- fixed faucet fluid dupe
- fixed blackboard item renderer
- improved quiver logic to use mouse sensitivity
- improved bomb particle emission to be bigger, centered on a circle
- bomb smoke particles were changed
- fixed some issues with jars and goblet fluids
- wind vane uses an entity model now with proper shading
- crystal displays can be chained
- book pile generation fix
- quiver pick up arrow fix
- quiver can now have arrows be inserted from off hand
- blackboard undo button**
- added a recipe to clear item lore
- fixed feather block particles not showing for other players
- fixed crank particles not showing for other players
- trapped presents will hide their names
- plants above planters will appear centered even when sodium is on
- you can now insert ropes into rope arrows from your inventory
- sprinting on flint blocks with iron boots will cause sparks
- fixed a rare issue with enderman heads
- fixed wrench particles and sounds not showing for other players
- projectile weapons can now show their arrow as preview
- cages and jars cant go in container items anymore
- Fixed bellows hitbox
- you can now wash the upper and lower part of a sign post independently
- fixed soap interaction not spawning bubble particles on servers
- fixed soap cleaning being able to clean multiple things at once
- Fixed a very rare crash with quivers and server players
- Ash can no longer spawn from non solid blocks
- suds particles will break when in contact with a block
- playing flute and using bubble blower will emit sculk vibrations
- Feather falling can now prevent all kind of bubble block breaking, not just from falling
- Fixed some containers causing issues in spectator
- Added /supplementaries dimension command, allows to teleport to dimensions
- Playing a flute will make parrots dance (in cages and on shoulder too)
- thrown bricks and bombs renderer is how centered on their hitbox
- added record command to fabric (thanks ot laite07)
- wind vanes and cannons now use a flywheel model (when flywheel is on)
- fixed some client desync issues with bomb explosions
- added /supplementaries registry command, lists all the content of a registry
- improved turn table and wrench rotation logic fixing some bugs and inconsistencies
- Fixed some dupes with falling urns
- added cannon map marker
- slingshot can shoot buckets
- slingshot can shoot damaging projectiles in a tag
- fixed quill maps not supporting vanilla decorations properly
- new present sounds
- new crank textures and model
- new gold door, trapdoor and hourglass textures
- new faucet texture and model
- fixed mob head effects not clearing properly
- mob head effects will now only work in first person
- (fabric fix) redstone wire will only connect to back of a relayer
- fixed overencumbered tag not taking stack tag into account
- changed slingshot particle
- you can now have a 2 faced clock block
- wind vanes compat for wilder wild
- fixed an issue with FD stick logged tomatoes compat
- improved dispenser projectiles behaviors (slimeballs ender pears and bricks) to fail when a solid face block is placed against the dispenser, falling back on existing behaviors
- changed many sounds to have their own sound event with their own subtitles