Double Sided Parking
- Medium Road - Double Sided Parking Angled
- Medium Road Asymmetric - 1+3 lanes
- Small Road - Double Sided Parking
- Small Road - Double Sided Parking Angled
- Small Road Divided - Double Sided Parking
- Small Road Divided - Double Sided Parking Angled
- Small Road Oneway - Single Sided Parking
- Small Road Oneway - Single Sided Parking Angled
- Changes to TutorialBalloonPrefab:
- RoadsTutorialTwoLaneRoad (fix tutorial not triggering)
- Changes to TutorialPrefab (enable priority):
- CinematicCameraTutorial
- PhotoModeTutorial
- New BuildingExtensionPrefab:
- ParkingHall03 Additional Floors
- TaxiDepot02 Dispatch Center
- TaxiDepot02 Electric Taxis
- TaxiDepot02 Taxi Garage
- New BuildingPrefab:
- ParkingHall03
- ParkingHall04
- ParkingLot11
- ParkingLot12
- ParkingLot13
- ParkingLot14
- ParkingLot15
- ParkingLot16
- ParkingLot17
- PocketPark01
- PocketPark02
- PocketPark03
- PocketPark04
- PocketPark05
- PocketPark06
- PocketPark07
- PocketPark08
- PocketPark09
- PocketPark10
- TaxiDepot02
- New LivePathPrefab (Traffic Routes):
- Aircraft Path
- Car Path
- Human Path
- Train Path
- Watercraft Path
- New NetLanePrefab:
- Alley Parking Lane - Angled67 2.9x5.5
- Alley Parking Lane - Angled67 2.9x6.5
- Alley Parking Lane - Perpendicular 3x5.5
- Alley Parking Lane - Perpendicular 3x6.5
- Alley Parking Lane 2
- Gravel Parking Lane 2
- Gravel Pedestrian Lane 0.5
- Invisible Parking Lane - Parallel 3x7.7
- Invisible Parking Lane - Parallel 4x10.5
- Invisible Parking Lane - Perpendicular 3x7.7
- Invisible Parking Lane - Perpendicular 4x10.5
- Invisible SpecialParking Lane - Angled67 2.9x5.9
- Invisible SpecialParking Lane - Parallel 2.9x5.9
- Invisible SpecialParking Lane - Parallel 3x7.7
- Invisible SpecialParking Lane - Parallel 4x10.5
- Invisible SpecialParking Lane - Perpendicular 2.9x5.9
- Invisible SpecialParking Lane - Perpendicular 3x7.7
- Invisible SpecialParking Lane - Perpendicular 4x10.5
- Invisible SpecialParking Lane - Perpendicular 4x13
- Parking Lane - Angled67 2.9x5.5
- Parking Lane - Perpendicular 3x5.5
- Pathway Parking Lane - Angled67 2.9x5.5
- Pathway Parking Lane - Perpendicular 3x5.5
- Pedestrian Lane 1
- New NetPiecePrefab:
- GravelShoulder2.5 Mesh
- GravelShoulderFlat2.5 Mesh
- ParkingLane7 Mesh
- ParkingLane9 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlley5.5 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlley8 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlleyAngled5.5 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlleyAngled8 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlleyEnding5.5 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlleyEnding8 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlleyShoulder1 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlleyShoulder2.5 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlleyShoulderFlat2.5 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlleyShoulderToSidewalk2.5 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAlleyShoulderToSidewalkFlat2.5 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAngled7 Mesh
- ParkingLaneAngled9 Mesh
- ParkingLaneElevatedBottomEdge7 Mesh
- ParkingLaneElevatedBottomEdge9 Mesh
- ParkingLaneElevatedBottomEdgeEnding7 Mesh
- ParkingLaneElevatedBottomEdgeEnding9 Mesh
- ParkingLaneTunnelTop7 Mesh
- ParkingLaneTunnelTop9 Mesh
- ParkingLaneTunnelTopEdgeEnding7 Mesh
- ParkingLaneTunnelTopEdgeEnding9 Mesh
- Pedestrian Street Median Intersection Piece 0
- Pedestrian Street Pedestrian Piece 3
- Sidewalk9 Mesh
- SidewalkFlat9 Mesh
- New NetSectionPrefab:
- Gravel Shoulder 2.5
- Parking Lane 5.5 - Alley
- Parking Lane 8 - Alley
- Parking Lane Angled 5.5 - Alley
- Parking Lane Angled 8 - Alley
- Parking Lane Shoulder 1
- Parking Lane Shoulder 2.5
- Parking Road Median 5
- Pedestrian Street Median 0
- Pedestrian Street Pedestrian Section 3
- Sidewalk With Parking Lane 7
- Sidewalk With Parking Lane 9
- Sidewalk With Parking Lane Angled 7
- Sidewalk With Parking Lane Angled 9
- Sidewalk With Parking Lane Divided 9
- Sidewalk With Parking Lane Divided Angled 9
- New RenderPrefab:
- Carport04 Mesh
- Carport04_LOD1 Mesh
- Carport04_LOD2 Mesh
- CulDeSacLarge02 Mesh
- CulDeSacLarge02_LOD1 Mesh
- CulDeSacLarge02_LOD2 Mesh
- CulDeSacLarge03 Mesh
- CulDeSacLarge03_LOD1 Mesh
- CulDeSacLarge03_LOD2 Mesh
- CulDeSacMedium02 Mesh
- CulDeSacMedium02_LOD1 Mesh
- CulDeSacMedium02_LOD2 Mesh
- CulDeSacMedium03 Mesh
- CulDeSacMedium03_LOD1 Mesh
- CulDeSacMedium03_LOD2 Mesh
- CulDeSacSmall02 Mesh
- CulDeSacSmall02_LOD1 Mesh
- CulDeSacSmall02_LOD2 Mesh
- CulDeSacSmall03 Mesh
- CulDeSacSmall03_LOD1 Mesh
- CulDeSacSmall03_LOD2 Mesh
- CulDeSacXL02 Mesh
- CulDeSacXL02_LOD1 Mesh
- CulDeSacXL02_LOD2 Mesh
- CulDeSacXL03 Mesh
- CulDeSacXL03_LOD1 Mesh
- CulDeSacXL03_LOD2 Mesh
- DoNotEnter01 Placeholder Mesh
- EU_ServiceParkingSign01 Mesh
- EU_ServiceParkingSign01_LOD1 Mesh
- EU_ServiceParkingSign01_LOD2 Mesh
- FireHydrant01 Placeholder Mesh
- FuelFillingSystem01 Mesh
- FuelFillingSystem01_LOD1 Mesh
- FuelFillingSystem01_LOD2 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout04 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout04_LOD1 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout04_LOD2 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout05 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout05_LOD1 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout05_LOD2 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout06 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout06_LOD1 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout06_LOD2 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout07 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout07_LOD1 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout07_LOD2 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout08 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout08_LOD1 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout08_LOD2 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout09 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout09_LOD1 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout09_LOD2 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout10 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout10_LOD1 Mesh
- LargeRoundabout10_LOD2 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout04 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout04_LOD1 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout04_LOD2 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout05 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout05_LOD1 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout05_LOD2 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout06 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout06_LOD1 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout06_LOD2 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout07 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout07_LOD1 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout07_LOD2 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout08 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout08_LOD1 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout08_LOD2 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout09 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout09_LOD1 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout09_LOD2 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout10 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout10_LOD1 Mesh
- MediumRoundabout10_LOD2 Mesh
- MotorwaySign01 Placeholder Mesh
- NA_ServiceParkingSign01 Mesh
- NA_ServiceParkingSign01_LOD1 Mesh
- NA_ServiceParkingSign01_LOD2 Mesh
- NoTurnLeft01 Placeholder Mesh
- NoTurnRight01 Placeholder Mesh
- NoUTurnLeft01 Placeholder Mesh
- NoUTurnRight01 Placeholder Mesh
- OnewaySign01 Placeholder Mesh
- ParkingHall03 Mesh
- ParkingHall03_Ext01 Mesh
- ParkingHall03_Ext01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingHall03_Ext01_LOD2 Mesh
- ParkingHall03_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingHall03_LOD2 Mesh
- ParkingHall04 Mesh
- ParkingHall04_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingHall04_LOD2 Mesh
- ParkingLotCharger02 Mesh
- ParkingLotCharger02_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotCharger02_LOD2 Mesh
- ParkingLotCharger03 Mesh
- ParkingLotCharger03_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotCharger03_LOD2 Mesh
- ParkingLotCharger04 Mesh
- ParkingLotCharger04_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotCharger04_LOD2 Mesh
- ParkingLotDecal05 Mesh
- ParkingLotDoubleDecal02 Mesh
- ParkingLotLongDecal02 Mesh
- ParkingLotSidewaysDecal02 Mesh
- ParkingLotSidewaysDecal03 Mesh
- ParkingSign01 Placeholder Mesh
- ServiceParkingSign01 Placeholder Mesh
- SmallRoundabout04 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout04_LOD1 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout04_LOD2 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout05 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout05_LOD1 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout05_LOD2 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout06 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout06_LOD1 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout06_LOD2 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout07 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout07_LOD1 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout07_LOD2 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout08 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout08_LOD1 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout08_LOD2 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout09 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout09_LOD1 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout09_LOD2 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout10 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout10_LOD1 Mesh
- SmallRoundabout10_LOD2 Mesh
- Speedlimit100 Placeholder Mesh
- Speedlimit120 Placeholder Mesh
- Speedlimit30 Placeholder Mesh
- Speedlimit40 Placeholder Mesh
- Speedlimit50 Placeholder Mesh
- Speedlimit60 Placeholder Mesh
- Speedlimit80 Placeholder Mesh
- StopSign01 Placeholder Mesh
- StreetSign01 Placeholder Mesh
- TaxiDepot02 Mesh
- TaxiDepot02_Ext01 Mesh
- TaxiDepot02_Ext01_LOD1 Mesh
- TaxiDepot02_Ext01_LOD2 Mesh
- TaxiDepot02_Ext02 Mesh
- TaxiDepot02_Ext02_LOD1 Mesh
- TaxiDepot02_Ext02_LOD2 Mesh
- TaxiDepot02_LOD1 Mesh
- TaxiDepot02_LOD2 Mesh
- XLRoundabout04 Mesh
- XLRoundabout04_LOD1 Mesh
- XLRoundabout04_LOD2 Mesh
- XLRoundabout05 Mesh
- XLRoundabout05_LOD1 Mesh
- XLRoundabout05_LOD2 Mesh
- XLRoundabout06 Mesh
- XLRoundabout06_LOD1 Mesh
- XLRoundabout06_LOD2 Mesh
- XLRoundabout07 Mesh
- XLRoundabout07_LOD1 Mesh
- XLRoundabout07_LOD2 Mesh
- XLRoundabout08 Mesh
- XLRoundabout08_LOD1 Mesh
- XLRoundabout08_LOD2 Mesh
- XLRoundabout09 Mesh
- XLRoundabout09_LOD1 Mesh
- XLRoundabout09_LOD2 Mesh
- XLRoundabout10 Mesh
- XLRoundabout10_LOD1 Mesh
- XLRoundabout10_LOD2 Mesh
- YieldSign01 Placeholder Mesh
- New RoadPrefab:
- Alley - Double Sided Parking
- Alley - Double Sided Parking Angled
- Alley Oneway
- Alley Oneway - Double Sided Parking
- Alley Oneway - Double Sided Parking Angled
- Gravel Road Oneway
- Highway Twoway Asymmetric - 1+3 lanes
- Highway Twoway Asymmetric - 2+3 lanes
- Large Road Asymmetric - 2+4 lanes
- Large Road Asymmetric - 2+5 lanes
- Medium Road - Double Sided Parking
- Medium Road - Double Sided Parking Angled
- Medium Road Asymmetric - 1+3 lanes
- Pedestrian Street Small
- Small Road - Double Sided Parking
- Small Road - Double Sided Parking Angled
- Small Road Divided - Double Sided Parking
- Small Road Divided - Double Sided Parking Angled
- Small Road Oneway - Single Sided Parking
- Small Road Oneway - Single Sided Parking Angled
- New StaticObjectPrefab:
- Carport04
- CulDeSacLarge01
- CulDeSacLarge02
- CulDeSacLarge03
- CulDeSacMedium01
- CulDeSacMedium02
- CulDeSacMedium03
- CulDeSacSmall01
- CulDeSacSmall02
- CulDeSacSmall03
- CulDeSacXL02
- CulDeSacXL03
- DoNotEnter01 Placeholder
- EU_ServiceParkingSign01
- FireHydrant01 Placeholder
- FuelFillingSystem01
- LargeRoundabout04
- LargeRoundabout05
- LargeRoundabout06
- LargeRoundabout07
- LargeRoundabout08
- LargeRoundabout09
- LargeRoundabout10
- MediumRoundabout04
- MediumRoundabout05
- MediumRoundabout06
- MediumRoundabout07
- MediumRoundabout08
- MediumRoundabout09
- MediumRoundabout10
- MotorwaySign01 Placeholder
- NA_ServiceParkingSign01
- NoTurnLeft01 Placeholder
- NoTurnRight01 Placeholder
- NoUTurnLeft01 Placeholder
- NoUTurnRight01 Placeholder
- OnewaySign01 Placeholder
- ParkingLotCharger02
- ParkingLotCharger03
- ParkingLotCharger04
- ParkingLotDecal05
- ParkingLotDoubleDecal02
- ParkingLotDoubleServiceDecal02
- ParkingLotLongDecal02
- ParkingLotLongServiceDecal02
- ParkingLotServiceDecal05
- ParkingLotSidewaysDecal02
- ParkingLotSidewaysDecal03
- ParkingLotSidewaysServiceDecal02
- ParkingLotSidewaysServiceDecal03
- ParkingSign01 Placeholder
- ServiceParkingSign01 Placeholder
- Small Virtual Pillar
- SmallRoundabout04
- SmallRoundabout05
- SmallRoundabout06
- SmallRoundabout07
- SmallRoundabout08
- SmallRoundabout09
- SmallRoundabout10
- Speedlimit100 Placeholder
- Speedlimit120 Placeholder
- Speedlimit30 Placeholder
- Speedlimit40 Placeholder
- Speedlimit50 Placeholder
- Speedlimit60 Placeholder
- Speedlimit80 Placeholder
- StopSign01 Placeholder
- StreetSign01 Placeholder
- XLRoundabout04
- XLRoundabout05
- XLRoundabout06
- XLRoundabout07
- XLRoundabout08
- XLRoundabout09
- XLRoundabout10
- YieldSign01 Placeholder
- New UIAssetCategoryPrefab:
- CulDeSacs
- Removed NetLanePrefab:
- Invisible Parking Lane - Perpendicular 3x5.5
- Removed RenderPrefab:
- NoParkingStripingDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- NoParkingStripingDecal02_LOD1 Mesh
- NoParkingStripingDecal03_LOD1 Mesh
- NoParkingStripingDecal04_LOD1 Mesh
- NoParkingTextDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingIconDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingIconDisabledDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingIconElectricDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingIconMotorbikeDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingIconTruckDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotDecal02_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotDecal03_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotDecal04_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotDiagonalDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotDiagonalDecal02_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotDiagonalDecal03_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotDisabledDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotDisabledDecal02_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotDoubleDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotElectricDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotElectricDecal02_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotLongDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotMotorbikeDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingLotSidewaysDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ParkingTextDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- ServiceTextDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- SlowDownTextDecal01_LOD1 Mesh
- Changes to Audio Configuration:
- m_CarEngineCullMaxAmount (7 -> 10)
- Changes to BuildingExtensionPrefab:
- BusStation01 Taxi Stop
- Hospital01 Special Ward
- Landfill01 Garbage Truck Depot
- PostOffice02 Loading Dock
- Prison01 Prison Library
- RecyclingCenter01 Garbage Truck Depot
- RoadMaintenanceDepot01 Extra Garage
- TaxiDepot01 Dispatch Center
- Upgrade Cost (22500 -> 25000)
- Upkeep Cost (6000 -> 2500)
- TaxiDepot01 Electric Taxis
- Upgrade Cost (18000 -> 20000)
- Upkeep Cost (8000 -> 10000)
- Changes to BuildingPrefab:
- Airport01
- AmericanFootballField01
- BasketballCourt01
- BotanicalGarden01
- BusDepot01
- BusStation01
- CampfireSite01
- Cemetery01
- CentralBank01
- CentralInvestigationBureau01
- CityHall01
- CityPark09
- Service Range (1200 -> 2000)
- Service Capacity (640 -> 1000)
- Maintenance Pool (200 -> 400)
- CoalPowerPlant01
- College01
- Crematorium01
- Crematorium01 Hearse Garage
- DesalinationPlant01
- DiseaseControlCenter01
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L1_2x2
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L1_3x2
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L1_3x3
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L1_4x4
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L1_4x5
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L1_4x6
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L2_2x2
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L2_3x2
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L2_3x3
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L2_4x4
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L2_4x5
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L2_4x6
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L3_2x2
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L3_3x2
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L3_3x3
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L3_4x4
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L3_4x5
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L3_4x6
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L4_2x2
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L4_3x2
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L4_3x3
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L4_4x4
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L4_4x5
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L4_4x6
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L5_2x2
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L5_3x2
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L5_3x3
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L5_4x4
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L5_4x5
- EU_CommercialGasStation01_L5_4x6
- EU_CommercialHigh01_L1_6x6
- EU_CommercialHigh01_L2_6x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L1_3x5
- EU_CommercialLow01_L1_3x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L1_4x4
- EU_CommercialLow01_L1_5x5
- EU_CommercialLow01_L1_5x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L1_6x4
- EU_CommercialLow01_L2_2x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L2_3x5
- EU_CommercialLow01_L2_3x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L2_4x4
- EU_CommercialLow01_L2_5x5
- EU_CommercialLow01_L2_5x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L2_6x4
- EU_CommercialLow01_L3_2x3
- EU_CommercialLow01_L3_2x5
- EU_CommercialLow01_L3_2x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L3_3x3
- EU_CommercialLow01_L3_3x5
- EU_CommercialLow01_L3_3x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L3_4x4
- EU_CommercialLow01_L3_5x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L3_6x4
- EU_CommercialLow01_L4_2x5
- EU_CommercialLow01_L4_2x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L4_3x3
- EU_CommercialLow01_L4_3x5
- EU_CommercialLow01_L4_3x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L4_4x4
- EU_CommercialLow01_L4_5x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L4_6x4
- EU_CommercialLow01_L5_2x5
- EU_CommercialLow01_L5_2x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L5_4x4
- EU_CommercialLow01_L5_4x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L5_5x6
- EU_CommercialLow01_L5_6x4
- EU_CommercialLow02_L1_5x6
- EU_CommercialLow02_L2_5x6
- EU_CommercialLow02_L4_5x6
- EU_CommercialLowSignature03
- EU_CommercialMotel01_L1_6x4
- EU_CommercialMotel01_L1_6x6
- EU_CommercialMotel01_L2_6x4
- EU_CommercialMotel01_L2_6x6
- EU_CommercialMotel01_L3_6x6
- EU_CommercialMotel01_L4_6x6
- EU_CommercialMotel01_L5_6x6
- EU_Mixed01_L5_2x4
- EU_MixedSignature02
- EU_ResidentialHigh01_L1_3x5
- EU_ResidentialHigh01_L1_6x4
- EU_ResidentialHigh01_L2_3x5
- EU_ResidentialHigh01_L2_6x4
- EU_ResidentialHigh01_L3_4x4
- EU_ResidentialHigh01_L3_5x5
- EU_ResidentialHigh01_L4_4x4
- EU_ResidentialHigh01_L4_5x5
- EU_ResidentialHighSignature01
- EU_ResidentialHighSignature02
- EU_ResidentialMedium01_L1_4x5
- EU_ResidentialMedium01_L2_4x5
- EU_ResidentialMedium01_L3_2x4
- EU_ResidentialMedium01_L3_2x6
- EU_ResidentialMedium01_L4_2x4
- EU_ResidentialMedium01_L4_2x6
- EU_ResidentialMediumSignature03
- FireHouse01
- Garbage Accumulation (85 -> 65)
- FireHouse02
- Garbage Accumulation (85 -> 65)
- FireStation01
- FootballField01
- GeologicalResearchCenter01
- GrandHotel01
- HazardousWasteProcessingSite01
- HealthResearchInstitute01
- HighSchool01
- HighSchool01 Sports Field
- HighSchool02
- HighSchool03
- Hospital01
- IncinerationPlant01
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_2x2
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_2x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_2x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_2x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_2x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_3x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_3x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_3x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_3x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_4x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_4x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_4x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_5x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_5x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_5x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_6x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L1_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_2x2
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_2x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_2x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_2x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_2x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_3x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_3x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_3x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_3x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_4x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_4x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_4x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_5x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_5x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_5x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_6x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L2_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_2x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_2x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_2x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_3x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_3x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_3x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_4x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_4x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_5x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_5x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_6x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L3_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_2x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_2x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_2x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_3x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_3x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_3x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_4x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_4x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_4x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_5x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_5x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_5x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_6x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L4_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L5_2x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L5_3x3
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L5_3x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L5_4x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L5_5x4
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L5_5x6
- IndustrialManufacturing01_L5_6x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L1_2x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L1_3x3
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L1_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L1_4x5
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L1_4x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L1_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L1_5x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L1_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L2_2x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L2_3x3
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L2_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L2_4x5
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L2_4x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L2_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L2_5x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L2_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L3_2x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L3_3x3
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L3_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L3_4x5
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L3_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L3_5x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L3_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L4_2x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L4_3x3
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L4_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L4_4x5
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L4_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L4_5x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L4_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L5_2x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L5_3x3
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L5_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L5_4x5
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L5_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L5_5x6
- IndustrialManufacturing02_L5_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L1_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L1_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L1_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L2_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L2_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L2_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L3_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L3_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L3_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L4_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L4_5x5
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L4_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L5_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing03_L5_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L1_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L1_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L2_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L2_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L3_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L3_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L4_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L4_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L5_4x4
- IndustrialManufacturing04_L5_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing05_L1_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing05_L2_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing05_L3_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing05_L4_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing05_L5_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing06_L3_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing06_L4_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturing06_L5_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturingSignature02
- IndustrialManufacturingSignature03
- IndustrialManufacturingSignature04
- IndustrialManufacturingSignature05
- IndustrialManufacturingSignature06
- IndustrialManufacturingSignature07
- IndustrialManufacturingSignature08
- IndustrialManufacturingSignature09
- IndustrialManufacturingWarehouse01_L1_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturingWarehouse01_L2_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturingWarehouse01_L3_6x6
- IndustrialManufacturingWarehouse01_L4_6x6
- IndustrialOilHub01_L1
- IndustrialOilHub01_L2
- IndustrialOilHub01_L3
- IndustrialOilHub01_L4
- IndustrialOilHub01_L5
- IndustrialOilHub02_L1
- IndustrialOilHub02_L2
- IndustrialOilHub02_L3
- IndustrialOilHub02_L4
- IndustrialOilHub02_L5
- IndustrialOilHub03_L1
- IndustrialOilHub03_L2
- IndustrialOilHub03_L3
- IndustrialOilHub03_L4
- IndustrialOilHub03_L5
- IndustrialOreHub02_L1
- IndustrialOreHub02_L2
- IndustrialOreHub02_L3
- IndustrialOreHub02_L4
- IndustrialOreHub02_L5
- InternationalAirport01
- Landfill01
- MedicalClinic01
- MedicalClinic02
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L1_2x2
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L1_3x2
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L1_3x3
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L1_4x4
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L1_4x5
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L1_4x6
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L2_2x2
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L2_3x2
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L2_3x3
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L2_4x4
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L2_4x5
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L2_4x6
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L3_2x2
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L3_3x2
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L3_3x3
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L3_4x4
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L3_4x5
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L3_4x6
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L4_2x2
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L4_3x2
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L4_3x3
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L4_4x4
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L4_4x5
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L4_4x6
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L5_2x2
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L5_3x2
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L5_3x3
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L5_4x4
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L5_4x5
- NA_CommercialGasStation01_L5_4x6
- NA_CommercialHigh02_L1_6x6
- NA_CommercialHigh02_L2_6x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L1_2x3
- NA_CommercialLow01_L1_2x5
- NA_CommercialLow01_L1_3x3
- NA_CommercialLow01_L1_3x4
- NA_CommercialLow01_L1_3x5
- NA_CommercialLow01_L1_3x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L1_4x4
- NA_CommercialLow01_L1_4x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L1_5x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L1_6x4
- NA_CommercialLow01_L2_2x3
- NA_CommercialLow01_L2_2x5
- NA_CommercialLow01_L2_3x3
- NA_CommercialLow01_L2_3x4
- NA_CommercialLow01_L2_3x5
- NA_CommercialLow01_L2_3x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L2_4x4
- NA_CommercialLow01_L2_4x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L2_5x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L2_6x4
- NA_CommercialLow01_L3_2x3
- NA_CommercialLow01_L3_2x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L3_3x5
- NA_CommercialLow01_L3_3x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L3_4x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L3_6x4
- NA_CommercialLow01_L4_2x3
- NA_CommercialLow01_L4_2x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L4_3x5
- NA_CommercialLow01_L4_3x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L4_4x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L4_6x4
- NA_CommercialLow01_L5_2x3
- NA_CommercialLow01_L5_2x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L5_3x5
- NA_CommercialLow01_L5_3x6
- NA_CommercialLow01_L5_6x4
- NA_CommercialLow02_L1_5x6
- NA_CommercialLow02_L2_5x6
- NA_CommercialLow02_L3_5x6
- NA_CommercialLow02_L4_5x6
- NA_CommercialLow02_L5_5x6
- NA_CommercialLowSignature02
- NA_CommercialLowSignature03
- NA_CommercialMotel01_L1_6x4
- NA_CommercialMotel01_L1_6x6
- NA_CommercialMotel01_L2_6x4
- NA_CommercialMotel01_L2_6x6
- NA_CommercialMotel01_L3_6x4
- NA_CommercialMotel01_L3_6x6
- NA_CommercialMotel01_L4_6x4
- NA_CommercialMotel01_L4_6x6
- NA_CommercialMotel01_L5_6x6
- NA_MixedSignature01
- NA_ResidentialLowWaterfront01_L3_2x6
- NA_ResidentialLowWaterfront01_L4_2x6
- NA_ResidentialMediumRow02_L5_1x6
- Nasinneula
- ObservationTower01
- OfficeHighSignature01
- OfficeHighSignature02
- OfficeHighSignature03
- OfficeLow01_L1_2x6
- OfficeLow01_L1_3x4
- OfficeLow01_L1_3x6
- OfficeLow01_L1_4x6
- OfficeLow01_L1_5x6
- OfficeLow01_L1_6x6
- OfficeLow01_L2_2x6
- OfficeLow01_L2_3x4
- OfficeLow01_L2_3x6
- OfficeLow01_L2_4x6
- OfficeLow01_L2_5x6
- OfficeLow01_L2_6x6
- OfficeLow01_L3_2x6
- OfficeLow01_L3_3x6
- OfficeLow01_L3_4x6
- OfficeLow01_L3_5x6
- OfficeLow01_L3_6x6
- OfficeLow01_L4_2x6
- OfficeLow01_L4_3x6
- OfficeLow01_L4_4x6
- OfficeLow01_L4_5x6
- OfficeLow01_L4_6x6
- OfficeLow01_L5_2x6
- OfficeLow01_L5_3x4
- OfficeLow01_L5_3x6
- OfficeLow01_L5_4x6
- OfficeLow01_L5_5x6
- OfficeLow01_L5_6x6
- OfficeLow02_L1_5x6
- OfficeLow02_L2_5x6
- OfficeLow02_L3_5x6
- OfficeLow02_L4_5x6
- OfficeLow02_L5_5x6
- OfficeLowSignature01
- OfficeLowSignature02
- ParkingHall01
- Noise Pollution (2500 -> 3500)
- ParkingHall02
- Noise Pollution (2500 -> 1000)
- ParkingLot01
- ParkingLot03
- ParkingLot04
- ParkingLot05
- ParkingLot06
- ParkingLot08
- Garbage Accumulation (80 -> 150)
- ParkingLot09
- ParkingLot10
- ParkMaintenanceDepot01
- PoliceHeadquarters01
- PoliceStation01
- Garbage Accumulation (25 -> 45)
- PoliceStation02
- Garbage Accumulation (25 -> 45)
- PoliceStation03
- Garbage Accumulation (25 -> 45)
- PostOffice01
- PostOffice02
- PostSortingFacility01
- Prison01
- RadioTelescope01
- RailYard01
- RecyclingCenter01
- RoadMaintenanceDepot01
- SatelliteUplink01
- SmallCoalPowerPlant01
- SolarPowerStation01
- SpaceCenter01
- SubwayStationElevated01
- TaxiDepot01
- Upkeep (14000 -> 10000)
- Garbage Accumulation (40 -> 35)
- Vehicle Capacity (20 -> 25)
- Workplaces (20 -> 25)
- TaxiDepot01 Taxi Garage
- Vehicle Capacity (5 -> 10)
- Upgrade Cost (12000 -> 32000)
- Upkeep (6000 -> 3200)
- Electricity Consumption (700 -> 400)
- TechnicalUniversity01
- TelecomTower01
- TennisCourt01
- TrainStation01
- TramDepot01
- University01
- WastewaterTreatmentPlant01
- WaterPark01
- WelfareOffice01
- Changes to BuildingStatusInfomodePrefab:
- Signature Commercial (Occupied range limit fix)
- Changes to EffectPrefab:
- ServiceVehicleHelicopter (Possible fix for walking helicopters)
- Changes to MarkerObjectPrefab (adds
property):- Integrated Bus Stop
- Integrated Cargo Ship Stop
- Integrated Cargo Train Stop
- Integrated Passenger Ship Stop
- Integrated Passenger Train Stop
- Integrated Subway Stop - Middle
- Integrated Subway Stop - Side
- Integrated Taxi Stand
- Subway Spawn Location
- Train Spawn Location
- Tram Spawn Location
- Changes to NetLaneGeometryPrefab (adds
property):- EU Car Stop Line
- EU Car Yield Line
- EU Parking Cross Line
- EU Parking Edge Line
- Gravel Pavement Transition
- NA Car Stop Line
- NA Car Yield Line
- NA Parking Cross Line
- NA Parking Edge Line
- Tiled Transition
- Changes to NetLaneGeometryPrefab (adds
property):- HedgeHigh Placeholder
- HedgeHigh01
- HedgeHigh02
- HedgeLow Placeholder
- HedgeLow01
- HedgeLow02
- Changes to NetLanePrefab (adds
properties):- Alley Boarding Lane 0
- Boarding Lane 0
- Gravel Boarding Lane 0
- Highway Boarding Lane 0
- Invisible Boarding Lane 0
- Invisible Parking Lane - Angled67 2.9x5.9
- Invisible Parking Lane - Parallel 2.9x5.9
- Invisible Parking Lane - Perpendicular 1.3x3.9
- Invisible Parking Lane - Perpendicular 2.9x5.9
- Invisible Parking Lane - Perpendicular 4.7x5.9
- Invisible Parking Lane - Perpendicular 4x13
- Parking Lane 2
- Pedestrian Lane 2
- Public Transport Boarding Lane 0
- Tiled Boarding Lane 0
- Changes to NetPiecePrefab:
- Median Piece 5 - Platform
- Sound Barrier 1
- Sound Barrier 1 - End
- Changes to NotificationIconPrefab:
- No Groundwater
- Now Disabled in Editor
- No Groundwater
- Changes to RenderPrefab (Colour Variation update):
- AirplaneCargo01 Mesh
- AirplanePassenger01 Mesh
- Bus01 Mesh
- Bus02 Mesh
- Bus03 Mesh
- BusMirrored01 Mesh
- BusMirrored02 Mesh
- BusMirrored03 Mesh
- CamperTrailer01 Mesh
- Car01 Mesh
- Car02 Mesh
- Car03 Mesh
- Car04 Mesh
- Car05 Mesh
- Car06 Mesh
- Car07 Mesh
- Car08 Mesh
- Car09 Mesh
- EU_TrainCargoEngine01 Mesh
- EU_TrainPassengerCar01 Mesh
- EU_TrainPassengerEngine01 Mesh
- Motorbike01 Mesh
- MotorbikeDelivery01 Mesh
- MuscleCar01 Mesh
- MuscleCar02 Mesh
- MuscleCar03 Mesh
- MuscleCar04 Mesh
- MuscleCar05 Mesh
- NA_TrainCargoEngine01 Mesh
- NA_TrainPassengerCar01 Mesh
- Scooter01 Mesh
- ShipCargo01 Mesh
- ShipPassenger01 Mesh
- SubwayCar01 Mesh
- SubwayEngine01 Mesh
- TramCar01 Mesh
- TramEngine01 Mesh
- Van01 Mesh
- Changes to RenderPrefab (Animation update):
- HelicopterFire01 Mesh
- HelicopterFire01_LOD1 Mesh
- HelicopterFire01_LOD2 Mesh
- HelicopterHealthcare01 Mesh
- HelicopterHealthcare01_LOD1 Mesh
- HelicopterHealthcare01_LOD2 Mesh
- HelicopterPolice01 Mesh
- HelicopterPolice01_LOD1 Mesh
- HelicopterPolice01_LOD2 Mesh
- NA_TrainPassengerEngine01 Mesh
- NA_TrainPassengerEngine01_LOD1 Mesh
- NA_TrainPassengerEngine01_LOD2 Mesh
- Changes to RenderPrefab (LOD removal):
- NoParkingStripingDecal01 Mesh
- NoParkingStripingDecal02 Mesh
- NoParkingStripingDecal03 Mesh
- NoParkingStripingDecal04 Mesh
- NoParkingTextDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingIconDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingIconDisabledDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingIconElectricDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingIconMotorbikeDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingIconTruckDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingLotDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingLotDecal02 Mesh
- ParkingLotDecal03 Mesh
- ParkingLotDecal04 Mesh
- ParkingLotDiagonalDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingLotDiagonalDecal02 Mesh
- ParkingLotDiagonalDecal03 Mesh
- ParkingLotDisabledDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingLotDisabledDecal02 Mesh
- ParkingLotDoubleDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingLotElectricDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingLotElectricDecal02 Mesh
- ParkingLotLongDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingLotMotorbikeDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingLotSidewaysDecal01 Mesh
- ParkingTextDecal01 Mesh
- ServiceTextDecal01 Mesh
- SlowDownTextDecal01 Mesh
- Changes to RenderPrefab (Lighting update):
- NotreDame Mesh
- RoadMaintenanceVehicle01 Mesh
- Changes to RoadPrefab:
- Highway Oneway - 3 lanes
- XP Reward (3 -> 4)
- Highway Oneway - 4 lanes
- XP Reward (3 -> 4)
- Highway Oneway - 5 lanes
- XP Reward (3 -> 5)
- Highway Twoway - 3 lanes
- XP Reward (7 -> 4)
- Highway Twoway - 4 lanes
- XP Reward (7 -> 4)
- Large Road Asymmetric
- UI Priority (20 -> 33)
- Pedestrian Street
- UI Priority (100 -> 102)
- Suspension Bridge - Highway Oneway - 4 Lanes
- XP Reward (3 -> 4)
- Suspension Bridge - Highway Oneway - 5 Lanes
- XP Reward (3 -> 4)
- Highway Oneway - 3 lanes
- Changes to Route Configuration (Traffic Routes related)
- Changes to StaticObjectPrefab (adds
property):- BushCityRandom01
- BushWildRandom01
- Flowerbed01
- Flowerbed02
- FlowerBushCity01
- FlowerBushCity02
- FlowerBushCity03
- FlowerBushWildChild02
- FlowerBushWildDead02
- FlowerBushWildElderly01
- FlowerPot01
- FlowerPot02
- GardenBed01CornerHigh
- GardenBed01CornerLow
- GardenBed01NarrowHigh
- GardenBed01NarrowLow
- GardenBed01QuadrantHigh
- GardenBed01QuadrantLow
- GardenBed01WideHigh
- GardenBed01WideLow
- GardenBed02CornerHigh
- GardenBed02CornerLow
- GardenBed02NarrowHigh
- GardenBed02NarrowLow
- GardenBed02QuadrantHigh
- GardenBed02QuadrantLow
- GardenBed02WideHigh
- GardenBed02WideLow
- GardenBed03CornerHigh
- GardenBed03CornerLow
- GardenBed03NarrowHigh
- GardenBed03NarrowLow
- GardenBed03QuadrantHigh
- GardenBed03QuadrantLow
- GardenBed03WideHigh
- GardenBed03WideLow
- GardenBedCornerRandom01
- GardenBedNarrowRandom01
- GardenBedQuadrantRandom01
- GardenBedWideRandom01
- GreenBushCity01
- GreenBushCity02
- GreenBushCity03
- GreenBushWildAdult01
- GreenBushWildChild01
- GreenBushWildElderly01
- GreenBushWildTeen01
- PlantPot01
- PlantPot02
- PotRandom01
- TreeCityRandom01
- TreeWildRandom01
- Changes to StaticObjectPrefab (adds
property):- BusStop02 Placeholder
- EU_BusStop01
- EU_BusStop02
- EU_TaxiStop01
- EU_TaxiStop02
- EU_TramStop01
- LargeRoundabout01
- LargeRoundabout02
- LargeRoundabout03
- MediumRoundabout01
- MediumRoundabout02
- MediumRoundabout03
- NA_BusStop01
- NA_BusStop02
- NA_TaxiStop01
- NA_TaxiStop02
- NA_TramStop01
- PostMailbox01
- PowerLinePylon47m01
- PowerLinePylon52m01
- PowerLinePylon57m01
- SmallRoundabout01
- SmallRoundabout02
- SmallRoundabout03
- Subway Station Virtual Pillar
- Subway Vertical Pillar
- Train Vertical Pillar
- Vertical Pillar
- Vertical Pillar Pedestrian
- XLRoundabout01
- XLRoundabout02
- XLRoundabout03
- Changes to StaticObjectPrefab:
- EU_DoNotEnter01
- EU_FireHydrant01
- EU_MotorwaySign01
- EU_NoTurnLeft01
- EU_NoTurnRight01
- EU_NoUTurnLeft01
- EU_NoUTurnRight01
- EU_OnewaySign01
- EU_ParkingSign01
- EU_Speedlimit100
- EU_Speedlimit120
- EU_Speedlimit30
- EU_Speedlimit40
- EU_Speedlimit50
- EU_Speedlimit60
- EU_Speedlimit80
- EU_StopSign01
- EU_StreetSign01
- EU_YieldSign01
- FoodStallRandom01
- Kiosk01
- Kiosk02
- KioskRandom01
- NA_DoNotEnter01
- NA_FireHydrant01
- NA_MotorwaySign01
- NA_NoTurnLeft01
- NA_NoTurnRight01
- NA_NoUTurnLeft01
- NA_NoUTurnRight01
- NA_OnewaySign01
- NA_ParkingSign01
- NA_Speedlimit25
- NA_Speedlimit30
- NA_Speedlimit35
- NA_Speedlimit45
- NA_Speedlimit55
- NA_Speedlimit65
- NA_Speedlimit70
- NA_StopSign01
- NA_StreetSign01
- NA_YieldSign01
- NewspaperVendingMachineRandom01
- ParkingLotDiagonalServiceDecal01
- ParkingLotDiagonalServiceDecal02
- ParkingLotDiagonalServiceDecal03
- ParkingLotDoubleServiceDecal01
- ParkingLotLongServiceDecal01
- ParkingLotServiceDecal01
- ParkingLotServiceDecal02
- ParkingLotServiceDecal03
- ParkingLotServiceDecal04
- ParkingLotSidewaysServiceDecal01
- VendingMachineRandom01
- Changes to TransportLinePrefab:
- Passenger Train Line
- UI Priority (400 -> 499)
- Passenger Train Line
- Changes to Weather Audio Configuration
- Changes to ZonePrefab:
- EU Residential Low Waterfront
- UI Priority (0 -> 1)
- NA Residential Low Waterfront
- UI Priority (0 -> 2)
- Residential LowRent
- UI Priority (25 -> 26)
- EU Residential Low Waterfront
- CompanyNotificationParameterPrefab has new "m_NoCustomersHotelLimit" (0.9)
- NetObject component has new "m_RoadPassThrough" property
- SecondaryLaneInfo2 items has new "m_RequireContinue" property
- PlantObject component has new "m_TreeReplacement" property
- ParkingLane component has new "m_RoadType" and "m_SpecialVehicles" properties
- Increased Student Capacity:
- College01 Extension Wing, MedicalUniversity01 Extension Wing, TechnicalUniversity01 Extension Wing, University01 Extension Wing (500 -> 2500)
- College01 (1000 -> 10000)
- MedicalUniversity01, TechnicalUniversity01 (1500 -> 15000)
- University01 (2000 -> 15000)
- Reduced Garbage Accumulation:
- EmergencyBatteryStation01 (950 -> 500)
- CoalPowerPlant01 (700 -> 350)
- SolarPowerStation01 (1875 -> 800)
- GasPowerPlant01 (600 -> 300)
- GeothermalPowerPlant01 (700 -> 350)
- NuclearPowerPlant01 (300 -> 150)
- DesalinationPlant01 (2000 -> 500)
- WastewaterTreatmentPlant01 (1000 -> 500)
- College01 (7 -> 6)
- MedicalUniversity01, University01 (5 -> 7)
- TechnicalUniversity01 (8 -> 7)
- College01 Extension Wing, College01 Library, TechnicalUniversity01 Extension Wing, TechnicalUniversity01 Workshop Upgrade, University01 Extension Wing, University01 Library, University01 Park (1 -> 0)
- MedicalUniversity01 Extension Wing, MedicalUniversity01 Practice Clinic, MedicalUniversity01 Research Facilities (4 -> 0)
- HealthResearchInstitute01 (600 -> 200)
- EmergencyShelter01 (500 -> 10)
- LargeEmergencyShelter01 (1120 -> 10)
- InternationalAirport01 (626 -> 120)
- SpaceCenter01 (200 -> 100)
- PostSortingFacility01 (305 -> 100)
- Changed UI priorities:
- Electricity
- High-voltage Line (2 -> 50)
- TransformerStation01 (3 -> 100)
- WindTurbine01 (110 -> 130)
- SmallCoalPowerPlant01 (120 -> 140)
- GasPowerPlant01 (130 -> 150)
- EmergencyBatteryStation01 (200 -> 220)
- GeothermalPowerPlant01 (330 -> 310)
- CoalPowerPlant01 (300 -> 320)
- SolarPowerStation01 (400 -> 420)
- NuclearPowerPlant01 (520 -> 500)
- Transportation: Roads
- BusStation02 (19 -> 100)
- BusStation01 (20 -> 200)
- EU_BusStop01 (20 -> 300)
- EU_BusStop02 (30 -> 301)
- NA_BusStop01 (20 -> 302)
- NA_BusStop02 (30 -> 303)
- Double Public Transport Lane (40 -> 400)
- Oneway Public Transport Lane (50 -> 405)
- Bus Line (60 -> 500)
- TaxiDepot01 (70 -> 600)
- EU_TaxiStop01 (80 -> 700)
- EU_TaxiStop02 (90 -> 701)
- NA_TaxiStop01 (80 -> 800)
- NA_TaxiStop02 (90 -> 801)
- Transportation: Tram
- EU_TramStop01 (10 -> 100)
- NA_TramStop01 (10 -> 200)
- Double Tram Track (20 -> 200)
- Oneway Tram Track (30 -> 201)
- Tram Line (40 -> 300)
- Transportation: Train
- TrainStation02 (8 -> 100)
- TrainStation03 (9 -> 200)
- CargoTrainTerminal01 (20 -> 200)
- TrainStation01 (10 -> 300)
- Passenger Train Line (60 -> 400)
- Twoway Train Track (30 -> 400)
- Oneway Train Track (40 -> 410)
- Double Train Track (50 -> 420)
- Cargo Train Route (70 -> 500)
- Transportation: Subway
- SubwayStation03 (5 -> 100)
- SubwayStation02 (10 -> 200)
- SubwayStation01 (20 -> 300)
- SubwayStationElevated01 (30 -> 400)
- SubwayStationElevated01 (40 -> 500)
- Double Subway Track (60 -> 600)
- Oneway Subway Track (70 -> 700)
- Subway Line (80 -> 800)
- Transportation: Water
- CargoHarbor01 (10 -> 100)
- Narrow Seaway (20 -> 200)
- Medium Seaway (30 -> 210)
- Wide Seaway (40 -> 220)
- Passenger Ship Line (50 -> 300)
- Cargo Ship Route (60 -> 310)
- Transportation: Air
- InternationalAirport01 (10 -> 100)
- SpaceCenter01 (20 -> 200)
- Passenger Airplane Line (30 -> 300)
- Cargo Airplane Route (40 -> 400)
- Education: Schools
- ElementarySchool01 (40 -> 20)
- ElementarySchool02 (20 -> 0)
- Education: Research
- LargeHadronCollider01 (510 -> 530)
- Electricity
- Changes to ObjectSubObjects, ObjectSubAreas, EffectSource:
- NA_ResidentialMediumRow01_L1_1x2, NA_ResidentialMediumRow01_L2_1x2, NA_ResidentialMediumRow02_L5_1x3, NA_ResidentialMediumRow02_L5_1x4
- Added CityEffects for RadioTelescope01
- Type changes for BuildingStatusInfomodePrefab:
- Signature Commercial, Signature Industrial, Signature Office
- EffectPrefab audio adjustments:
- DisasterTornadoLoop, UXTutorialCompletedSFX, UXTutorialStartedSFX
- Changed colors for Infomode/Infoview:
- Healthcare, Healthcare Coverage, PostFacility Buildings, Roads
- New Audio cue for Tutorial Completed
- Changes to Tutorials regarding input control
- UIObject component no longer contains "m_LargeIcon" property.
- Workplace component has new "m_MinimumWorkersLimit" property.
- College01, ElementarySchool01, ElementarySchool02, ElementarySchool03, HighSchool01, HighSchool02, HighSchool03, MedicalUniversity01, TechnicalUniversity01, University01: 15.
- Industrial_CottonExtractor, Industrial_ForestryExtractor, Industrial_GrainExtractor, Industrial_LivestockExtractor, Industrial_OilExtractor, Industrial_OreExtractor, Industrial_VegetableExtractor: 1.
- LightEffect component now has "m_LightIntensity" property.
- New Pathfind parameter: m_CurveAngleCost.
- New Demand parameter: m_HotelRoomPercentRequirement.
- Pollution parameters changed.
- AttractivenessParameters now uses parameters like AttractiveTemperature, ExtremeTemperature, RainEffectRange, SnowEffectRange ,TemperatureAffect, SnowRainExtremeAffect instead of Raininess, Cloudiness.
- LeisureParameters now include m_TouristLodgingConsumePerDay and m_TouristServiceConsumePerDay.
- RadioEvent component now have m_EmergencyFrameDelay property.
- TutorialBalloonPrefab now have m_ControlScheme property.
- Removed ZonePreferenceParameters m_ResidentialSignificancePollutionDelta.
- Infoviews are now locked until starting Road Basics tutorial.
- Infoviews color changes.
- Removed BuildingInfomode icons for Commercial Buildings, Industrial Buildings, Office Buildings, Residential Buildings, Signature Commercial, Signature Industrial, Signature Office, Signature Residential and replaced with BuildingStatusInfomode.
- Removed unused "AchievementFilter" from NA_ResidentialMediumRow03_L3_1x6.
- Helipad Airspace added to PoliceStation03 Helipad.
- SpaceCenter01 now provides CityIndoor leisure.
- SubwayStation01, SubwayStation02, SubwayStation03, SubwayStationElevated01 garbage accumulation increased by 140% (125 -> 300).
- SubwayStationElevated02 garbage accumulation decreased by 67% (150 -> 50).
- SubwayStation01, SubwayStation02 workplaces decreased by 100% (10 -> 0).
- SubwayStationElevated02 workplaces increased (0 -> 10).
- Bulldozer Tool no longer needs to be unlocked.
- Bus03 now uses DisasterControl icon.
- New "UIShortcut" component.
- Bulldozer Tool, all UIAssetMenuPrefab
- District Area selection color changed? (#00b3ffcf -> #00ff12cf).
- Warning and Error highlight colors are now brighter.
- Effect update for IndustrialVehicleExcavator, PrivateVehicle*, ServiceVehicle*, TransportationVehicle*
- New "NightForest" audio/effect.
- New RelocateBuildingSFX
- New RadioEvent: Celebrity Interview, Free Public Transport.
- Building Fire spread probability increased (0.05 -> 0.3).