diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f18643c00..0d1e4ab8e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -187,6 +187,18 @@ documents and developers who want to build their own RAG pipeline.
+- Install LightRAG: `pip install git+https://github.com/HKUDS/LightRAG.git`
+- `LightRAG` install might introduce version conflicts, see [this issue](https://github.com/Cinnamon/kotaemon/issues/440)
+ - To quickly fix: `pip uninstall hnswlib chroma-hnswlib && pip install chroma-hnswlib`
+- Launch Kotaemon with `USE_LIGHTRAG=true` environment variable.
+- Set your default LLM & Embedding models in Resources setting and it will be recognized automatically from LightRAG.
- **Non-Docker Installation**: If you are not using Docker, install GraphRAG with the following command:
diff --git a/flowsettings.py b/flowsettings.py
index 5513f582c..a2f9e4c41 100644
--- a/flowsettings.py
+++ b/flowsettings.py
@@ -287,41 +287,31 @@
USE_NANO_GRAPHRAG = config("USE_NANO_GRAPHRAG", default=False, cast=bool)
- "ktem.index.file.graph.GraphRAGIndex"
- else "ktem.index.file.graph.NanoGraphRAGIndex"
+USE_LIGHTRAG = config("USE_LIGHTRAG", default=False, cast=bool)
+ GRAPHRAG_INDEX_TYPE = "ktem.index.file.graph.NanoGraphRAGIndex"
+ GRAPHRAG_INDEX_TYPE = "ktem.index.file.graph.LightRAGIndex"
+ GRAPHRAG_INDEX_TYPE = "ktem.index.file.graph.GraphRAGIndex"
- {
- "name": "GraphRAG",
- "config": {
- "supported_file_types": (
- ".png, .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff, .tif, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, "
- ".pptx, .csv, .html, .mhtml, .txt, .md, .zip"
- ),
- "private": False,
- },
- "index_type": "ktem.index.file.graph.GraphRAGIndex",
- }
- else {
- "name": "NanoGraphRAG",
- "config": {
- "supported_file_types": (
- ".png, .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff, .tif, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, "
- ".pptx, .csv, .html, .mhtml, .txt, .md, .zip"
- ),
- "private": False,
- },
- "index_type": "ktem.index.file.graph.NanoGraphRAGIndex",
- }
+ "name": GRAPHRAG_INDEX_TYPE.split(".")[-1].replace("Index", ""), # get last name
+ "config": {
+ "supported_file_types": (
+ ".png, .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff, .tif, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, "
+ ".pptx, .csv, .html, .mhtml, .txt, .md, .zip"
+ ),
+ "private": False,
+ },
+ "index_type": GRAPHRAG_INDEX_TYPE,
diff --git a/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/__init__.py b/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/__init__.py
index e2836f704..afe1db443 100644
--- a/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/__init__.py
+++ b/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from .graph_index import GraphRAGIndex
+from .light_graph_index import LightRAGIndex
from .nano_graph_index import NanoGraphRAGIndex
-__all__ = ["GraphRAGIndex", "NanoGraphRAGIndex"]
+__all__ = ["GraphRAGIndex", "NanoGraphRAGIndex", "LightRAGIndex"]
diff --git a/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/light_graph_index.py b/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/light_graph_index.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..583945eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/light_graph_index.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+from typing import Any
+from ..base import BaseFileIndexRetriever
+from .graph_index import GraphRAGIndex
+from .lightrag_pipelines import LightRAGIndexingPipeline, LightRAGRetrieverPipeline
+class LightRAGIndex(GraphRAGIndex):
+ def _setup_indexing_cls(self):
+ self._indexing_pipeline_cls = LightRAGIndexingPipeline
+ def _setup_retriever_cls(self):
+ self._retriever_pipeline_cls = [LightRAGRetrieverPipeline]
+ def get_retriever_pipelines(
+ self, settings: dict, user_id: int, selected: Any = None
+ ) -> list["BaseFileIndexRetriever"]:
+ _, file_ids, _ = selected
+ retrievers = [
+ LightRAGRetrieverPipeline(
+ file_ids=file_ids,
+ Index=self._resources["Index"],
+ )
+ ]
+ return retrievers
diff --git a/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/lightrag_pipelines.py b/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/lightrag_pipelines.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5144828d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/lightrag_pipelines.py
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+import asyncio
+import glob
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Generator
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from ktem.db.models import engine
+from ktem.embeddings.manager import embedding_models_manager as embeddings
+from ktem.llms.manager import llms
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
+from theflow.settings import settings
+from kotaemon.base import Document, Param, RetrievedDocument
+from kotaemon.base.schema import AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage
+from ..pipelines import BaseFileIndexRetriever
+from .pipelines import GraphRAGIndexingPipeline
+from .visualize import create_knowledge_graph, visualize_graph
+ from lightrag import LightRAG, QueryParam
+ from lightrag.operate import (
+ _find_most_related_edges_from_entities,
+ _find_most_related_text_unit_from_entities,
+ )
+ from lightrag.utils import EmbeddingFunc, compute_args_hash
+except ImportError:
+ print(
+ (
+ "LightRAG dependencies not installed. "
+ "Try `pip install git+https://github.com/HKUDS/LightRAG.git` to install. "
+ "LighthRAG retriever pipeline will not work properly."
+ )
+ )
+filestorage_path = Path(settings.KH_FILESTORAGE_PATH) / "lightrag"
+filestorage_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+def get_llm_func(model):
+ async def llm_func(
+ prompt, system_prompt=None, history_messages=[], **kwargs
+ ) -> str:
+ input_messages = [SystemMessage(text=system_prompt)] if system_prompt else []
+ hashing_kv = kwargs.pop("hashing_kv", None)
+ if history_messages:
+ for msg in history_messages:
+ if msg.get("role") == "user":
+ input_messages.append(HumanMessage(text=msg["content"]))
+ else:
+ input_messages.append(AIMessage(text=msg["content"]))
+ input_messages.append(HumanMessage(text=prompt))
+ if hashing_kv is not None:
+ args_hash = compute_args_hash("model", input_messages)
+ if_cache_return = await hashing_kv.get_by_id(args_hash)
+ if if_cache_return is not None:
+ return if_cache_return["return"]
+ output = model(input_messages).text
+ print("-" * 50)
+ print(output, "\n", "-" * 50)
+ if hashing_kv is not None:
+ await hashing_kv.upsert({args_hash: {"return": output, "model": "model"}})
+ return output
+ return llm_func
+def get_embedding_func(model):
+ async def embedding_func(texts: list[str]) -> np.ndarray:
+ outputs = model(texts)
+ embedding_outputs = np.array([doc.embedding for doc in outputs])
+ return embedding_outputs
+ return embedding_func
+def get_default_models_wrapper():
+ # setup model functions
+ default_embedding = embeddings.get_default()
+ default_embedding_dim = len(default_embedding(["Hi"])[0].embedding)
+ embedding_func = EmbeddingFunc(
+ embedding_dim=default_embedding_dim,
+ max_token_size=8192,
+ func=get_embedding_func(default_embedding),
+ )
+ print("GraphRAG embedding dim", default_embedding_dim)
+ default_llm = llms.get_default()
+ llm_func = get_llm_func(default_llm)
+ return llm_func, embedding_func, default_llm, default_embedding
+def prepare_graph_index_path(graph_id: str):
+ root_path = Path(filestorage_path) / graph_id
+ input_path = root_path / "input"
+ return root_path, input_path
+def list_of_list_to_df(data: list[list]) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ df = pd.DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0])
+ return df
+def clean_quote(input: str) -> str:
+ return re.sub(r"[\"']", "", input)
+async def lightrag_build_local_query_context(
+ graph_func,
+ query,
+ query_param,
+ knowledge_graph_inst = graph_func.chunk_entity_relation_graph
+ entities_vdb = graph_func.entities_vdb
+ text_chunks_db = graph_func.text_chunks
+ results = await entities_vdb.query(query, top_k=query_param.top_k)
+ if not len(results):
+ raise ValueError("No results found")
+ node_datas = await asyncio.gather(
+ *[knowledge_graph_inst.get_node(r["entity_name"]) for r in results]
+ )
+ node_degrees = await asyncio.gather(
+ *[knowledge_graph_inst.node_degree(r["entity_name"]) for r in results]
+ )
+ node_datas = [
+ {**n, "entity_name": k["entity_name"], "rank": d}
+ for k, n, d in zip(results, node_datas, node_degrees)
+ if n is not None
+ ]
+ use_text_units = await _find_most_related_text_unit_from_entities(
+ node_datas, query_param, text_chunks_db, knowledge_graph_inst
+ )
+ use_relations = await _find_most_related_edges_from_entities(
+ node_datas, query_param, knowledge_graph_inst
+ )
+ logging.info(
+ f"Local query uses {len(node_datas)} entities, "
+ f"{len(use_relations)} relations, {len(use_text_units)} text units"
+ )
+ entites_section_list = [["id", "entity", "type", "description", "rank"]]
+ for i, n in enumerate(node_datas):
+ entites_section_list.append(
+ [
+ str(i),
+ clean_quote(n["entity_name"]),
+ n.get("entity_type", "UNKNOWN"),
+ clean_quote(n.get("description", "UNKNOWN")),
+ n["rank"],
+ ]
+ )
+ entities_df = list_of_list_to_df(entites_section_list)
+ relations_section_list = [
+ ["id", "source", "target", "description", "keywords", "weight", "rank"]
+ ]
+ for i, e in enumerate(use_relations):
+ relations_section_list.append(
+ [
+ str(i),
+ clean_quote(e["src_tgt"][0]),
+ clean_quote(e["src_tgt"][1]),
+ clean_quote(e["description"]),
+ e["keywords"],
+ e["weight"],
+ e["rank"],
+ ]
+ )
+ relations_df = list_of_list_to_df(relations_section_list)
+ text_units_section_list = [["id", "content"]]
+ for i, t in enumerate(use_text_units):
+ text_units_section_list.append([str(i), t["content"]])
+ sources_df = list_of_list_to_df(text_units_section_list)
+ return entities_df, relations_df, sources_df
+def build_graphrag(working_dir, llm_func, embedding_func):
+ graphrag_func = LightRAG(
+ working_dir=working_dir,
+ llm_model_func=llm_func,
+ embedding_func=embedding_func,
+ )
+ return graphrag_func
+class LightRAGIndexingPipeline(GraphRAGIndexingPipeline):
+ """GraphRAG specific indexing pipeline"""
+ def call_graphrag_index(self, graph_id: str, docs: list[Document]):
+ _, input_path = prepare_graph_index_path(graph_id)
+ input_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ (
+ llm_func,
+ embedding_func,
+ default_llm,
+ default_embedding,
+ ) = get_default_models_wrapper()
+ print(
+ f"Indexing GraphRAG with LLM {default_llm} "
+ f"and Embedding {default_embedding}..."
+ )
+ all_docs = [
+ doc.text for doc in docs if doc.metadata.get("type", "text") == "text"
+ ]
+ yield Document(
+ channel="debug",
+ text="[GraphRAG] Creating index... This can take a long time.",
+ )
+ # remove all .json files in the input_path directory (previous cache)
+ json_files = glob.glob(f"{input_path}/*.json")
+ for json_file in json_files:
+ os.remove(json_file)
+ # indexing
+ graphrag_func = build_graphrag(
+ input_path,
+ llm_func=llm_func,
+ embedding_func=embedding_func,
+ )
+ # output must be contain: Loaded graph from
+ # ..input/graph_chunk_entity_relation.graphml with xxx nodes, xxx edges
+ total_docs = len(all_docs)
+ process_doc_count = 0
+ yield Document(
+ channel="debug",
+ text=f"[GraphRAG] Indexed {process_doc_count} / {total_docs} documents.",
+ )
+ for doc_id in range(0, len(all_docs), INDEX_BATCHSIZE):
+ cur_docs = all_docs[doc_id : doc_id + INDEX_BATCHSIZE]
+ graphrag_func.insert(cur_docs)
+ process_doc_count += len(cur_docs)
+ yield Document(
+ channel="debug",
+ text=(
+ f"[GraphRAG] Indexed {process_doc_count} "
+ f"/ {total_docs} documents."
+ ),
+ )
+ yield Document(
+ channel="debug",
+ text="[GraphRAG] Indexing finished.",
+ )
+ def stream(
+ self, file_paths: str | Path | list[str | Path], reindex: bool = False, **kwargs
+ ) -> Generator[
+ Document, None, tuple[list[str | None], list[str | None], list[Document]]
+ ]:
+ file_ids, errors, all_docs = yield from super().stream(
+ file_paths, reindex=reindex, **kwargs
+ )
+ return file_ids, errors, all_docs
+class LightRAGRetrieverPipeline(BaseFileIndexRetriever):
+ """GraphRAG specific retriever pipeline"""
+ Index = Param(help="The SQLAlchemy Index table")
+ file_ids: list[str] = []
+ def _build_graph_search(self):
+ file_id = self.file_ids[0]
+ # retrieve the graph_id from the index
+ with Session(engine) as session:
+ graph_id = (
+ session.query(self.Index.target_id)
+ .filter(self.Index.source_id == file_id)
+ .filter(self.Index.relation_type == "graph")
+ .first()
+ )
+ graph_id = graph_id[0] if graph_id else None
+ assert graph_id, f"GraphRAG index not found for file_id: {file_id}"
+ _, input_path = prepare_graph_index_path(graph_id)
+ input_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ llm_func, embedding_func, _, _ = get_default_models_wrapper()
+ graphrag_func = build_graphrag(
+ input_path,
+ llm_func=llm_func,
+ embedding_func=embedding_func,
+ )
+ query_params = QueryParam(mode="local", only_need_context=True)
+ return graphrag_func, query_params
+ def _to_document(self, header: str, context_text: str) -> RetrievedDocument:
+ return RetrievedDocument(
+ text=context_text,
+ metadata={
+ "file_name": header,
+ "type": "table",
+ "llm_trulens_score": 1.0,
+ },
+ score=1.0,
+ )
+ def format_context_records(
+ self, entities, relationships, sources
+ ) -> list[RetrievedDocument]:
+ docs = []
+ context: str = ""
+ # entities current parsing error
+ header = "Entities\n"
+ context = entities[["entity", "description"]].to_markdown(index=False)
+ docs.append(self._to_document(header, context))
+ header = "\nRelationships\n"
+ context = relationships[["source", "target", "description"]].to_markdown(
+ index=False
+ )
+ docs.append(self._to_document(header, context))
+ header = "\nSources\n"
+ context = ""
+ for _, row in sources.iterrows():
+ title, content = row["id"], row["content"]
+ context += f"\n\nSource #{title}
+ context += content
+ docs.append(self._to_document(header, context))
+ return docs
+ def plot_graph(self, relationships):
+ G = create_knowledge_graph(relationships)
+ plot = visualize_graph(G)
+ return plot
+ def run(
+ self,
+ text: str,
+ ) -> list[RetrievedDocument]:
+ if not self.file_ids:
+ return []
+ graphrag_func, query_params = self._build_graph_search()
+ entities, relationships, sources = asyncio.run(
+ lightrag_build_local_query_context(graphrag_func, text, query_params)
+ )
+ documents = self.format_context_records(entities, relationships, sources)
+ plot = self.plot_graph(relationships)
+ return documents + [
+ RetrievedDocument(
+ text="",
+ metadata={
+ "file_name": "GraphRAG",
+ "type": "plot",
+ "data": plot,
+ },
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/nano_pipelines.py b/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/nano_pipelines.py
index b3f6b9594..332edcd1c 100644
--- a/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/nano_pipelines.py
+++ b/libs/ktem/ktem/index/file/graph/nano_pipelines.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- from nano_graphrag._utils import EmbeddingFunc
+ from nano_graphrag._utils import EmbeddingFunc, compute_args_hash
except ImportError:
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
filestorage_path = Path(settings.KH_FILESTORAGE_PATH) / "nano_graphrag"
filestorage_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def get_llm_func(model):
async def llm_func(
@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ async def llm_func(
) -> str:
input_messages = [SystemMessage(text=system_prompt)] if system_prompt else []
+ hashing_kv = kwargs.pop("hashing_kv", None)
if history_messages:
for msg in history_messages:
if msg.get("role") == "user":
@@ -61,11 +64,21 @@ async def llm_func(
+ if hashing_kv is not None:
+ args_hash = compute_args_hash("model", input_messages)
+ if_cache_return = await hashing_kv.get_by_id(args_hash)
+ if if_cache_return is not None:
+ return if_cache_return["return"]
output = model(input_messages).text
print("-" * 50)
print(output, "\n", "-" * 50)
+ if hashing_kv is not None:
+ await hashing_kv.upsert({args_hash: {"return": output, "model": "model"}})
return output
return llm_func
@@ -196,7 +209,6 @@ def build_graphrag(working_dir, llm_func, embedding_func):
- embedding_func_max_async=4,
return graphrag_func
@@ -241,7 +253,23 @@ def call_graphrag_index(self, graph_id: str, docs: list[Document]):
# output must be contain: Loaded graph from
# ..input/graph_chunk_entity_relation.graphml with xxx nodes, xxx edges
- graphrag_func.insert(all_docs)
+ total_docs = len(all_docs)
+ process_doc_count = 0
+ yield Document(
+ channel="debug",
+ text=f"[GraphRAG] Indexed {process_doc_count} / {total_docs} documents.",
+ )
+ for doc_id in range(0, len(all_docs), INDEX_BATCHSIZE):
+ cur_docs = all_docs[doc_id : doc_id + INDEX_BATCHSIZE]
+ graphrag_func.insert(cur_docs)
+ process_doc_count += len(cur_docs)
+ yield Document(
+ channel="debug",
+ text=(
+ f"[GraphRAG] Indexed {process_doc_count} "
+ f"/ {total_docs} documents."
+ ),
+ )
yield Document(